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"Yeah, my old lady was just like you," Kevin said, watching as the girl's nipples stiffened and turned a darker red. "She couldn't keep her ass still when my old man started workin' in on her. Shit, the more he laid into her, the more she loved it. She'd come right there… right there where you're sittin', right in front of me, not carin' what she was doing," Kevin said, his voice trembling.

"I'm… sorry," Candy said.

"No need to be," he muttered, screwing the other instrument tightly. Her cuntlips were so far apart Candy wondered if they'd ever stretch back again.

Kevin smiled grimly, then turned and went back to the box and rummaged. She watched him throw various harnesses and rings behind him. Then the young man discovered what he'd been looking for.

"Yeah, he used this on her lots," Kevin muttered, holding up several heavy iron rings with screws attached to one end. He started attaching them to her nipples, screwing the rings so tightly that her nipples throbbed with pain. Candy curled her fingers, breaking several nails, gritting her teeth, refusing to scream. She had to survive this madness.

"Please, I'm not your mother, Kevin. You don't have to punish me," the girl pleaded.

"I know that."

But Candy sensed she was part of a weird fantasy slowly taking over the young man's mind. He was changing in front of her, his attitude growing less violent and erratic, more steady and fierce. The young woman began to realize the pain and lust and fear that must have coursed through Kevin's mother's veins so many years ago in this room.

The blond next took some cord from the box and bound her chaffed wrists to the legs of the table, stretching her arms over her head. The cord was thin, made of nylon, and cut easily into her flesh. It was a warning, letting Candy know that the more she struggled, the more it would hurt.

"Now, to finish you up," he whispered, taking another length of cord and binding her ankles to her thighs with her knees standing straight up in the air. It was a strange, grotesque position. Kevin seemed to know what he was doing, carefully tying the knots, measuring the rope, making sure her legs were in just the right position before tying them.

At first the blonde teen wanted to cry for help. She thought of Ben and Jack. Then the girl realized she'd get no help in that quarter.

"There," he said, tightening the ropes around her wrists.

Candy squealed, snapping her head to one side as she felt the rough line bite into her flesh.

"You'll break my wrist if you keep this up," she wailed.

"Come on, honey, you're diggin' this." To prove his point the young man reached down and cupped her cuntal mound with one hand. Curling his fingers he rubbed his palm back and forth over the furry warm swell, watching Candy's face blanch as her pussy actually moved under that light pressure.

Snickering at her helplessness he attached a loop to one knee next, ran the rope under the table, then slid it around her other knee. This way he was able to keep her from snapping her, legs and thighs protectively together.

"Now," he began as he surveyed his handiwork, "we're gonna have ourselves a little fun."

As she watched Kevin unbutton his shirt and unzip his pants, the girl sensed she was about to endure a weird kind of sex. She struggled, her movements and grunts exciting the young man further.

"That's it, baby, fight for it! Go for it! Try to get out. You can't."

She saw his full cock – hard, hot, thick and long, jutting out like a barber pole; the only thing missing being the red and white stripes.

He kept his eyes on her, backing toward the box and pushing back one hand. He fished blindly around, then pulled out what looked like a riding crop. Candy's eyes widened, and suddenly the thought of being strung up on that hook didn't seem so bad after all. She wriggled fiercely, making soft grunting sounds in her throat while a coat of perspiration broke out all over her body. Her scalp crinkled with terror as Kevin approached her.

"Fun," he repeated mechanically.

"No, don't, please!"

Kevin brought down the thin end of the crop down hard between her thighs. The leather thong whipped out and struck her cunt, making her shriek loudly while wallowing her shoulders against the table top. The crop struck a second time… and a third time. Now the young man began bruising her pussy, his breathing becoming labored while the girl thrashed around as best she could. The puffing of those awful screws on her cuntlips seemed to make the cutting pain even worse!

"Stop it… oh, God, what are you doing to me?"

"Come on, honey, you know," Kevin muttered, running his fingers up and down her greasy cleft. Candy stiffened her back, jerking her head to one side and setting her jaw firmly. No, no, this was wrong! How could she possibly be enjoying this sort of torture? All those men fucking her was one thing. Somehow she might be able to come to terms with herself later on. But here, this?

The young man kept on hitting her, striking the girl again and again. Tiny red and purple welts marred her flesh as Candy twisted and jerked on the table top.

"Don't you dig it, baby? I mean, don't it kinda turn you on?"

"No, oh God, no!"

"Come on, ask me to stop, go on, ask me!" Kevin almost shouted, his eyes blazing with hellish fury as he continued striking the leather crop across her jiggling tits and thighs. Sweat trickled down his firm, thick-muscled body. His dick was standing straight out, twitching from side to side with every violent move he made. His balls tightened and rolled forward as he brought down his arm again and again. Candy watched his muscles tighten and ripple as he beat her.

"Stop it, please!" Candy cried, willing to do anything he demanded as long as the beating stopped.

"Just like my old lady," he muttered, turning the rod around and jamming the handle in her hole. Candy squealed, her knees snapping apart farther as the cold leather scraped painfully against her cuntal walls. She tried to work her way up on the table, squirm away from the cold, cutting thing. But it was impossible! Kevin growled like a dog, rubbing his dick against the side of the table while shoving in another inch of the riding crop. She could hear the sloppy wet sounds of that instrument spearing deeper and deeper into her hole!

"Little cunt… man, you'd take anything up that fuckin' pussy, wouldn't you?"

Candy started bunching back involuntarily, feeling her muscles tightening around the strange invader, milking it, actually sucking it in! She cried out, the cords sticking out from her neck while tears rolled down her cheeks. No, this was awful! She was actually fucking a stick, letting her cunt spin out of control as it grabbed tightly onto the riding crop! Ohhhh, how she hated Kevin! At this moment she wanted to drive a knife in him!


With that the young man threw his body on top of hers, his mouth hungrily searching for hers. But when he kissed her he bit her lips, making the girl squirm and shout more frenziedly.

"No, no, don't!" she shrieked, curling her fingers, wishing she could drive her nails deep into his flesh.

"Haven't had enough, eh?"

He raised himself slightly off her body and brought the flat of one hand hard across one cheek, then backhanded her. Candy felt the room spin around while multi-colored stars exploded in front of her. And yet, in spite of the pain and humiliation, the hellish flames of this sick sexual arousal raced through her belly and cunt. The more Kevin abused and tormented her, the more excited she was becoming! It was as if another person had taken her place and she was standing on the sidelines, shocked at what she was looking at!

"Just wait, baby. I'm gonna drag you through the dirt just like my old man to my mother and me," Kevin muttered.

Candy squirmed and strained under his hands as he once more sank his tongue into her mouth. The teen thought several times about biting his lips, his tongue, then thought better of it. Right now he seemed more interested in fucking her than in huffing her. Candy didn't want to change his mind back to the riding crop. Later… she'd get her revenge later.