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Candy thought someone had punched her in the belly. The breath left her lungs while every nerve ending in her body stood up with arousal. She screamed, her head snapping back while her fingers dug into her palms. Her feet moved back, hitting Jack in the ankles while her tits rolled and bounced together.

Just as quickly the incredible surge of heat and power was gone. Candy relaxed, slumping back, her knees buckling. Beads of cold sweat broke out on her forehead. It was then she realized the electrical surge had stimulated her pussy. In spite of the pain and terror, she was getting hot again!

"Nice, eh? Wait'll you try this one."

Kevin tightened his fingers around the handle and turned the wheel a full circle this time. The increased voltage had its predicted affect on the young girl. Candy screamed more loudly than before, her body shuddering. Her eyelids flickered open while her head snapped from side to side. The girl's legs kicked out while more sweat broke out over her white, smooth flesh. Her nipples were growing darker and longer. A musky aroma began to fill the room, an indication that her cunt was juicing, growing tight and hot, responding positively to the powerful electrical surges.


Candy slumped forward, her hair curtaining her face. Her shoulders sagged down while her knees buckled completely it was only Jack's positioning of his legs against hers and his powerful arms that kept her vertical. One of the clamps slipped off her left nipple.

"That's all right. We'll do with what we've got," Kevin muttered, his face darkening with excitement as he gave the wheel two turns now.


Jack struggled to keep his balance as the blonde teen kicked, twisted and jerked in his grip. She had turned into a madwoman, her legs nearly kicking the wires free from her body. Her pubes and nipple had turned a dark reddish purple from the latest surge while a fresh river of pussy juice seeped from her fuck slit and wet down her thighs.

"See what you are, baby? Honey, you ain't better 'n us," Kevin said, laughing at her.

Candy raised her head a little and peered through her hanging blonde hair.

"I… never said I was," she stammered, bringing her thighs together and rubbing them against one another. She was beginning to feel pure animal again. The slick rubbing sensation of her cuntal walls against one another and against her clit made her shamelessly grind like that in front of the men.

"No, but you thought it. All you Goddamned cunts think it. That's what this night was about, baby. I don't know where you're from or what your problem is. But you ain't never gonna think about it the same way from now on," he said, giving the wheel four continuous turns.

Candy could remember only the increasing surge of electricity making her body feel as if it were going to explode. Brilliant lights sparkled in front of her eyes as she felt her clit swell up and blow apart. It was a wild electrical orgasm, making her gasp, retch, scream like a wounded animal while more voltage passed through her body. The world seemed to crash into her cunt as she let out a final shriek, then collapsed into unconsciousness.

When she awoke Candy found herself clothed, slumped on a bus bench not too far from where Kevin and his friends had found her on that street. Oh, how sore her body was! The girl groaned, closing her eyes and rubbing the back of her head. The cold early morning air bit at her face as she stood up unsteadily and walked across the street. Her opened suitcase was still in the gutter. Tears filled her eyes as she picked it up and closed the top.

"I want to go home," she sobbed, biting her lower lip, then holding the suitcase tightly to her body as she staggered through the neighborhood toward her mother's house.

At first afraid to enter, Candy found that her mother had quickly repented having thrown her out. She'd called the police, growing frantic as the hours passed and no report of her daughter came in. When she walked into the warm living room her mother screamed, ran to her and hugged her tightly, apologizing, vowing she'd never question her daughter's integrity again. Candy almost laughed, burying her face in her mother's neck, swearing she would never tell the woman what had happened that terrible night.

Work at the gym began far the young woman one week after her ordeal. Candy rested, complaining of a bad cold caught while wandering the streets that evening. Her mother, feeling guilty, didn't dare question her daughter. But in reality Candy needed the time to rest and think over what hadhappened to her. What surprised her most was that she could look at the events without going mad over them. Yes, what those men had done to her was terrible. But she had also enjoyed it to the fullest, even encouraged them at some points of her captivity. What the men had really done was release some dark, powerful force inside her. Now, Candy wondered, would it reamin silent?

When the young woman resumed work at the spa the first person she saw was Chuck. How odd! It seemed years since she'd seen him last, when it was only eight days!

"Hey, how about some extra training tonight?" he whispered at his first chance.

Candy smiled, blushing dark red and dropping her eyes modestly to the floor. She'd just changed into her bikini outfit and was about to instruct older women in the swimming pool when he accosted her.

"I don't know. My mother…"

"Fuck it. I've been so Goddamned horny without you," he muttered, dropping one hand and gently caressing her ass.

Candy stiffened, glancing nervously around to make sure no one saw him.

"All right. Just don't touch me now," she said, smiling brightly at him and disappearing into the swim area.

All day Candy's mind drifted back to Chuck and that bulging crotch. She could hardly breathe at times, feeling her cunt clench up like a tight fist. This was terrible! All she could think of was sex, fucking, sucking! Images of what Jack, Ben and Kevin had done to her flashed through her mind all day. She pictured being strung up, being punched, being whipped, crawling in the dirt. At times her girl friends had to literally shake her back into reality, wondering if she were still suffering some effects from her "flu".

The closing of the spa seemed never to come. Candy waited impatiently in the women's locker room. She heard Chuck walk in and stop by the lockers, then move farther, sitting down next to her.

"You're beautiful," he whispered, sliding his hands over her back and unfastening her tops.

"Oh, this is wonderful," Candy hissed between her teeth.

"Yeah, glad you're not nervous like the last time," Chuck said, moving one hand on her thigh, up to her leg band, tugging the bottoms down. Candy rocked her ass first to one side, then the other, helping the young man strip her.


Candy felt his fingers touching her stiff nipples and she remembered how those clamps bit into her flesh. Chuck lowered his mouth, his tongue wetting one dark nub, then the other. He gently sucked on the tit tip, drawing it between his front teeth. Candy moaned, tilting back her head and spreading her thighs farther apart. She was trembling now. Her ass was squirming on the chair. And when his finger slid into the flooding cuntal crack the young woman moaned loudly, kissing hungrily at his mouth. Chuck's fingers eased up into her pussy. The girl cried out, jerking, clamping one of her hands over his to push him in deeper.

"Man, you're really hot, eh?" Chuck asked, surprised at Candy's sudden eagerness.

"Let's go somewhere else. Not here. Can't walk," she said in a strangled voice.

Chuck picked her up easily. The girl clung to him, hands locked behind his neck, legs draped over one arm. He carried her out of the locker room into the main office where several couches were pushed against the wall.

"Nobody's gonna catch us here," he said, bolting the door. The sound of that lock turning brought back a flash of the shed… its smell, the darkness, the pain. Candy shivered, smiling, working her legs over the black vinyl covering of the couch she rested on while Chuck slipped his shin, trousers and shoes off, exposing his fat, long cunt splitter.