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"I wanted you to know that I'm still wilting to work things out. If you want to. But… well… it occurred to me that you might need a little persuasion before you really work things out all the way in your head… and I'm more than willing to do it for you."

"I'll give you all the persuasion you need, my darling wife. In fact, when I'm finished with you, I think you'll be pretty much persuaded to do anything I fucking well tell you to do."

He laughed.

"That's what I think."

Then he gave me a hard slap on the side of my thigh. "How about you? Do you agree?"

I shuddered. The pain raced through me… and there remained a hard stinging sensation over the surface of my skin where he'd hit me.

But then, he lifted me off the bed and carried me over to the ropes that were hanging from the ceiling hooks.

I started to fight him… resisting as hard as I could. But he was too strong, and soon he had the ropes looped around my wrists, fastened securely to the ropes that had already been fastened to me.

He pulled on the ropes now… pulling against my arms. They began to move up behind my body, the pressure against my shoulder joints until I was certain that my arms were going to snap out of the socket joints.

I screamed. Oh God, how I screamed. But there was hardly any sound. My jaws were growing weaker and weaker from biting against that ball that was in my mouth. I was lost.

I felt nothing but pain through my body and fear all through my brain.

He pulled tighter on the ropes, until my feet were just off the floor. If I stretched my legs, I could just barely manage to brush the tips of my toes over the surface of the floor, and I was even able to take some of my body weight off my tortured arms… but it wasn't worth the effort. The muscles in my legs rapidly grew far too exhausted for me to attempt anything further.

He ran his hands over my body.

"It's too bad you ran out on me, Marilyn. You really shouldn't have done it. I would have been willing to talk things out. I would have been willing to give you what you wanted… what you thought you needed."

That was a lie. I knew it, and he did too. But there was no way that I could say it.

"You didn't need to hurt me like that, dear. You did, you know. You hurt me terribly. I may never be the same. That's what the doctors are telling me. I might never be the same. I might never be a real man again."

"But you know what? That's all right. Because now I have you. And I'll be able to balance things out. Don't you believe in balance, Marilyn? Don't you think that whatever you do comes back to you? I think it does. That's why I've come back to you, and why you've come back to me. I'm going to make sure that you're never going to be a real woman any more, either."

I felt my blood run cold when he spoke those words.

Suddenly, his hands were digging into my tits… hard.

The tips of his fingers buried themselves deeply in the soft mounds of my tits and the pain filled them at once, sending sharp bursts of agonized sensation all through my body.

He kept his hands on my tits, and started to move backwards.

He dug deeper… and deeper… and deeper… he pulled on my tits as he stepped away from me, and as he did so, my body was forced to follow, swing from the ropes as he pulled me by my tits.

Now, there was the added pain in my arms that was even more excruciating than what he was doing to my tits.

I suffered.

I have no idea how long he amused himself with my tits… but the various things he did to me settled into a couple of different groups. He squeezed… and he hit.

Everything came under one of those headings.

For example, after his fingers and his hands seemed to be getting tired, he produced a new gimmick. Clothespins… which were followed about a half-hour later by alligator clamps… which were followed after that by screw-clamps for my nipples.

He slowly tightened the screws, pressing the small metal plate against the body of the clamp, my nipple caught in between, slowly being pressed completely flat.

I felt myself starting to come apart.

It was agony unlike any that I've ever felt in my life.

It was to get worse.

He left the nipple clamps on my nipples, and every fifteen minutes or so, he would turn his attention back to them, give the screws another slight twist, sending more and more excruciating sensation ripping through my tits.

I screamed against the ball in my mouth… harder… harder… and finally, my muscle reactions grew so intense that I could no longer control anything that happened.

The tip of my tongue pressed against the rubber ball from the back and shoved it out of my mouth.

It flew across the room and bounced against the wall.

He applauded.

"Nice… nice. Good effort. I like getting positive feedback on what I'm doing, Marilyn. It's nice of you to let me know you appreciate my efforts…"

"You fucking pig," I muttered through lips that were too weak to open.

"Aw… that's not nice," he said. He slapped my face.

"Oh God," I cried, and he slapped me again.

"I think you should apologize, Marilyn. That's what I think. What do you say? You want to apologize to me, or are you going to make me really hurt you?"

I could scarcely talk, but I managed to repeat what I'd first said to him.

"You're a pig."

"A pig," he said. "Hmmmmm. Mighty harsh words. Almost as harsh as, say… this whip…"

He held up a thick, hard-leather riding crop.

I stared at it uncomprehendingly.

I can remember wondering to myself what he was doing with it… wondering what it was… what it was for…

Nothing was making sense to me now.

Nothing seemed to fit.

But then, he stepped up to me, reached his hand underneath my two tits and held them straight out.

I watched as he raised the riding crop, and as it hovered there for than split second, I moaned, "Nooooo…" but it was futile.

He cracked it against me. It was like molten lead had been poured over my tits.

My body went rigid.

I jerked… I shuddered.

I screamed.

I screamed some more.

I screamed as loudly as I could.

"Go ahead, scream," he taunted me. "Scream just as loud as you want. I love it. I love hearing you scream. It shows me that I'm doing this right. There's nothing worse than someone who refuses to scream when you're working so hard on them…"

He brought the riding crop down across my tits again.

Again it stung like molten lead. I couldn't stand it. I had no choice, but it was driving me crazy… as crazy as Hunter was.

He hit me again and again on my tits, and then began to move down my bound body with the riding crop, striking me anywhere he felt like it.

My back… my stomach… the front of my tits, directly across my nipples…

Down now to my thighs, my ass… hitting my up between my thighs, slamming that awful riding crop right up into my pussy slit…

I screamed and screamed… and when my voice finally gave out, I continued to scream, silently.

I writhed in pain… and when my muscles finally refused to work… I hung there limply, the electric sensations rippling through my nerves still from every stroke of that riding crop… and even though there was no movement in my muscles now because they'd been pushed past their endurance, the feeling of agony persisted, and if anything the sensitivity of my nerve endings increased.

And when I passed out at last, he waited, patiently, for me to wake up on my own, wanting me to feel every stroke of his whip… wanting my body to savor and absorb every red stripe that he laid across my once flawless skin.