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Well, like I said, there was a lot of cold ones in that ice chest, and they were pretty much gone by the time she got back later that night.

I'd pulled the chaise lounge over to the barbecue grill, and I was kind of lazily watching the steaks, and letting the smell of the smoke fill the back yard and make the place smell just like the suburbs are supposed to smell, and she comes walking out to see me.

Now, I noticed two things right off, one kind of leading naturally into the other.

First, I see she's not wearing that beach jacket she had on earlier… which makes sense, it being summer and all… and then I notice that she's still got on that skimpy little bikini she was wearing earlier… and that made it real hard not to notice that her tits were just as big as they'd looked earlier that day.

Firm, big, round tits, with nice hard nipples poking out of the center, and they was both aimed right at me, like guns or something.

I was getting a little worked up by this time… and I realized that I'd been staring hard at those sweet little things.

She saw what I was looking at, and you know, she didn't mind.

That pissed me off, but at the same time, her body being real pretty to look at and all, I wasn't quite ready to do anything that would send her packing…

"What's the meaning of walking around in public half-naked like that for, girl?" I say to her… and she smiles, teasing me… and she sits down in my lap!

Oh Lord, let me tell you, that was something I could have done without.

"Hey, come on… what do you think you're doing, anyway? Christ, you're gonna have the neighbors talking."

She just kind of bit her bottom lip, the way she always did when she wanted to get her way (and it always worked too, damn her) and said, "Daddy… what's wrong? You don't want me sitting in your lap any more? Aren't I your little girl any more?"

"Aw, shucks yeah, Angel… but… but…"

She gave me a grin that would have melted steel.

"But what, Daddy?"

What, but of course, I can't tell her this, happens to be that I'm getting a hard-on you could sink a battleship with.

And she's got her sweet little ass right on top of it, and the material of her bathing suit just ain't all that substantial, if you know what I mean.

Hell, I can feel where her two cheeks come together! I'm feeling the crack in my little girl's ass, and I'm feeling it with my cock! My hard cock!

Let me tell you, that bugger was sensitive as shit too. I could have read the date on a dime slipped inside her bathing suit, that's how fucking sensitive I was.

Well, like I said, big titted Gladys is on my mind, and now this…

"Daddy, you don't look so good. Have you been drinking again?"

"Yeah… hell yeah! It's Saturday, ain't it?"

She smiled, she put her arms around me, she gave me a big sloppy kiss and damned if she didn't wiggle that sweet ass over my cock again.

And that did it.

I felt the fucking thing blow.

It just started to quiver and shake, and that little muscle down at the base that gets that funny feeling started feeling funny.

Well, my eyes, they get all wide and wondering, and I suck in my breath, and she's looking at me and she says, "Are you all right, Daddy?"

"Honey," I say, even as my balls are pumping jism out my cock and into my pants, "you're gonna need to get off me. My… uh… stomach's not feeling all that good… you know…?"

I give her a weak smile, but you know… somehow, I get the feeling she's not being fooled a bit, and when she gets off, and I see that there ain't no wet spot yet and I've got time to slap the newspaper over my crotch, she just smiles and she says, "I'm gonna go get a shower, Daddy. Um, do you know where Momma went?"

"Huh? She's not in there?"

Cassie shook her head.

"Nope. She left a note saying she'd be back around eight-thirty."

"WHAT?! That fucking bitch! She knows I'm out here with these fucking steaks. She didn't even tell me she was leaving."

Well, I'm all beside myself anyway, and all I was doing was looking for an excuse to blow up, but damned if she didn't wrap her sweet arms around me again, and give me another kiss… and say, "You calm down, Daddy. I'm here… and we can have dinner together… and who needs Momma anyway? Hmmm?"

I feel her tight lips on my cheek again, and then I watch her tight little ass bouncing back and forth as she walks across the back yard to the house.

And I'm thinking to myself, Herb Metcalf, you are a sick, sick man. That's sick!!!

But I already know it's not going to make a damn bit of difference.

I keep playing around with those steaks… and meanwhile, the wet spot creeps up in my crotch but it's not all that bad, most of the jism getting sucked up by my jockey shorts… and so just as soon as the steaks are done and the wet spot dries, I go back inside… and there she is, hair all wet, and wearing one of her flimsy little robes, only maybe I ain't quite noticed before just how flimsy her robe really is, you know?

But damn! It was just about glued to the curves underneath it.

Glued like it had been sprayed on.

She was just sitting there in the kitchen… waiting… and I don't think she was waiting for the steaks.

"Daddy," she said, looking up at me, and I see how big and beautiful and deep her eyes are and I start to get all squishy inside and feel the old monster starting to stir down there between the thighs…

"Huh?" I say, my voice all small and pinched.

"You want to put those steaks in the oven… for a little while, keep them warm?"

And I know what she's talking about. Right there in the kitchen, I know my daughter's telling me she wants to fuck me, and you know, I'm seriously considering it… and it took me about two seconds and I say to myself, what the fuck, she's already an adult and if she can't make her own decisions, her being an adult and all, then I guess I done a lousy job as her father.

It's a little shaky, logic-wise, I'll admit… but I slipped those steaks right into the oven, I stood up and turned around, and then I get slapped in the face with a sight that'd bring tears to a marine's eyes.

She's got her robe hanging open, and there's these two tits hanging right in front of me, and they're the most beautiful things I've ever seen on a woman's body… ANY woman's body.

"You were looking at me earlier, weren't you, Daddy?"

"You, uh… you noticed, huh?"

"Yeah… it was pretty hard not to."

"I was making an ass out of myself, huh?"

"No… you weren't, Daddy. There's nothing wrong with what you were doing."

Are my ears working right, I wonder to myself. Am I hearing this, or am I still out by the barbecue grill, sound asleep in a drunk stupor, the steaks burned to ash, dreaming all this like a kid, dreaming a wet dream to end all wet dreams?

"Why don't you come sit in my lap, Daddy. I'd like you to sit in my lap for a change. I've always sat in your lap… now it's your turn."

And as she's talking, she unties the rest of her robe and slowly pulls it open…

And I get a bad case of sunburn on my eyeballs, on account of I'm looking at a sight that blinds me for a minute or two.

Christ, I think to myself, where'd she get all that hair.

Same place she got her tits, I figure, and then she spread her legs a little, and that sweet pink slit running between them opens up like a new flower blossoming, and I feel myself going out of my head.

Now, there's voices in my head all this time, and they're giving out with a whole pile of conflicting advice.

I hear one telling me to stop and haul ass… and I hear another one saying to forget everything and just dive in…

Well… I'll let you figure out which I was listening to…

It went real nice with that gaping pink slit opening up between her legs.

"Cassie," I stammer, trying to remember how to speak English, "you think this is all right…? I mean…"