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He started out fairly gentle, but it soon grew to be an excruciating pressure against the tender bud of flesh.

"Come on… come on, Darling," he said, taunting me. "Let's hear a little squeal out of you."

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"Yeah… I'd like that a lot."

"Well… you're not going to get it."

"Is that right?"

He stood up.

"I'm annoyed," he said. "That's what I am."

And then, he curled his fingers into his fist like they were puppy dogs going to sleep, clenched it tightly, and slugged me, right on my tits.

I gasped. The shock of pain was so extreme that I could make no sound at first.

Then, I moaned. It was more of a whimper, actually, but I couldn't remain silent.

It hurt too bad.

"Come off it, Johnny… let her go. There ain't no point to this."

"Sit down and shut up."

"Johnny, seriously," said Hank, but Johnny whirled around.

"You want to end up like that turd out on the highway?"


"I'm not kidding with you, Hank. Shut the fuck up!"

Hank glowered suddenly at Johnny, but he shut up.

Johnny turned back to me.

He said nothing else. Instead, he pulled his cock out of his pants.

"Boys, I think you should all join me, but since you're all such pussies, I'll take care of this cunt myself."

He belched, and then he fell on me.

His cock was only semi-hard.

He jabbed it against my cunt, and I started to taunt him back. "What's the matter, big man? Hmm? Can't get it up? So big and tough… you're trying to put on a show for your friends. Do they know that you can't ever get it up."

He sat upright. "You're fucking lying."

"It's true," I said, looking at T-Bird and Hank and Bill. "He could never get it up when we'd fuck, unless I worked real hard on him, for a long time. And then, if anything happened to interrupt us, you know… like a plane going overhead, or a whistle off in the distance, or just about anything… it'd just get real soft again, real fast…"

Johnny was staring at me like I'd just taken a dump in church.

"You fucking cunt whore." He turned around to his buddies. "She's lying. Fucking 'A' Jack, she's fucking lying, that's what the fuck she's doing."

I said, "Do you think he'd be so hot on hitting people if he could get it up and fuck normally? The only way he could ever get hard was to beat me up."

Johnny recoiled like I'd stuck him with an electric cattle-prod. "You slut."

He lunged for me, started to slap me back and forth across the face, harder… harder… and then, I felt his cock do exactly as I'd predicted it would.

It got hard.

And he wasn't even thinking about it… he just rammed it home… stuffed my pussy with that monster log, filling me as full as he possibly could stuff me.

"Oh… God…" I moaned, but there was no pleasure in it this time. I was hurting.

My cunt was at an awkward angle, and I couldn't quite get him all the way into the full length of my cunt chamber.

He rammed the head against my cunt walls, stretching them horribly. I hurt… and I screamed.

I kept on screaming… even though he was doing all the old moves, pulling his cock in and out… in and out… in and out…

Things that used to guarantee that I'd come whether I wanted to or not.

He was fucking me as hard as he possibly could.

I started to feel dizzy.

In and out… faster and faster… I could feel the enormous width of his cock shoving against my cunt walls, pressing them to the limits of their endurance.

I knew that any moment now I was going to feel the thin, fragile membranes tearing wide open… and I was going to die, and they'd carry my body off somewhere and just leave me to rot in the woods…

Well, who can blame me?

I'd never had to face such a degrading and humiliating experience in my entire life.

I was so completely crazy by this time, I knew that I was going to be gang raped by every single one of them… I was going to die… I was ready for it…

The pain grew worse.

Johnny was getting really demented now… acting more and more crazed… more and more out of his head.

I was dimly aware that he was starting to hit me… slapping me hard around the side of my face.

I was screaming… but I knew that it wasn't going to do any good. I just kept yelling… hearing my voice getting softer and softer… as if I was down a long hallway… listening to myself grow more and more distant.

Have you ever felt yourself die?

Well, I guess I haven't either, but I was convinced that night that I was feeling just that.

I could sense a growing numbness as it crawled up my jets.

My feet, of course, were already numb from the circulation being cut off.

I felt his cock slamming in and out of my cunt, but the pain that had accompanied those initial strokes seemed to have abated somewhat.

I couldn't feel my nipples anymore… not even when he grabbed my tits and squeezed them as hard as he possibly could.

I looked down and saw his fingers squeezing my nipples almost completely flat, but it didn't seem to be me… I had a sense that all I was doing was watching a pornographic film… that I wasn't involved in this at all.

My face was numb now as well. His hands kept rising, swinging hard at me, striking me…

I could hear the crack of his palm against my cheeks, but the sound was gradually absorbed in the loud ringing that was filling my brain.

And there was a lot of other noise as well… a feeling of sounds from other times in my life…

I heard people calling to me… people trying to say things to me… people shouting…

I was almost incoherent…

Nothing made sense…

Nothing was real…

And when they finally dragged Johnny off met… all three of them, and he tried to fight back and they forced him to his knees and finally someone knocked him out… I was hardly aware that it had happened.

I was too far gone… simply sitting on the couch, feeling as if my body had been shattered, scrambled… rearranged in a completely new pattern…

I didn't have anything left to hold on to… and I cried… long… hard… loud…

Hands were on me again… and I assumed that they were hostile hands… even when no further pain accompanied their touch.

It didn't matter… I was numb anyway. They could be cutting me with razors and I wouldn't know.

I was incoherent… and I was dying, as far as I was concerned.

It didn't happen, of course… and they eventually brought me back into town…

I went away… there were trials… I didn't follow them, however, and I refused to testify, but Tommy had no such reservations, and they were all sent to prison eventually.

But it did nothing to remove the scars on my brain. I never did get over Johnny, you know. That strange hold that he exercised over me… I could never break the bonds that kept us together…

I tried. Lord knows I tried. I failed.

And now… he's going to be getting out soon.

He'll be coming after me. He's crazy still… and they say he blames me. But they're going to let him out anyway, because he's served all of his sentence that he has to, with time off for good behavior… and he's coming after me… and God help me.



He was a prince.

I was Cinderella.

He was going to rescue me from a life of misery and drudgery and I in return would spend my life worshipping the ground he walked on.

I was seventeen, he was twenty eight.

"You're a fucking fool, Marilyn Sackett, that's what you are!"

Mother held a different view, obviously.

"Momma, don't be that way. He's a nice, man, and he's got money."

"And he's got a look in his eye that you're going to pay for. Let me tell you! You're going to pay!"