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Becca swallowed hard before lifting the mirror. She clamped her hand over her mouth as she tried to process the image looking back at her. Angry welts covered her scalp, where long red hair once grew.

Becca let her gaze travel from the doctor to the nurse and back to her reflection. Through a veil of tears she stared in disbelief, not knowing what to say or how to react.

“Cover it up.” She spoke softly.

“Now, Becca, remember....”

She held a hand out to halt his words. “Please, can you just do it?”

The nurse worked quickly to redress her scalp.

“Now let’s take a look at that arm.”

Her head snapped up and she glared at him. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Who do you think I am, Super Woman?” She turned to face the window. “I can’t. Not now.”

“Try to get some rest. I’ll come back in the morning to change the dressings on your arm and leg.”

It wasn’t until they were gone she allowed her tears free rein. Her hand trembled as she smoothed it over her clean bandages. She never considered herself a vain woman, but what she’d just saw....

A profound sadness enveloped her. She pressed the button to lower the bed and settled into her pillow, pulling the covers up over her face. She cried like she’d never wept before. Tears flowed for her burns and the lives lost that horrendous day. She cried for Randy and what could have been a beautiful thing between them. Finally, her eyelids drooped.

Maybe when I wake up, everything will be back to normal....

Chapter Thirty-One

Randy wandered aimlessly about the shopping mall with no idea what to get Becca. Flowers were definitely not an option. Will we ever come to appreciate the beauty in them again?

A flash of color caught his attention and he turned to look into a novelty shop of sorts. A smile played on his lips as he walked toward the perfect gift sure to bring a smile to her face.

He carried Becca’s present through the mall aware of people’s stares and giggles behind their hands. It wasn’t until he stepped outside that he realized he’d ridden his motorcycle. Randy looked at the item and then at his bike.

How in the hell am I going to pull this off?

After a few minutes and a couple of bungee cords, he managed to strap it to the backrest. He carried on like nothing was out of the ordinary and rode through town to laughter and even applause from the sidewalks. He pictured what he must look like and had to snicker as well.

He finally reached the hospital, and strolled inside to the elevator where everyone chuckled at him but not one person asked him about the present he carried.

The hospital was abuzz with visitors. His pulse quickened the closer he came to her room. He paused just outside the door and drew in a steadying breath before going in.

“Becca?” She reclined with her back to him. “It’s Randy, are you awake? Becca?”

“Go away!”

He set her present in an empty chair and rushed to her bedside. “Becca? What’s going on? Are you okay?”

“Just go. I want to be left alone.” She pulled the sheet up to hide her face.

“Don’t ask me to leave you like this.” He pulled up a chair to sit at her level. “I love you, Becca. If something’s wrong I want to try and help.”

“Argh!” Becca threw her sheets back and sat upright, clawing at her head bandages until she was able to tear them away from her blistered scalp. “Can you fix this?”

Randy’s jaw dropped and he fell back in his chair. Her sudden outburst rendered him speechless. Seeing her burns for the first time brought tears to his eyes for the pain she must be in.

“What? Nothing to say?” Her chest heaved and angry tears streaked her face. “Why don’t you just leave, the freak show is over!”

Becca’s nursed ran into the room and glared at Randy. “I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

“I...I don’t know what happened?” He searched the nurse’s face.

Becca buried her face in her hands, sobbing uncontrollably.

“You need to leave now, Detective.”

Utterly dumbfounded, he made his way to the door. The nurse now had her fingers on Becca’s wrist and rubbed her back with her free hand.

Randy paused at the door. “Becca?”

The nurse scowled at him and pointed to the door. “You were warned about upsetting her. As of now, visiting rights are revoked—”



Becca stared at the three-foot-tall pink, stuffed pig through a veil of tears. Almost three weeks had passed since sending Randy away, but for whatever reason, she couldn’t bring herself to get rid of the leather-adorned Miss Piggy.

She’d healed considerably over time. It looked like her scars would be hidden, but the new hair was nothing like her thick tresses before the fire. It was now strawberry blonde. Dr. Swanson couldn’t predict how it would grow in for good.

For the first couple of weeks she barely noticed the lack of visitors being all drugged up, but now the days grew longer and all she could think about was Randy.

A light rap on the door interrupted her thoughts. Nurse Debbie stood in the doorway.

“Hi, Becca.” She clasped her hands and smiled sweetly. “I know you asked for no visitors, but there’s someone waiting who I think you’re going to want to see. He’s also a patient here.”

Becca arched a brow, her curiosity piqued. She straightened her sheets and made sure her head scarf was in place before nodding.


Becca actually held her breath. She saw the wheelchair before the patient. Her hand flew to her mouth, eyes widening, and tears spilled down her cheeks as she gaped in disbelief. Jeffery pushed the wheelchair where Jacob smiled awkwardly at her. It looked like someone had taken a permanent marker and evenly dotted his top and bottom lips to match.

“Jacob?” Her voice cracked. “Oh, my God, I thought you were....”

He raised a hand. “Did you really think you’d get rid of me that easily?” He sniffled.

Jeffery crossed the distance between them and gathered her in his arms. “I am so happy to see that you’re okay.”

Sobs racked Becca as she clung to him. “I can’t...how did...”

“Okay, enough tears. You’re looking pretty good, Becca. How are you really?” Jacob wiped a tear from his cheek.

“Wait a minute. How did you possibly survive the gunshot...and the fire?”

“I think a guardian angel watched over him. By all rights he should be dead.” Jeffery wheeled his lover to the bedside where Jacob took her hand in his.

“I don’t know how I survived,” Jacob explained. The last thing I remember is you climbing out that window, and then I’m waking up in the hospital looking like a human pin cushion.”

Becca shuddered with the memory of Danny on top of him sewing his mouth shut. She forced the image away.

“Let’s not go there right now. All that really matters is that we both made it.” He smiled. “Randy must be over the moon.”

Tears welled up, and she looked away, her bottom lip wobbling.

“What is it? He’s happy, isn’t he?”

Over the next half hour or so Becca tried to explain why she sent Randy away and stopped accepting visitors. He sat quietly, not saying a word.

“Well, if you’re done feeling sorry for yourself, pick up that phone and tell him to come and see you.”

Becca sniffled and narrowed her gaze at him. “Just like that?”

He nodded. “Just like that.”

Chief sat behind his cluttered desk, an open file in front of him. Randy went straight for the coffee.

“Good morning, Chief.” He put the mug under his nose and inhaled the rich aroma. “Mmm, if God made anything better than coffee, He kept it for Himself.”