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“Do you want me to leave the two of you alone?” The chief peered over the rim of his reading glasses.

“Ha ha.” He smirked and sat across the desk from his boss. The coffee tasted even better than it smelled. “So what’s on the agenda today?”

Chief nodded toward a pile of files. “Paperwork, unless something comes up.”

“Oh, goodie.” His phone chimed. Randy reached into his front pocket and flipped it open. His breath hitched. The number for the hospital flashed on his screen.

His boss removed his glasses. “Who is it?”

“The hospital.”

“Well, maybe you should answer it?”

Randy noticed a slight tremor of his hand when he pushed the button. “Hello?”

“Hi, is this Randy?”

“Yes, um, who is this?”

“It’s Jacob. I think it would be a good idea for you to come and visit Becca soon.”

His jaw dropped. Had he heard him correctly? “Why do you think that? She didn’t exactly roll out the welcome mat last time I was there.”

“She’s making remarkable progress. You might be interested in knowing Becca was asking about you and she feels really bad about how she treated you.”

“That is welcome news. Thank you. I’ll stop by and see you soon.” Randy flicked his cell closed. He sat staring at it, trying to figure out if her wanting to see him was a good or bad thing.

“Is Becca okay?” Chief took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. “That was the hospital, right?”

“Yes. I, um...” Randy shook his head. “Yes, it was Jacob. He wanted me to know Becca feels bad about how she treated me. He thinks it would be a good idea for me to pay her a visit.”

“What are you doing here? Don’t you think you should get over to the hospital right away?”

Randy shrugged and took another sip of coffee. “I don’t know what to think. Do you have any idea what it did to me when she said she didn’t want me around last time I saw her? I don’t ever want to feel that kind of pain again.”

“You aren’t seriously going to hold that against her, are you? For God’s sake, look at all the poor girl woke up to. Wouldn’t you be a little messed up if it were you?”

“Don't you think I know that? It broke my heart to see her like that.”

Chief pushed his chair away from the desk and stood. He hiked up his pants that somehow slid past his belly whenever he sat. “Let’s go, then.”

“You’re coming, too?” Randy straightened in his chair.

“Why not? I’ll go visit with Jacob while you see Becca. Once I’m through, I’ll come and see her, too.” He frowned. “What’s wrong with you? Don’t you want to see her?”

“Yes and no.” Randy heaved a sigh. “Jacob wouldn’t have called if she didn’t say something to encourage him, don’t you agree?”

His boss laughed and grabbed his arm, helping him to his feet. “How in the hell would I know? I can tell you this much, you aren’t going to find out sitting there playing twenty questions.”

Chapter Thirty-Two

“Good morning, Becca. How do you feel about a change of scenery today?” Nurse Debbie bustled into the room carrying a neatly folded selection of clothes, topped with stark-white runners.

“You’re letting me go home?” Becca’s pulse quickened and her palms grew sweaty. “I don’t understand?”

“No, you’re making remarkable progress, but it’s a little too soon for you to be leaving us.” She pulled the curtain around the bed. “However, Dr. Swanson thinks some fresh air will do you a world of good.”

Becca dressed in black yoga pants and a long-sleeved white t-shirt, while her nurse paid special attention to ensure her bandages were completely covered. Socks and runners felt foreign after being barefoot for so many weeks.

“I don’t even know how long I’ve been here. What day is it?”

Her nurse taped the last pad of gauze in place. “We want to be extra careful you don’t get an infection.” She took the chart from the end of her bed. “Let’s see, not including today, you’ve been here six weeks.”

“I never would have guessed that long. Time sure flies when you’re having fun.”

Nurse Debbie stepped out into the hall and returned pushing a wheelchair. “You’re chariot awaits, my dear.”

Becca offered a weak smile, not exactly thrilled with having to use one of those contraptions. She’d only been allowed to put weight on her leg a few days ago. Resignedly and with the aid of her nurse, she shuffled alongside her bed and plunked herself down in the seat. The simple task left her breathless.

Her nurse laughed light-heartedly. “Don’t you worry. You’ll be starting physical therapy soon and will be good as new in no time at all.”

Becca took slow, measured breaths on the way down the barren hallway. Nurse Debbie took the elevator down to the main floor and followed an arrow marked: Courtyard.

She shielded her eyes from the sun as they crossed the threshold to the outdoors. The sweet aroma of freshly cut grass and rose bushes in full bloom filled her senses. She tilted her head back and revelled in the sun’s warmth on her face. “This was an excellent idea.”

“I think so, too.”

Becca’s eyes flew open. Her chair was spun around to face Randy, who kneeled down to her level. His lips twisted in the same lopsided grin that had first attracted her to him.

“Randy.” She choked on his name and cleared her throat noisily in a futile attempt to mask her emotions. “I don’t.... I mean, I’m sorry.”

Randy pressed a finger to her lips. “You have nothing to be sorry for. I can’t tell you how good it is to see you, and how happy I am Jacob called me this morning.

Emotion clouded his expressive brown eyes.

She couldn’t have stopped the tears if she tried. “I’m very happy you came.”

He gathered her in his arms. “I’ve missed you, Becca.” He nuzzled her neck, sending tiny impulses across her skin.

She manoeuvred awkwardly from the wheelchair. Randy, always so perceptive, lifted her from the chair and onto his lap. She laid her head against his chest, happy to feel the connection between them renewed.

Randy was first to pull away. “I have something I want to show you.”

Becca noted the devilish glint in his eyes and narrowed her gaze suspiciously. “What are you up to?”

He stood with her cradled in his arms and set her back down in the wheelchair so gently she wondered if he thought she might break. He guided her through the courtyard and around the side of the building.

Her jaw dropped as the sight unfolded before her. Sunshine glinted off the chrome of a midnight blue trike, the passenger bench padded in leather. “Is this for real?”

He smiled and nodded. “Yup, Doc gave me permission to take you on a short ride as long as we are careful to keep your burns covered. He scooped her out of the chair and set her on the warm leather seat. “That is, if you’re up to it.”

She smiled lovingly at him. “I don’t know why you’re doing this for me. Not after the way I treated you.”

Randy put a finger under her chin and raised it so she had to look into his eyes. “I love you, Becca. No matter how hard you try to push me away, I’m going to be here for you.” He pressed his lips to hers in a long, drugging kiss.

He let her go, leaving her breathless. “Are you going to take me for a ride or do you just want to make out right here?”

“That’s pretty tempting, but I don’t want to get on your doc’s bad side. He picked up a helmet from behind her and handed it over. His hung from the handlebars. Randy retrieved a blanket from beside her and laid it across her lap.

“Is this really necessary? It’s hardly weather to be snuggling under a blankie.”