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“Okay then, let’s get this over with.” She straightened. “Randy, I hope you understand, but I think this is something we should do alone. You can watch from here and come running if need be.”

Randy took her hand in his and gently kissed it. “I’ll be right here. Remember, he has no power over anyone anymore. You two are the ones in control.”

Her eyes misted and she blinked quickly.

The doctor stood with his hand on the door handle. “Whenever you’re ready.”

A uniformed guard turned his key in the lock, allowing them entrance. They’d barely set foot in the room when they were stopped in their tracks by the god-awful smell. Becca repressed the sudden impulse to upchuck. Jacob firmed his hold on her arm, swaying like he might faint.

“Are you okay?” she whispered out the side of her mouth.

He nodded, but the paleness of his skin told otherwise. “What is that smell?

Across the room, a guard approached Danny and ushered him to sit at a table.

The closer they got, the more evident it became where the stench came from. Danny’s blackened skin looked like sun-baked, cracked mud. If she had to guess, the god-awful smell came from the yellowish goo that coated every inch of exposed skin. Whatever kind of ointment it was, she’d never smelled the likes of it. He wore a toque—given her experience she could only speculate he’d also lost all of his hair.

Danny kept his head bowed. He appeared to be feigning interest in his scab-covered hands. He no longer acted like the pompous, self-absorbed killer from the darkest time of her life.

Becca glanced at Jacob. His jaw muscles contracted like he gritted his teeth, the intense anger emanating from him almost palpable.

“Don’t tell me you don’t have the balls to look me in the eye,” Jacob snapped. “Or did you lose them in the fire?”

Danny’s breath came as a breathy shudder. He slowly raised his head and then narrowed his gaze on Jacob. Although he remained silent, there was no denying his intent to unnerve him.

“You have nothing to say, asshole? You’re a real piece of work, aren’t you?”

The corner of Danny’s mouth lifted, his eye contact with Jacob never wavering.

Jacob grabbed hold of the table’s edge and hoisted himself up to lean across, right in Danny’s face. “I’m alive, motherfucker. I leave here a free man to get on with my life with Jeffery while you sit in here with your rotting flesh and drug-induced days and nights.”

One of the guards appeared and put a hand on Jacob’s shoulder.”You need to take a seat or leave the room, sir.”

“Not a problem. I’ve seen enough.” Jacob turned and stormed from the room on his own.

Becca looked back at Danny to find him watching her, his face void of expression.

“I didn’t know what to expect today. All I wanted was proof you were indeed alive and would spend the rest of your life locked away.” She stood. “Mission accomplished. Have a nice life.” She put two fingers to her forehead in a wave of sorts and turned on her heel.


Her breath cut short and she faced him once again.

“Did anyone ever tell you that you have a nice mouth?”

Her stomach churned. “You’re one sick puppy, aren’t you?”

He winked at her. “I’ll be seeing you.”

“Don’t hold your breath. I won’t be back.”

He tossed his head back and silenced the room with his menacing laughter. It carried with her hurried exit from the room.

Chapter Thirty-Five

They rode under a canopy of yellow and orange. A warm breeze brought leaves cascading down. The late afternoon sun pushed through and washed the colors in warmth. Around the next bend, a brilliant red explosion erupted from a bevy of majestic maple trees.

Becca settled in her seat and watched Randy lean into each curve with the ease of a seasoned rider. He signalled, and she followed him in to a rest stop where a roadhouse with a large outdoor deck on the upper level offered a spectacular view of the lake.

Becca’s skin tingled from the wind on her face, a welcome sensation she hadn’t realized she’d missed so much. Randy walked toward her, a slight tinge of red to his already bronzed skin. He smiled, his eyes filled with genuine happiness to be here with her.

She set her helmet on the seat and crossed the distance between them. Becca reached up and clasped her hands behind his neck, kissing him soundly on the mouth. His laughter filled the space between them as she pulled away.

“I’m not sure what brought that on, but I’m sure glad it did.”

Heat warmed her cheeks. “Isn’t this the best day ever?”

He took hold of her hand and led her through the deserted lower level and up to the deck buzzing with life. Luckily for them a young couple left the perfect table at the railing.

A splash of red, orange and gold littered the landscape like an artist’s paintbrush put them there. A robin’s egg sky created the perfect backdrop for the crystalline lake.

Becca inhaled deeply and then let it out slowly. She looked over at Randy to find him gazing at her with such intensity it robbed her of breath. “Have you ever seen anything so beautiful?” she asked.

“Yes, and I’m looking at her right now.”

Becca settled in her seat and put her hand in his atop the table. “You’re such an amazing man. I can’t tell you how much your patience and understanding means to me. It takes a special kind of man to step back and give someone the time and space needed to heal. It’s because of you that I’ve come to a point in my recovery where I can actually look in the mirror and be happy with what I see.”

Randy’s eyes filled with moisture. “You’re one of the strongest women I know, Becca. Take all the time you need, as long as you keep a place in your heart for me.”

She gulped, unable to stop the rush of emotion even if she tried. “Take me home.”

His brow wrinkled in confusion. “Are you feeling okay? Is it something I said?”

She reached for his hand. How can he not see how much I love him? “No, you don’t understand. I want you to come home with me. Let me show you just how much you mean to me.”

His troubled expression transformed into surprise and elation as he stood and offered his hand. “Let’s go home.”

Randy wasn’t sure what prompted this sudden change in plans but he definitely liked the new direction they were headed. The chemistry between them had ignited. Upon entering the city, a shiver ran from the top of his head to his toes.

Becca turned in her driveway and clicked the garage door opener. Randy pulled in beside her, reminded of the time she wouldn’t let him park inside, telling him he wouldn’t be there long enough to warrant it.

He chuckled to himself. Boy was she wrong.

As he followed the sway of her hips into the house, his pulse raced like a school boy anticipating his first kiss. Easy does it. Let her take the lead in her own time.

“I don’t know about you, but I could use a shower.” She smiled suggestively. “Care to join me?”

“No, you go ahead. I had a shower this morning.” He sat at the table and stooped over to remove his boots, looking up to find her standing in the doorway with her mouth open. He laughed. “I’m right behind you.”

“You bugger.” She tossed a dish towel at him and turned on her heel.

Randy set his boots on the mat. He jumped up, taking off his shirt on the way to the bathroom. She stood in the steam-filled room, half dressed, her breasts milky white. He stepped towards her only to be stopped with her hand between them. She fluttered her eyelashes and went down on her knees, slowly undoing his jeans and pushing them down to his ankles for him to step out of them.