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But her mother was having none of it.

“Bollocks!” she said. And, surprisingly:

“All the world’s a stage

And all the men and women merely players,

They have their exits and their entrances.

“Fine, Chris love. The bugger’s had his exit, as far as you’re concerned! Got that? Offstage… through a trap door… up in smoke… whatever you can picture. And now what you’ve got to do is look forward to an entrance. Prince Charming, for choice. Surely time for him to show himself?”

Barbara Cleverly

Barbara Cleverly is very familiar with the east of England. The Latin Hall of "An Old Magic" was inspired by the medieval Suffolk house she used to live in.

A crime novelist, her first three books have been enthusiastically received and The Last Kashmiri Rose, was named one of the best crime thrillers of 2002 by the New York Times.
