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“Ah,” Frankie said.

“He did it,” Amato said, “and there was all kinds of shit. One of the guys that got robbed was a doctor, and he had a brother was a state cop, and he was mad as hell, he was gonna do this and he was gonna do that and everybody’s running around, they hadda give the guy back about, I dunno, three or four thousand, to shut him up, and they go around and see Trattman. And he puts on this great act. And they believe him.

“So everybody pisses blood for a while,” Amato said, “the way they always do when the shit hits the fan, and there’s about a month or so goes by and everybody, nobody’s running any games or anything, and then, I think it was Tommy Balls, somebody says: ‘Fuck this,’ and he hires about ten guys to stand around and opens up and nothing happens. So they all look at Testa’s game, and nothing still happens, and after a while everybody’s open again and everybody’s happy.

“So one night,” Amato said, “the guys’re hanging around and they’re talking and all, having a few drinks, and finally one of them says how it’s funny, they had that thing and everybody got all jumpy and now they’re all running again and nobody’s tried it again. Probably having more guys around, huh? Well, Markie starts laughing. See, he can’t resist it. So he tells them, he did it himself. He got two guys to come in and he did it himself. The guys got five apiece, they’re a couple guys carrying hod that he happens to know or something, and he come out of it with close to thirty.”

“He’s lucky they didn’t put him to sleep,” Frankie said.

“Well,” Amato said, “he is. But you got to understand Mark. All the guys like Markie. He’s a genuine hot shit. And look when they find out: when everybody’s open again. They’d’ve found out it was him when the games’re all closed and everybody’s hearing footsteps and nobody’s making any money, then, I think, they would’ve done it to him. But they didn’t. And then, when they did, well, what the fuck, huh? It wasn’t none of their money and just as long as it doesn’t happen again, because all the customers, you’re not gonna get them coming in unless they think it’s protected, but the protection’s really there, well, shit on it.”

“I bet it probably wouldn’t happen again that way,” Frankie said.

“And that’s the angle,” Amato said.

“What’s it good for?” Frankie said.

“I figure,” Amato said, “I was there twice. I been there twice since I got out. I run into Markie one night, I was in town seeing what’s going on and looking around and I run into him and we had a couple drinks and he says, he tells me he’s got this thing and I should come up. So, twice, both times onna Wednesday. He runs it two nights a week, Wednesdays and Fridays. Now the guys that’re there, that come on Wednesday, there’s a few that come both nights but it’s really a different group the two nights. There was probably, I would say about forty thousand flying around the nights I was there. There’s this one creep that wears fuckin’ velvet pants, and he had at least five on him both the nights I was there. So, a little more, a little less. And of course that’s just what I saw. Most guys, go to something like that, they’ll carry a little more’n what they’re gonna let you see, case they get a bad run of cards and they got to ride something out. So you go in there, you’re gonna give everybody a nice little massage and everything, you’re probably gonna come up with, say, ten more.”

“Not bad,” Frankie said.

“Now there’s guys,” Amato said, “I was there, I heard talk, see, Markie just got divorced again and apparently he had a little party, had a couple hookers come in and eat each other and everybody had a great time and some of these guys’re pissed off, he didn’t invite them. ‘Friends only, no customers,’ he says. So they get on him, and some of the Friday night guys were there and that’s how these guys find out about it. ‘They’re good customers,’ Markie said, ‘good customers’re the same as good friends, my book.’ So I got an idea, there’s more dough there onna Friday’n there is onna Wednesday. So the question is, when’re we gonna do it? And I think, I still think, a Wednesday. Friday that place’s different. During the week it’s pretty quiet, but on Fridays and Saturdays they got a lot of people coming and going, getting laid and all, and that’s just another fuckin’ thing you got to think about, parties going on and everything. And I think, I dunno, I kind of think maybe there’s some guys in there, Fridays, don’t come Wednesdays, the kind of guys I don’t want to get pissed off. I didn’t see nobody there Wednesdays, had any muscle. I think it’s better.”

“How’re we cutting this?” Frankie said.

“A third,” Amato said. “I get a third.”

“That’s high, John,” Frankie said.

“Not for this,” Amato said. “I know where it is and I know what it is. A third’s right. You, I don’t care what you do. You can get that wild man or somebody, do it for five, get him. Fine with me.”

“The guy who goes in with me gets the same’s I do,” Frankie said.

“Up to you,” Amato said.

“You’re not going in,” Frankie said.

“Uh uh,” Amato said. “They’d burn me the minute I came inna door. I’m gonna be a long ways away from that place that night and I’m gonna have a lot of people around me, saw me there. See, that’s what, that’s why I think of you. All I can really do is show somebody where the thing is. I can’t go near it, and I need a guy I can trust, somebody that isn’t gonna tell me, they come up with thirty, it’s really fifty and they’re fucking me and there’s no way I can check. I gotta just be the guy that does the brainwork on this. What I need’s two guys to do the job the way I tell them.”

“All right,” Frankie said, “I’m in. Now, what about Russell?”

“What about him?” Amato said.

“I’m still thinking, he’s gonna be the other guy,” Frankie said. “You get used to that?”

“I don’t give a rat’s ass,” Amato said. “You can go in with Tarzan in his fuckin’ spotted jockstrap if you can get him to do it, don’t matter to me. I just want, get somebody who’s gonna do it right. There’s only two things a guy’s gotta have, right? He’s gotta have balls, which you say the guy’s got, and he can’t be nobody my padrones know.”

“Well, Jesus,” Frankie said, “China Tanzi knows me, for Christ sake.”

“China don’t count,” Amato said. “China’s in Lewisburg and he’s gonna be in Lewisburg for a long time. Making furniture for the government or something, and theres a lot of guys’re not too happy with China anyway right now. They think he probably should’ve got fifteen or twenty in Atlanta like everybody else that was in that thing, instead of just the five. Shit, he hadda record worse’n anybody else’s that was in it, and he gets the five and he’s not inna same place and, I mean, that’s got to make guys wonder, you know? How come? It was going around for a while, China’s not even in Lewisburg. They got him on ice somewhere, they’re feeding him steaks and bringing his family around and talking to him. Well, somebody says it’s not true. I dunno. But nobody’s listening to China much any more. I already thought of that.”

“Well,” Frankie said, “I’m gonna ask Russell, then. I don’t think he knows anybody.”

“What’d he go in for?” Amato said.

“It was kind of a wild thing, I guess,” Frankie said. “You know how it is, a guy wants to tell you, he tells you. He didn’t tell me. But the way I get it, him and another guy, they decided to go after this drugstore, you know? All-night drugstore. Well, it was one of them guys that the boogeys’re always after and he hadda gun in there and there was a whole mess of shit. Started shooting and everything, after they got the stuff, and the guy that was with Russell, well, I dunno. They both had the same kind of guns and I think probably what Russell did, he probably swapped guns. See the guy in the drugstore got hit, but he took the guy that was with Russell out on the way. Anyway, Russell goes on trial and it was the dead guy that got all the shit, put Russell up to it and everything. Russell’s just a clown that went along with something he didn’t understand and look at his war record and everything. Which I guess was pretty good. So he come out of it a lot better’n he would’ve, otherwise.”