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26 death plays on sense of “orgasm”

29 services sexual services

30 fool i.e. Albany

30 usurps wrongfully possesses

32 worth the whistle worth looking for (from the proverb “it is a poor dog that is not worth the whistling”)

33 Goneril … face the Quarto text has a longer dialogue in which Albany berates Goneril (see “Quarto Passages That Do Not Appear in the Folio,” p. 135)

34 rude rough

36 Milk-livered pale-livered, cowardly (cowardice was associated with lack of blood in the liver and milk with women)

38 discerning … suffering that can distinguish between what may be honorably tolerated from what must not be endured

41 Proper … woman deformity does not seem as abhorrent in a devil (to whom it is appropriate) as it does in a woman

43 vain stupid/worthless

48 bred brought up in his household

48 thrilled pierced, moved

48 remorse pity (for Gloucester)

49 Opposed opposed himself

49 bending aiming, directing

50 threat-enraged enraged by the threat

53 after i.e. to death

55 justices (divine) judges

55 nether earthly

56 venge avenge, punish

63 all … life demolish the dream (of having Edmund) that I have constructed, leaving me with the life I hate

65 tart sour

69 back going back

4.3 Location: the French camp, near Dover. The Quarto text precedes this scene with another one in which Kent and a Gentleman discuss the French king’s return to France and Cordelia’s concern for her father (see “Quarto Passages That Do Not Appear in the Folio,” pp. 137–39)

Act 4 Scene 3

4.3 Colours military banners

2 vexed angry, turbulent

3 rank fumiter abundant fumitory (a vigorously growing weed)

3 furrow weeds weeds that grow in the furrows of plowed fields

4 burdocks weeds with prickly flower heads or burs

4 hemlock plant producing a potentially lethal sedative

4 cuckoo-flowers name given to various wildflowers growing when the cuckoo calls (i.e. May/June)

5 Darnel type of grass that grows as a weed among corn

5 idle useless

8 What … wisdom what can human knowledge do

9 bereavèd stolen, lost

10 outward worth worldly goods

12 repose rest, sleep

13 that … operative there are many effective medicinal herbs that can induce that in him

17 unpublished virtues secret powers (of herbs)

18 aidant helpful

18 remediate remedial, healing

20 rage frenzy

21 wants the means i.e. lacks the sanity

24 preparation equipped military force

27 France i.e. the King of France

28 importuned importunate, pressing

29 blown swollen with pride/corrupt

Act 4 Scene 4

4.4 Location: the Earl of Gloucester’s residence

4 ado fuss

8 import mean, contain

10 posted hurried

11 ignorance folly

15 nighted darkened (literally, and in terms of his fortunes)

15 descry discover

17 after go after

19 ways roads

21 charged my duty swore me to obedience

23 Belike perhaps/probably

24 I’ll love thee Regan switches to the familiar thee to cajole him—love implies the promise of favors, sexual or otherwise

29 oeillades amorous glances

29 speaking eloquent

30 of her bosom in her confidence/sexually intimate

32 Y’are ye (you) are

33 take this note note this well

35 convenient fitting

36 gather more infer the rest

39 call … her have more sense

43 meet i.e. meet him

Act 4 Scene 5

4.5 Location: somewhere out in the open, near Dover

1 that same hill the hill I mentioned (i.e. the cliff Gloucester described at the end of Act 4 Scene 1)

11 phrase and matter style and sense

17 choughs jackdaws or other birds of the crow family

17 wing fly across

17 midway i.e. middle regions of

18 gross large

19 samphire aromatic plant used in pickling; it was picked from cliffs by men suspended on ropes

22 yond yonder, that

22 bark small ship

23 her cock (the size of) her cock boat, a small boat towed behind a ship

25 th’unnumbered idle pebble countless insignificant pebbles

27 the deficient my defective

28 Topple topple me

32 leap upright jump up in the air

34 Here, friend’s here, friend, is

36 Prosper it cause it to prosper

40 trifle play

46 opposeless irresistible

47 My … nature the smoldering wick and hated remains of my life

51 conceit imagination

53 Yields submits willingly

54 this this time, now

56 pass die

57 What who (Edgar adopts another persona)

59 aught anything

60 precipitating falling headlong

61 shivered shattered

63 at each end to end

67 bourn boundary (between land and sea)

68 a-height on high

68 shrill-gorged shrill-throated

73 beguile cheat

84 whelked twisted

85 fiend i.e. tempting him to the sin of suicide