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85 happy father fortunate old man (father was a form of address for an elderly man, though Edgar plays with the literal sense)

86 clearest brightest, purest

86 make … impossibilities acquire honor for themselves by performing things that are impossible in the human world

93 free untroubled

94 The … thus were he (Lear) in his right mind, he would never permit himself to dress like this (or possibly “Gloucester’s senses will not be able to withstand seeing his master like this”)

96 touch accuse, blame/lay hands on

100 press-money money paid to military recruits when they were conscripted (Lear seems to imagine he is recruiting an army)

100 crow-keeper scarecrow/person employed to scare crows from the crops

101 Draw … yard draw your bow to its fullest extent (the length of a longbow’s arrow, which, at about thirty-six inches, was the same as the length of a cloth-seller’s measuring rod)

102 gauntlet armored glove thrown down as a challenge to a duel

103 prove it on make good my cause against

103 brown bills long-handled weapons, painted or varnished brown and topped with axe-like blades; or soldiers carrying such weapons

103 well flown, bird the language of falconry, here used to describe an arrow’s flight

104 I’th’clout cloth at the center of an archer’s target

104 hewgh perhaps Lear imitates the sound of the arrow as it flies through the air or hits the target

104 word password (continues Lear’s military fantasy)

105 Sweet marjoram Edgar invents a password that relates to Lear’s headgear and to the plant’s alleged medicinal properties in treating brain disorders

109 like a dog i.e. as if they were fawning dogs

109 had … there i.e. was wise even while I was still a child

111 divinity theology

112 me i.e. my teeth

113 peace be still

116 ague-proof immune to fever and shivering

117 trick characteristic, individual quality

121 cause charge, offense

124 goes to’t does it, has sex

125 lecher fornicate

127 got begot, conceived

128 luxury lechery, lust

128 for … soldiers i.e. more sex means more children to man his army

130 between … snow forecasts frigidity between her legs

131 minces virtue affects chastity

131 shake the head i.e. in disapproval

133 fitchew polecat/prostitute

133 soilèd fed with green fodder, so lively, skittish

134 riotous unrestrained, lustful

135 centaurs mythical creatures that were human above the waist and horse below; reputed to be lustful

136 But … girdle only as far as the waist

136 inherit possess, have power over

138 hell slang term for the vagina

138 sulphurous suggests both hell and syphilis

139 burning … consumption alludes to painful syphilitic burning, odor and decay (consumption)

140 civet perfume

140 apothecary person who prepared and sold drugs, spices, perfumes etc.

143 mortality being human/death

145 so similarly

147 squinny squint

147 Cupid Roman god of love, traditionally depicted as blind or blindfolded

148 challenge written challenge to a duel

148 penning style/handwriting

150 take … report believe it if I heard it reported

153 case sockets

155 heavy case sorrowful predicament

157 feelingly literally, through touch/with great emotion

159 justice judge

160 simple humble

161 handy-dandy take your pick (from the child’s game of guessing which clenched hand contains something)

165 a … office given authority, even a dog will be obeyed

167 beadle parish officer, responsible for punishing thieves, prostitutes, and vagabonds

169 use employ sexually

169 kind manner

170 usurer moneylender, notorious for charging excessively high interest

170 cozener cheat

172 Place … gold i.e. when sins are committed by the rich

173 hurtless harmlessly

174 it i.e. sin

175 able ’em authorize them

178 scurvy politician despicable schemer

179 Now … now perhaps comforting Gloucester, perhaps distracted by his boots

181 matter and impertinency sense and nonsense

184 hither i.e. into this world

189 block style of hat or mold for hats (perhaps Lear removes his headgear)/block from which to mount a horse/tree stump (stage may even give rise to a sense of “scaffold and executioner’s block”)

190 delicate ingenious

191 put’t in proof try it out

4.3 Gentleman perhaps the same man that Kent gave instructions to in Act 3 Scene 1

197 natural fool born fool (as opposed to a professional jester)

201 seconds supporters (as for a duel)

202 salt i.e. tears

204 die plays on the sense of “orgasm”

204 bravely handsomely

205 jovial cheerful/majestic (like Jove, king of the gods)

206 Masters sirs

209 Sa … sa hunting cry, from French ça (“that’s it,” “it’s there”)

212 nature i.e. human nature

212 general curse curse of original sin

213 twain Adam and Eve (but also suggests Goneril and Regan)

214 gentle noble

215 speed you (may God) prosper you

216 toward impending

217 vulgar widely known

219 by your favour if you would be so good

221 main … thought sight of the main army is expected hourly