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Knights of darkness killed by order. Volume 1

Chapter 1 the fall

… Oh no… Wolfe, we've been hit… We are urgently boarding the Crown. Oh, this abandoned planet Where only owners and mercenaries live. This is a forced measure, and there will be no trace of us left. It's good that we have friends there with smugglers, well, we can fly away. Our ship knows, we will have to take paint somewhere and repaint the ship… Get ready! The landing will be tough… Everybody buckle up!

Chapter 2 Crown

Oh… Is everyone alive? Yes. We get dressed For our father. We're going out. So which country is Vince in? According to my data in the right side. Come on, thanks Phil. And how far away? Three hundred meters across the desert. Well, not so far. Now we need to find Middle and tell her everything. Is there no one?.. Open the hatch. We climb in. Closing it. Oh, what people… my old acquaintances. How? Yes, Middle is bad. After the order to destroy the army, life is very bad for us. A hunt has been announced for us, they are trying to kill us. We were fighting in orbit and we were shot down, so we fell. The third engine was knocked out and now we can't fly far from orbit. The Hunt is already open for you. You need to get out faster. I will help you with this. I have a cargo ship, we will pick up your ship and leave the planet. It will be necessary to look for that planet Where you can lay low and repair your ship… Is this the rattletrap flying? Yes, Sayfz. She is also quite fast point come point to seat. Wolf sit down at the copilot's seat only Middle understood you. So where is your ship? Three hundred meters from the city in the desert… There he is, I see him. We pick him up and fly away. Interfacing. Done… Let's fly…

Chapter 3 Traun-tan

Good afternoon, tell me your ship code. Hello! Two zeros eight seven eleven. (imperial base). Thank you, fly landing on the two hundred and twenty-third platform. What a cargo ship does in this system, they usually don't fly here. General Drax, what about the fugitives who were shot down in the Crown system? Our search teams did not find anyone there. Keep looking, we have to find them! (knights of darkness) this planet is teeming with those who want to kill us. Middle can we still fly somewhere else? No, we have to take risks… Sit down!.. hide in this compartment or they'll find you. Will we fit in there? Yes, there were twenty people there, and there are only five of you. Good… Good afternoon, we can check the ship. Yes… It's all clear. You can go out. They're gone. Oh, how cramped it is. How do we leave the site unnoticed?

I have an idea! I'll take you in the cargo crates. So we need five boxes. Get in! How cramped it is here, tighter than in that compartment. Well, what can you do. I'll take you out behind the guard where you'll get out. Good. Well, everyone has come, get out. It's good to get out of this cramped box. So now we need to find a store. It seems there was a store of my old friend nearby. Well, let's go… What are you interested in? We need an engine from a D3 class ship. (d3 class warship)

I just had one lying around. How much will you sell for? For seven thousand. We only have six thousand five hundred. Okay, that'll do. It's a deal… in the box again?oh no. This is necessary for your safety. Okay… now it remains only to fly away and repair the ship. Let's fly. So guys go fix the ship for now. Good… so well, there's not much work here, it's lucky that this ship is easy to assemble and disassemble. We'll fix it quickly!.. Well, that's all you can fly. The ship is ready!.. Let's run… What is a Wolf? Fils, Mize, Saifs, Rayner betrayed us by Middle. We're leaving urgently! Have you repaired the ship? Yes. Then we climb in. Mize cover. Understood. They're coming! I won't be able to hold them off for too long. There are too many of them. Is she not alone? There are a lot of soldiers here. Mize get in, let's fly away. I'm going to close the door and open the airlock. Let's fly away!.. Oh, no, warships have landed on our tail. I'll try to set up a hyperdrive. Mize and Sayfz get behind the turrets. Yes, Captain. Captain? But that's not my title. Now it will be yours. Okay… hooray! I managed to set it up. Jump into space! Phew, they barely broke away. Are you all right? Yes. Now we need to lay low. Everyone already knows us by sight and searches have been announced for us.

Chapter 4. Lay low

Gathering of the council in the central compartment… so we need to hide somehow. Does anyone have any ideas how we can do this? Well, we need to repaint the ship and our reservation. Of course, it's a pity to say goodbye to the white-red shade of armor. Okay, I'll have to. What color will we repaint? We have black paint on the ship. I suggest making a black and red shade… Well, we're Dark Knights now… oh, here we are out of hyper-jump. And where are we? We are at the very edge of the galaxy, the planet Dravsin. Here you can take a short break from the battles. Yes, I agree with you. Rayner, why are you so sad? I can't understand why Middle betrayed us. Money decides everything, and even more so she loves them. I think she was paid, too. Don't worry Rayner, the main thing is that we're alive… Let's take a walk around the planet. At least we'll freshen up… Oh no, it's them. Quickly run to the ship. They're behind us. Ay.


I hope you enjoyed this book! I will continue to write books on the Knights of Darkness trilogy. And I will wait for your wishes in the comments under the book. Perhaps it is your idea that will come true!

The end of the first volume.

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