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Belson J., "Japanese Capital and Jobs Flowing to China", New York Times, 17 February 2004, Cl and C4.



Cm. Forero, "As China Gallops".



Bradsher K., "China Reports Economic Growth of 9.1% in 2003", New York Times, 20 February 2004, Wl and W7.



Bradsher K., "Taiwan Watches Its Economy Slip to China", New York Times, 13 December 2004, C7.



Arnold W, "ВНР Billiton Remains Upbeat Over Bet on China's Growth", New York Times, 8 June 2004, Wl and W7.



Landler M., "Hungary Eager and Uneasy Over New Status", New York Times, 5 March 2004, Wl and W7; K. Bradsher, "Chinese Automaker Plans Assembly Line in Malaysia", New York Times, 19 October 2004, Wl and W7.



Bradsher К., "China's Strange Hybrid Economy", New York Times, 21 December, 2003, C5.



Мнение Волкера приводится по работе P. Bond, "US and Global Economic Volatility: Theoretical, Empirical and Political Considerations", представленной на Empire Seminar, York University, в ноябре 2004.



Wang, China's New Order; T. Fishman, China Inc.: How the Rise of the Nest Superpower Challenges America and the World (New York: Scribner, 2005).



Bradsher K., "Now, a Great Leap Forward in Luxury", New York Times, 10 June 2004, Cl and C6.



Wu X. and J. Perloff, China'sIncome Distribution Over.Time: Reasons for Rising Inequality, CUDARE Working Papers 977 (Berkeley: University of California at Berkeley, 2004).



Wang, China's New Order.



Wei L., Regional Development in China (New York: Routledhe/ Curzon, 2000).



Shi L., "Current Conditions of China's Working Class" China Study Group, 3 November 2003, http://www.chinastudygroup. org/index.php?action=article&type.



China Labor Watch, "Mainland China Jobless Situation Grim".



Shi L., "Current Conditions of China's Working Class".



Barboza D., "An Unknown Giant Flexes its Muscles", New York Times, 4 December 2004, Al and C3; S. Lohr, "IBM's Sale of PC Unit Is a Bridge Between Companies and Cultures", New York Times, 8 December 2004, Al and C4; S. Lohr, "IBM Sought China Partnership, Not Just a Sale", New York Times, 13 December 2004, Cl and C6.



Wang, China's New Order;]. Yardley, "Farmers Being Moved Aside by China's Real Estate Boom", New York Times, 8 December 2004, Al and A16.



Cartier C, "Zone Feber. The Arable Land Debate and Real Estate Speculation: China's Evolving Land Use Regime and its Geographical Contradictions", Journal of Contemporary China, 10 (2001), 455-69; Z. Zhang, Strangers in the City: Reconfigurations of Space, Power and Social Networks within China's Floating Population (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2001).



Cartier C, "Symbolic City /Regions and Gendered Identity Formation in South China", Provincial China, 8/1 (2003), 60-77; Z. Zhang, "Mediating Time: The 'Rice Bowl of Youth' in Fin-deSiecle Urban China", Public Culture, 12/1 (2000), 93-113.



Lee S.K., "Made in China: Labor as a Political Force?", вступительная речь, 2004 Mansfield Conference, University of Montana, Missoula, 18-20 April 2004.



Ibid.; J. Yardley, "Chinese Appeal to Beijing to Resolve Local Complaints", New York Times, 10 March 2004, A3.



Rosenthal E., "Workers Plight Brings New Militancy in China", New York Times, 10 March 2003, A8.



Cody E., "Workers in China Shed Passivity: Spate of Walkouts Shakes Factories", Washington Post, 27 November 2004, A01; A. Cheng, "Labor Unrest is Growing in China", International Herald Tribune Online, October 27, 2004; J. Yardley, "Farmers Being Moved Aside".



Lee, "Made In China".



Цитируется в работе Cody, "Workers in China Shed Passivity", см. также выпуски China Labor Bulletin.



Cody E., "Workers in China Shed Passivity".



Marx К., Theories of Surplus Value, pt. 2 (London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1969), 200.



Gray J., False Dawn: The Illusions of Global Capitalism (London: Granta Press, 1998).



Bond, "US and Global Economic Volatility".



Наиболее исчерпывающие официальные заявления можно найти в документах Всемирной Комиссии по социальным последствиям глобализации (World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization) A Fair Globalization: Creating Opportunities for AU (Geneva, International Labour Office, 2004); Программа развития ООН, Human Development Report, 199;. Human Development Report,2003.



Weisbrot M., D. Baker, E. Kraev, J. Chen, "The Scorecard on Globalization 1980-2000: Its Consequences for Economic and Social Well-Being" в работе Navarro V. and C. Muntaner, Political and Economic Determinants of Population Health and Well Being (Amityville, NY: Baywood, 2007), 91-114.



Monbiot G., "Punitive – and It Works", Guardian, 11 January 2005, публикация online.



Henwood, After the New Economy. G. Dumenil, D. Levy, Capital Resurgent, fig. 17.1.



Существует масса публикаций на тему глобализации. Свою точку зрения я высказал в работе Harvey, SpacesofHope.



Ibid., ch. 4.



Derthick M. and P. Quirk, The Politics of Deregulation (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 1985); Megginson W, J. Netter, "From State to Market: A Survey of Empirical Studies of Privatization", Journal of Economic Literature (2001), online.
