Выбрать главу

6. Defourneaux М. Les Franсais en Espagne au XIet–XII siecles. P., 1949.

7. Ferreiro A. The Siege of Barbastro, 1064—65: A Reassessment // JMH. 1983. Vol. P. № 2. P. 129–144.

8. Guichard P. et Soravia B. Les royaumes de tai'fas, R, 2007.

9. O’Callaghan J. F. A History of Medieval Spain. NY, 1983.

О мамлюках:

10. Irwin R. The Middle East in the Middle Ages: The Early Mamluk Sultanate 1250–1382. L., 1986.

11. Nicolle D. The Mamluks. 1250–1570. Oxford, 1993.

Об османской экспансии:

12. Петросян Ю. А. Османская империя: могущество и гибель. М., 2017 (2-е изд.).

13. Housley N. Crusading and the Ottoman threat: 1453–1505. Oxford, 2013.

14. Inalcik H. The Ottoman Turks and the Crusades, 1329–1451 // Settton К. M. (ed.) A History of the Crusades: The Impact of the Crusades on Europe. Madison, 1989. P. 222–275.

Часть IV
Глава 16. Образы крестовых походов в европейской культуре

1. Заборов М. А. Историография крестовых походов (литература XV–XIX вв.). М., 1971.

2. Constable G. The Historiography of the Crusades // Idem Crusaders and Crusading in the 12th century. Farnham, 2016. P. 3—44.

3. Dupront A. Le Mythe de Croisade. P., 1997. 4 vols.

4. Jaspert N. Ein Polymythos: Die Kreuzziige // Mythen in der Geschichte / Hg. H. Altrichter u.a. Romach, 2004. P. 202–235.

5. Rousset P. La Croisade. Histoire d’une ideologic. P., 1990.

6. Siberry E. The New Crusaders Images of the Crusades in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries Aldershot, 2000.

7. Siberry E. Tasso and the Crusades: History of a legacy // JMH. Vol. 19. № 1. 1993 163–169.

Список сокращений

JMH — Journal of Medieval History

PL — Patrologiae cursus completus. Series Latina

RHC Hist. Occ. - Recueil des Historiens des Croisades. Historiens Occidentaux


The age of the crusades is one of the most important epochs in the history of humanity. And yet, so far we do not have a full and complete answer to the question of what exactly the crusades were. How did the idea of the crusade come about? Who were the crusaders? How many crusades were there in total? How did they impact on the medieval civilization? What caused the crusades to end? The author of this comprehensive study ponders over these and many other issues by placing the events in their social, political and intellectual context and by focusing on how crusading evolved in theory and practice. This book suggests a new and stimulating view of the popular topic.