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He was considerably relieved to find that his Amabel, instead of being on a bed of sickness, was looking remarkably well, but he could not like it that she had been tied to a cradle ever since Tom had developed influenza. He thought it extraordinary that there should be no one in the household able to look after a mere infant, and could not be convinced that Amabel was neither tired nor bored. She laughed at him, and said: “No, no, of course I’m not! Do you realize, my love, that it is the first time I have ever had Baby all to myself? Except for being unable to go to Tom, and being very anxious about Annis, I have enjoyed every minute, and shall be sorry to give her back to Nurse tomorrow. Dr Tidmarsh considers it to be perfectly safe now, but I am keeping Baby with me for one more night, for she is cutting another tooth, and is rather fretful, and I want Nurse to have a peaceful night before she takes charge of her again. You shall see Tom presently: he is laid down for his rest at the moment. Say something kind to Maria, won’t you? She has been most helpful, looking after Tom.”

“Yes, very well, but tell me about Annis! I was never more shocked in my life than when I read that she was in such very queer stirrups! I could hardly believe my eyes, for I don’t recall that I’ve ever known her to collapse before. It must have been a pretty violent catching?”

At this moment they were interrupted by Miss Susan Wychwood, who had been laid down to sleep on the sofa in the back drawing-room, and who now awoke, querulously demanding attention. Lady Wychwood glided into this half of the room, and was just about to pick Miss Susan up when Miss Farlow came hurrying in, and begged to be allowed to take the little darling. “For I saw Sir Geoffrey drive up, and so, of course, I knew he would wish to talk to you, which is why I have been on the listen, thinking that very likely Baby would wake—Oh, how do you do, Cousin Geoffrey? Such a happiness to have you with us again, though I feel you will be quite alarmed, when you see our dear Annis—if Jurby permits you to see her!” She gave vent to a shrill titter. “I daresay it will astonish you to know that Jurby has become the Queen of Camden Place: none of us dares to move hand or foot without her leave! Even I have not been permitted to see dear Annis until today! I promise you, I was excessively diverted, but I couldn’t help pitying poor Annis, compelled to accept the services of her abigail when those of a blood-relation would have been more acceptable. However I made no demur, because I knew that, tyrant though she is, I could depend upon Jurby to take almost as good care of her mistress as I should have done, besides that there was dear Lady Wychwood to be thought of, so worn-down as she was, which made me realize that her need of me was greater than Annis’s!”

She began to rock the infant in her arms, and Sir Geoffrey, who had listened to her with growing disfavour, beat a retreat, almost dragging his wife with him. As they mounted the stairs he said: “Upon my word, Amabel, I begin to wish I hadn’t prevailed upon Annis to engage that woman! But I don’t remember that she talked us silly when she and Annis have visited us!”

“No, dear, but at home you never saw very much of her. That is what I dislike about town-houses: however commodious they may be one can never get away from the other people living in the house! And goodnatured and obliging though poor Maria is I own I have frequently been forced to shut myself into my bedchamber to escape from her. I think,” she added reflectively, “if ever she came to live at Twynham I should give her a sitting-room of her own.”

“Came to live at Twynham?” he ejaculated. “You don’t mean that Annis means to turn her off?”

“Oh, no! But one never knows what circumstances might arise to make her chaperonage unnecessary. Annis might be married, for instance.”

He laughed at this, and said, with comfortable conviction: “Not she! Why, she’s nine-and-twenty, and a confirmed old maid!”

She said nothing, but he apparently turned her words over in his mind, for he asked her, a few minutes later, if that fellow Carleton was still in Bath.

“He went to London some ten days ago,” she replied. “His niece, however, is still here, so I imagine he must mean to return.”

“Ay, you wrote to me that she was here, and I wish to my heart she were not! Mind you, she’s a taking little thing, and I don’t wish to say a word against her, but I’ve never approved of Annis’s conduct over that business, and I never shall!”

“Mr Carleton doesn’t approve of it either. He says Annis is not a fit person to take charge of Lucilla.”

“Damned impudence!” growled Sir Geoffrey, “Not but what she ain’t a fit person, and so I’ve said all along!”

“No, I am persuaded you are right,” she agreed. “But I fancy-indeed, I know—that Mr Carleton has every intention of removing her from Annis’s charge. That is why he has gone to London. You must not mention this, Geoffrey, for Lucilla knows nothing about it, and Annis told me in confidence.”

“You told me in the first letter you wrote after I left you here that you thought there was no danger of Annis’s losing her heart to him. The Lord only knows why so many women do lose their hearts to him, for a more disagreeable, top-lofty fellow I wish I may never meet!”

“I own I don’t like him, but I think he could make himself very agreeable to anyone he wished to please.”

“Good God, you don’t mean to tell me he’s been making up to Annis?” he exclaimed, in patent horror.

“You wouldn’t think so, but—I don’t know, Geoffrey! He doesn’t flirt with her, and he seems to say detestably uncivil things to her, but if he isn’t trying to fix his interests with her, I cannot help wondering why he has remained in Bath for so long.”

“Does she like him?” he demanded.

“I don’t know that either,” she confessed. “One wouldn’t think so, because they seem to rip up at each other every time they meet; but I have lately suspected that Annis is not as indifferent to him as she would have me believe.”

“You must be mistaken! Annis, of all people, to have a tendre for a fellow like Carleton? It isn’t possible! Why, they call him the rudest man in London! I am not surprised that he should be trying to attach her: he is notorious for his philandering, and I was very uneasy as soon as I discovered that Lucilla was his niece, for it seemed likely that he would come here, and Annis is a devilish goodlooking woman! But that she should be in love with him—no, no Amabel, you must be mistaken!”

“Perhaps I am, dearest. But if I am not—if she accepts an offer from him—we must learn to like him!”

Like him?” echoed Sir Geoffrey, in a stupefied voice. “I can tell you this, Amabeclass="underline" nothing will ever prevail upon me to consent to such a marriage!”

“But Geoffrey—!” she expostulated. “Your consent isn’t needed! Annis isn’t a minor! If she decides to marry Mr Carleton she will do so, and you will be obliged to accept him with a good grace—unless you wish to become estranged from her, which I am very sure you don’t.”

He looked to be somewhat disconcerted, but said: “If she chooses to marry Carleton, she will have to bear the consequences. But I shall warn her most solemnly that they may be more disagreeable than she foresees!”

“You will do as you think proper, dearest, but you must promise me that you won’t mention this matter to her until she herself speaks of it. Recollect that it is all conjecture at present! And on no account must you say anything to distress her! But when you see her you won’t wish to!”