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79. Tisserand M. Preface, in: La Mettrie. Textes choisies. Paris, 1954.

80. Vartanian A. Introductory monograph, in: La Mettrie’s L’homme machine. A study in the origins of an idea. Princeton, New Jersey, 1960.

81. Verniere P. Spinoza et la pensee francaise avant la revolution. Paris, 1954.

82. Voltaire. Oeuvres completes, t. 37. Paris, 1880.

83. Voltaire. Romans. Firmin — Didot. Paris, 1866.

84. Wade J. O. The clandestine organisation and diffusion of philosophic ideas in France from 1700 to 1750. New York, 1967.

85. Wahl J. Tableau de la philosophie francaise. Paris, 1962.

86. Wasmuth E. Der Mensch und die Denkmaschine. Koln — Olten, 1953.