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diligence - čaklība

direct heir - tiešais mantinieks

direction - rīkojums

discharge - dzēšana (490.p.)

discharge of a claim - prasījuma dzēšana

discharge the debt - dzēst parādu (1837.p.)

discourage - atbaidīt

discretion - ieskats

disfigurement - izķēmojums

dispute - apstrīdēt

dispute - strīds

disputed property - apstrīdamas lietas

dissent - noliegšana (1430.p.)

dissolute lifestyle - izlaidīga dzīve

dissolution of marriage - laulības šķiršana

distress - ķīlāšana

distress rights - ķīlāšanas tiesība

distribution of an estate - mantojuma izdalīšana

division - dalīšana, sadalīšana

division of an estate - mantojuma dalīšana

divorce - laulības šķiršana

document - dokuments

domestic animals - mājas kustoņi

dominant immovable property - valdošais nekustamais īpašums

donee - apdāvinātais

donor - dāvinātājs

dowry - pūrs

draft - līguma projekts

draw up a written deed - sastādīt rakstisku aktu

duress - spaidi

duty - pienākums

duty of liability - atbildības pienākums

dwelling - dzīvoklis (396.p.)



earnest money (§ 1725) - Earnest money shall mean that which is given by one party to the other party at the time of entering into a contract not only as proofthat a contract has beenentered into, but also to secure its performance. - –rokas nauda

earnings - izpelnīta atlīdzība (2188.p.), peļņa (28.p.)

elapse - notecēt

employee - darbinieks

employer - darba devējs, saimnieks (1639.p.)

employment contract (§ 2178) - Pursuant to an employment contract, one party undertakes to perform work for the other party for remuneration. - darba līgums

employment relations - darba attiecības

encumber - apgrūtināt

end of active hostilities - karadarbības izbeigšanās

enforcement proceedings - –piedziņa

enhancement expenditures - greznuma izdevumi

enrich oneself - iedzīvoties

enter into marriage - –iedoties laulībā

entering into a contract - –līguma noslēgšana

entering into a transaction - darījuma noslēgšana

entirety of property of an estate - mantojuma masa

entirety of property subject to concursus proceedings (§ 217) - konkursa masa

essence of usufruct - lietojuma būtība

essential elements - būtiskas sastāvdaļas

establishment - nodibinājums

estate (§ 382) - An estate is the whole, which comprises all immovable and movable property, as well as transferable rights and obligations, which may be transferred to others and which, at the actual or legally presumed time of death, were owned by the deceased or a person legally presumed dead. - mantojums

estate-leaver - mantojuma atstājējs

evidence - pierādījums

excessive loss - pārmērīgs zaudējums

excessive use - pārmērīga lietošana

exclusion from inheritance (§ 427) - Exclusion from inheritance shall be understood as the intent expressed in instructions in contemplation of death such that the one who has a right of inheritance by law does not become an heir. Forced heirs may be excluded from a preferential share of an estate only as provided for in law and directly expressed in the instructions in contemplation of death for factually appropriate causes. - atstumšana no mantojuma

excusable mistake - atvainojama maldība

execution - izpildījums

execution of a will - testamenta izpildīšana

executor of a will - testamenta izpildītājs

exercise rights - izlietot tiesības

exercising due care - ievērojot vajadzīgo rūpību

expectant right - nogaidu tiesība

expenditures - izdevumi

expense - rēķins (258.p.)

expenses - izdevumi (95.p.)

expert - lietpratējs

expiration - notecējums

express in writing - izteikt rakstiski

express one’'s intent - izteikt savu gribu

expressed intent - izteikta griba

expression of intent - gribas izteikums

extension of the term - termiņa pagarinājums

extinguish the debt - dzēst parādu –

extraordinary usufructuary rights - ārkārtēja lietojuma tiesība



factual impediments - –faktiski šķēršļi

fail to accept - izvairīties pieņemt

failure to act - bezdarbība

fall of the hammer - –piesitums

family law - ģimenes tiesības

family (§ 214) - In the narrow sense of its definition, a family consists of the spouses and their children while they are still part of a common household. - ģimene

fault - vaina

fear - bailes

fictitiously - fiktīvi

filiation of a child - bērna izcelšanās

financial benefit - mantiska vērtība

financial value - mantiska vērtība

finder of lost property - nozaudētas lietas atradējs

finder's fee - atradēja alga

first lessor - pirmais iznomātājs

fishing right - zvejas tiesība

force - vardarbība

force majeure - nepārvarama vara

forced heir (§423) - Forced heirs are the spouse and descendants, but if there are no descendants, then ascendants of the nearest degree of kinship. - neatraidāms mantinieks

forfeiture of inheritances - –mantojuma atraušana

founding documents - dibināšanas akts

fraud (§ 1459) - Fraud is the unlawful deception of another person for the purpose of inducing him or her to perform acts contrary to his or her interests or to refrain from such acts. - viltus

freight costs - veduma maksa

friendship purchase - draudzības pirkums

fruits (§ 855) - Fruits, within the widest meaning of this word, are every benefit which may be obtained through the use of a principal property. Fruits, within the narrowest meaning, are all that which may be obtained from a property, either as the natural product thereof or as income which it bears in connection with special legal relationships; in the former case, the fruits are called natural, in the latter, civil. Included in the latter shall be lease and rental payments and interest on capital. - augļi