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Chapter 3. How to make him fall in love with me?

To make a man fall in love is pretty easy: don’t be afraid of him and make your communication with him freer. The main obstacle is the fear that he might think something bad about you. Nature made it this way that males chase females. Even though a rooster is the only guy in a chicken coop and even if he looks awesome, he still chases a hen to mount her. Not one hen, no matter how dumb it is, will run after a rooster to mount him. Despite the fact that they are the nature’s supreme creations, girls often act sillier than hens. A guy will simply get scared (I know this because I’ve asked many of them) if a girl starts chasing him. Just like any rooster he will think: «Something is wrong with this hen… she is crazy!» They think this way, because guys are also created by nature. If a man takes two steps toward you, you should take only one (and don’t rush to him). Also, don’t forget to take two steps back later. If you chase him, he can’t chase you. He can only run away. If there is a «chaser», there is also a «chase». «I can’t live without you» is something that a person who has given up would say. Act on the principle: «I can live without you!» If you become the one who chases, nature will tell him what to do. This message will be louder than the one from his feelings and reason. A man wants to be where it feels good. Remember about it when you find a husband. This is the only way not to lose him. Take a closer look at a man. Can he rain on the parade of those around him? Can he be boring, sad, or irritated? If yes, can he change himself? Or maybe his motto is: «Accept me the way I am». Then nothing particularly good will happen here. Don’t rush. Let him prove that he can and wants to be better – for you, for your peace and your happiness.

In any relationship always ask yourself: «Who is chasing whom?» If you want to be happy, learn to run away and not to chase. The most beneficial behavior is when you act according to the following idea: “It is nice with you, but it is also nice without you!” When a man senses that he has been moved from the first place to the tenth place, he will want to understand the reason. All of our excuses – «I forgot your address» or «I lost your phone number» – will not work. If a man wants to be with a woman he loves, he will force his way through to that woman. The bottom line is that you should learn to live so that you are interesting to yourself. Then you will be interesting to other people around you. Just think about how many princesses lost their princes whispering: «I can’t live without you.» You should whisper: «I can live without you.»

A man is designed by nature to chase, and you need to ensure that he has this opportunity. Smile but be the first one to look away. Be the first one to say good-bye and leave. Don’t ask when you will meet again. Don’t hint about where you live and don’t just offer your phone number. You are a good man, but I am not going to chase you! «You will enjoy being with me, but it is difficult to win my heart.» This phrase should be read in your eyes, speech and gestures. You need to get rid of fear and any doubts concerning your attractiveness. The most accurate word to be used here is risky.

Why is it so important for a man to see our energy not only in your facial movements but also in our laugh, gestures, the way we walk and even the speed of our speech? He doesn’t analyze it looking for a reason why. Nature thinks for him making him choose the most energetic female which will give him a viable offspring. Every woman applies this knowledge intuitively. Yet how do you let him know that he will have to work to get you? Any man senses the level of woman’s intelligence right away. He is used to evaluating a woman from the first glance. He is trained to do so. Women think that men perceive them as sex objects. However, any normal man actually wants love.

When it comes to love I’ve had this one rule since I was twenty – to take a step toward a man who has taken two steps toward me. This is when you need a smart friend by your side. You should take into account only the steps that don’t cause any doubt. You also should have less initiative than a man. Should you always reciprocate to a step that was taken toward you? Of course not. That depends on what you want. Don’t turn your brain off. There are more and more young men who accept the fact that women court them. We should recognize it as a fact. I still think though, that we should educate men to make them understand what manly behavior means. As long as I was the one asking them out, I couldn’t maintain even one serious relationship. As soon as I started acting in accordance with nature, men started proposing. To catch a man is very easy! At first you need to prove to him that your soul is beautiful, then you need to prove that he is a genius and that you are the only person who understands that. The most appealing element here is sincerity.

Friendship, just like love, is built according to the same laws:

1. Interest, mystery, desire to solve the mystery.

2. Necessary break up, testing if you can live without each other.

3. Getting back together for a long time, maybe forever.

Your companion should be in awe while talking to you. He should be very interested in you! Then he himself will start looking for you, calling you and thinking of you. And it is very likely that he will fall in love with you.

The first thing a man does is evaluation of a woman as a sexual object. After the first outburst of physical attraction men will be interested in positivity and adventurousness. They understand that women often create specific emotional atmospheres. A man weighs up the pros and cons thinking about a possible partnership with a woman. If he meets a woman who, in his opinion, is going to be on his side, he is attracted to her. If you want to be loved by men, you should also love them. There should be this animal passion toward a woman! Men marry women who arouse them. Men don’t need a lot of women; men need a lot of sex! If a woman makes sure that her man gets this sex at home, they can form a normal family. For your man to like you, you need to be liked by other men. A man by nature is a winner among other males. He is a competitor and rival. This rule is not that obvious for women but still is true. The instinct of procreation works the following way: grab the best ones whose quality has been proven by others. You probably have noticed that men appear like a flock of birds – all of them at the same time. Sometimes a man starts paying attention to a woman only after his friend has already paid attention to her. This rule works on women too: «Gosh, who is it with her? Maybe he is good in bed?» Just like that. Interest is there. After that it will be easy for a woman to find reasons to stay interested in him.

Once I said: «To be liked by your husband, you need to be liked by others’ husbands.» I received an interesting response to this phrase: «This is exactly how I got married – when I started dating other men. It was like my intuition led me to do this. I loved him a lot and I suffered a lot without him. Thanks to my «dates» with other men he became more active. I didn’t cheat on him, no. I just had innocent dates: had coffee with somebody, went to theaters or museums. It is very important for a man to show other males that this female is his! You can be liked by men without flirting. If you put on clothing that men admire, they will be surrounding you wherever you go. If you talk about things that are interesting for men, they won’t go far away. I’ve seen it many times how a man would change when he sees that his lady attracts other men, how he falls in love with her again right in front of your eyes.

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