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Table E-20. VC commands

Table E-20. VC commands (Chapter 12)

Keystrokes Command name Action
C-x v v vc-next-action Go to the next logical version control state.
C-x v d vc-directory Show all registered files beneath a directory.
C-x v = vc-diff Generate a version difference report.
C-x v u vc-revert-buffer Throw away changes since the last checked-in revision.
C-x v ~ vc-version-other-window Retrieve a given revision in another window.
C-x v l vc-print-log Display a file's change comments and history.
C-x v i vc-register Register a file for version control.
C-x v h vc-insert-headers Insert version control headers in a file.
C-x v r vc-retrieve-snapshot Check out a named project snapshot.
C-x v s vc-create-snapshot Create a named project snapshot.
C-x v c vc-cancel-version Throw away a saved revision.
C-x v a vc-update-change-log Update a GNU-style ChangeLog file.

Table E-21. Ediff commands

Table E-21. Ediff commands (Chapter 12)

Keystrokes Command name Action
Space or n ediff-next-difference Move to the next difference between the files.
Del or p ediff-previous-difference Move to the preceding difference between the files.
j ediff-jump-to-difference Go to the difference specified as a numeric prefix argument.
a ediff-copy-A-to-B Copy the version of the current difference found in buffer A to buffer B.
b ediff-copy-B-to-A Copy the version of the current difference found in buffer B to buffer A.
r a or r b ediff-restore-diff Restore the current difference in buffer A (or B) to the way it was before copying from the other buffer.
A or B ediff-toggle-read-only Switch the specified buffer into (or out of) read-only mode.
g a or g b ediff-jump-to-difference-at-point Recenter the comparison buffers on the difference nearest to your current location (point) in the specified buffer.
! ediff-update-diffs Recalculate and redisplay the highlighted regions; useful if you've manually made extensive changes to a buffer.
w a or w b ediff-save-buffer Save the specified buffer to disk.
z ediff-suspend Close the Ediff control window, but leave the session active so you can resume it later.
q ediff-quit Close the Ediff window and end this comparison session.

Table E-22. CUA mode commands

Table E-22. CUA mode commands (Chapter 13)

Keystrokes Command name Action
C-c C-x C-x cua-exchange-point-and-mark Exchange location of cursor and mark.
C-x or C-w or S-Delete kill-region Delete the region.
C-v or C-y or S-Insert cua-paste Paste most recently killed or copied text.
C-c copy-region-as-kill Copy the region.
M-v cua-repeat-replace-region After highlighting and replacing a string, find the next string and replace it the same way.
M-y cua-paste-pop After C-v, pastes earlier deletion.
C-z or C-x u cua-undo Undoes the last change.
C-x C-z iconify-frame Minimize the current frame (what C-z does outside CUA mode).