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Table E-23. Help commands

Table E-23. Help commands (Chapter 14)

Keystrokes Command name Question answered
C-h k HelpDescribeDescribe Key describe-key What command does this keystroke sequence run, and what does it do?
C-h f HelpDescribeDescribe Function describe-function What does this function do?
C-h v HelpDescribeDescribe Variable describe-variable What does this variable mean, and what is its value?
C-h m HelpDescribeDescribe Buffer Modes describe-mode Tell me about the modes the current buffer is in.
C-h b HelpDescribeList Key Bindings describe-bindings What are all the key bindings for this buffer?
C-h a HelpSearch DocumentationFind Commands by Name apropos-command What commands include this word?
(none) HelpSearch DocumentationFind Options by Name apropos-variable What variables include this regular expression?
(none) HelpSearch DocumentationFind Any Object by Name apropos What functions and variables involve this regular expression?

Table E-24. Documentation help commands

Table E-24. Documentation help commands (Chapter 14)

Keystrokes Command name Action
C-h t HelpEmacs Tutorial help-with-tutorial Run the Emacs tutorial.
C-h i info Start the Info documentation reader. If prefaced with C-u, reads an Info file of your choice.
C-h r HelpRead the Emacs Manual info-emacs-manual Open the Emacs manual.
C-h K HelpMore ManualsFind Key in Manual Info-goto-emacs-key-command-node Start Info documentation reader at the node that discusses this key sequence.
(none) HelpSearch DocumentationLook Up Subject in User Manual emacs-index-search Search the index of the Emacs user manual.
C-h p finder-by-keyword Invoke a menu that lets you get information about Emacs Lisp packages available on your system.

Table E-25. Important modes