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Barnin chuckled and murmured something about Legon needing to borrow money.

Sasha knew that there was going to be plenty of time to bother Legon about his date and for her to rub in her victory, but right now they were on their way to see Arkin. As they walked she held a little green pod to her mouth that Sydin had given her. he had given four or five to all of them.

Barnin and Ankle were biting the tips off and squeezing something that looked like sap into their mouths.

She frowned at the little pod. “What are these?” she asked.

“Power packs,” Barnin answered.

“Power packs?” Sasha repeated.

It was Ankle that spoke this time. “Yeah. That’s not what the Elves call them, but that’s the nickname they have with the humans. they taste great and they give you energy. lots of vitamins, nutrients, all that stuff.”

She nodded and bit the tip off of one and squeezed it into her mouth. It was sweet and tasted a lot like honey. as she swallowed it her belly felt warm. She had another.

“See? They’re good and they act fast, too. you’ll be feeling better in just a minute,” Ankle said.

It was true. by the time they made it to the hospital tent where Arkin was she had a lot more energy. When they found Arkin he was awake and looking sulky. his chest was wrapped in bandages and he looked a little pale. He gave them a weak smile and started to get up. sasha pushed him back down.

“Sasha, I’m fine. The staff here-” Arkin started.

“Needs to change your dressings, and they’re done all wrong. let me take a look at you. Sit still,” Sasha commanded.

He didn’t argue with her, and she suspected that he was happy to have her there. She looked him over and then told him to sit up so she could have a look at his chest. He sat up and she unwrapped the dressings, which really did need to be changed.

“Barnin, would you be a dear and get me some hot water, a cloth, and more bandages?” Sasha asked.

Barnin looked doubtful. “They won’t give them to us normally.”

She looked at him. “But I’m sure they will be happy to give them to House Evindass, don’t you think?”

He looked happy about being able to use the power of their name, but then she thought better.

“On second thought, just the hot water and a rag.”

There was a large laceration across his chest. the wound was bleeding slightly and she knew that it went almost to his ribs. It wasn’t a clean cut either. she peered closely at it. the blade that had done it was only moderately sharp, but otherwise it was straightforward. Soon Barnin was back with the requested supplies and a smile that told her he had taken advantage of being her errand runner. She took the water and rag and cleaned around the cut. When she was done she looked at it appraisingly.

“Sasha, there’s no way you can fix this with magic. you don’t have enough strength,” Arkin said.

“But he does,” she said, pointing to Legon.

“But I don’t know how to fix it,” Legon said.

“But I do,” Sasha responded.

She smiled and accessed his mind and then his magic. she hadn’t ever done this before, but she knew that dragons often used another’s minor in their own spells, so it should work. Legon’s reserve, while depleted, was still vast compared to her own. The power felt clumsy to her, but she concentrated on the spell and a ruby glow appeared under her hand. She moved her hand over Arkin’s chest and the muscle and veins flowed together. When she was done she popped another power pack and looked at Arkin’s healed chest.

He smiled broadly at her. “Thanks Sash, but I think you missed a mole. There used to be one right there.”

She rolled her eyes. “You’re welcome, and I didn’t miss a mole. those things are horrid. you’re better off without it.”

He laughed and directed his words to Legon. “So, Un Prosa, I hear you were good in the fight, and that you have a date with Ise.”

They talked for a while and then Arkin decided he felt good enough to get up and leave. They went back to the dragon dome and spent the rest of the night talking about anything other than the battle.

After a few hours Sasha’s vision started to blur with fatigue. she leaned back on the couch and her eyelids began to droop. The others were talking about their coming trip to the Elven lands, and she wanted to stay awake, but eventually and reluctantly she closed her eyes.