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She shivered lewdly at the thought of what it would be like to have their tongues there, eating, licking, sucking at her. They would drive her mad with passion. She would whimper and beg and sob for mercy, and she would actually be loving every second of it. The three males would laugh among themselves, congratulating one another about how they were degrading and humiliating her, and she would have the 1st laugh after all. She would scream with mock fear and raw, unbridled passion. What a scene it would be.

Susie was quivering all over now. She was so excited that she could hardly think. Susie stretched out onto her back. Her eager hands reached under the waistband of her panties, and she pulled them down to her trim ankles. Quickly, she pushed her short skirt up around her waist and out of her way. She did not care if she was in the neighbors' house, she was going to have to put out the fire in her loins or she would never be able to get back across the narrow bridge.

With passion hooded eyes, Susie gazed down the length of her slim body. Even though she was not fully developed, she liked her figure. She spent long hours before her full length mirror, just gazing at herself, marveling at the potential that lay within her. If she squinted, clouding her own vision, she could almost imagine that a full grown woman, a very sexy and desirable woman, was staring back at her from the mirror. That woman was afraid of nothing, was fully prepared to experience anything life had to offer.

Susie shivered again as she imagined what it would be like to have all the best looking boys at school surrounding her nude body, touching it, using it as they saw fit. Right now, though, she knew she would happily settle for just one, her neighbor, Andy.

Her fingers moved into the warm darkness of her cuntal opening. She gasped loudly as the tips of them touched her hard, erect clitoris. The very touch burned her interior flesh, and it sent her to new heights of bestial lewdness. She dug at her throbbing marble, cutting at it with her shapely fingernails. The pain made her flinch, squirming about on the bedroom floor, but she did not stop. The hurting made her feel alive, vital, sexual. Feelings of raw passion raced through her over sex-ed body, and she threw her legs wide apart, opening herself up completely as though offering her body to a man, to a man like Andy.

The scent of her freely flowing juices reached Susie's flaring nostrils. The smell was fresh and good. No wonder men liked eating out their women. She raised her hand to her face and sniffed of her fingers. They were shining and moist. She flicked out her tongue and tasted them. The musky taste of her own womanliness flooded her mouth, and the girl threw back her head and moaned loudly, her mouth agape.

Little by little, Susie increased the speed of her fingers. She dug them into herself, stretching the pouty lips of her pussy wide to let the coldness of the air rush into her. Her fingers ran up and down along the edges of her cunt, feeling the hardness of them as the blood rushed in. God, oh, God, she thought. It feels good, so good. I love it. I love my body. I love doing this. She tossed her head about, panting, her chest heaving for breath. She wished for sexual pleasure all the time. There ought to be an army of men who would do all sorts of things to her all the time.

Susie's fingers were flying now, touching everywhere, reaching far up into her vagina. She was perspiring freely, visions of naked men running through her head, their cocks shooting out the love juice just as she had seen it shoot out of Andy when he masturbated himself while she watched from the dark silence of her room across the way.

Suddenly Susie heard a noise. She jerked her head upward and opened her eyes. There, standing in the doorway, his eyes riveted on her writhing body, was Andy.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he asked, his voice shaky.

"Nothing, uh, I mean… " Susie was caught. She did not know what to do. How should she explain the fact that she had broken into Andy's house, taken his most prized and secret possession, and was now masturbating with total animal lewdness on his bedroom floor. She just lay there, frozen with fear.

Andy made no move. He just stood there staring at the half naked girl on his bedroom floor. His eyes were glazed with passion. It was as though he were hypnotized.

"Susie… I had no idea… no idea that… " he finally whispered, his voice low and strangely tight. He began to move toward her.

Susie reached down quickly, covering herself with her short skirt.

"Susie," Andy said, his voice breathy, "don't hide it. Don't cover it up like that. I want to see it. I've been waiting for such a long time, and I've wondered about you so often. Let me see it, please?"

"What are you talking about?" Susie asked, her fear beginning to ebb away.

"Your sweet little pussy. I want to look at it. I never saw a real one before, just the ones in these pictures." He nudged the magazine disdainfully with his toe.

Andy moved closer and closer. His eyes never left the trembling girl. They seemed to burn a hole through the thin fabric of her skirt.

Susie could see Andy's penis growing longer. She watched it as it worked its way down his tight pants leg. Now that she actually had Andy in the room with her, she was not exactly sure what to do. Her head was spinning. It had all happened so suddenly. Everything she had been imagining could come true, and she was not sure she was ready. Something told her, though, that ready or not, she was about to experience what happened between a man and a woman, and there was nothing she could do about it.

The passion gleamed in Andy's eyes, and he licked his full, sensuous lips excitedly. His eyes flicked back and forth over the length of her body. His hands moved instinctively to the crotch of his jeans. He rubbed them over the rough fabric, seeming to be totally unaware of what he was doing. He had to see Susie's pussy again, to touch it, to explore it completely with his eagerly shaking fingers. What he had glimpsed was beautiful, so real, so inviting, so warm looking. It was a hundred times better than anything in any magazine that had ever been printed. He shivered at the idea of exploring her body, and he longed to do so more than anything else on Earth. He found himself wishing he were a little older. He wanted to dominate her, to order the young girl to do whatever he bid. As it was, he felt terribly inadequate. How should he approach this? What should he do first? He was sure of one thing, and that was that he was totally consumed with raw lust. He would possess Susie's body if it were the last thing he ever did.

"Pull your skirt up again," Andy demanded, towering over the girl.

"What?" Susie stammered, staring up at him with wide eyes.

"I said, pull up your skirt, and do it right now."

"No, I… I'm scared."

"Do you want me to tell your parents you broke in here?" Andy's eyes flashed with anger.

"No, please! Please don't do that. They wouldn't understand."

"They sure as hell wouldn't. And they wouldn't understand about your opening my bureau drawer either. Now do as you're told."

"But, I… "

"Do it now!" Andy nearly screamed.

Without another word, Susie reached down and pulled her skirt up away from her crotch. The almost hairless lips of her pussy quivered with excitement.

Passion glinted in Andy's eyes as he knelt down beside her. Her cunt looked so soft, so smooth, so totally capable of fulfilling his deepest, most animal desires. He looked at it as though he were in a trance.