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Recent studies show that adolescence lasts until the age of 24, which means that a person isn’t really an adult until two years after they graduate college, assuming they went to college (which you don’t need to do to have a good career). But instead of preparing kids for the “real world,” many college professors seek to indoctrinate them with their own radical liberal agendas, and in this “safe space” culture they’ve created, instead of growing up, many of the students are actually regressing. Their minds are filled with useless and unrealistic ideas about how the world works and many get so fixated on past injustices they can’t navigate through our modern society without seeing everything through a distorted lens that’s stuck looking in the past.

With elementary school kids having their own cellphones and tablets, they now have access to a dangerous online world filled with YouTubers and social media stars who introduce them to ideas and activities no child should be subjected to. Parents are at a loss and feel that if they don’t let their child have a smartphone or tablet, their classmates will ostracize them since “everyone” else has one, and preventing them from consuming inappropriate content once one is in their hands is impossible. So children are being raised by viral videos, trending topics, and social media stars — instead of parents; and it’s setting up society for a disaster of unimaginable proportions.

Today’s children are growing up in a sea of attention-seeking tweets and Instagram posts, and each have a million different things screaming for their attention and trying to take as much of it as possible, ruining their capacity to concentrate, their long-term memory, and even their ability to think. As media analyst Neil Postman noted, they’re amusing themselves to death.11

The Millennials have been called the Lost Generation because most of them can’t fix anything on their cars or around the house.12 One survey claimed that twelve percent of people under the age of 35 don’t know how to change a light bulb.13 Another famous study even suggested that many people now have the attention span of a goldfish, and can only focus on a subject for eight seconds before their mind starts to wander.14 It’s probably not a coincidence that’s about as much time as it takes to read a tweet or look over an Instagram post.

The younger generations are now so desensitized and have been so dehumanized that when they see someone get injured in an accident or assaulted on the street, their first thought is to pull out their cell phone and take a picture or record a video of the situation so they can post it on social media, instead of calling for help or actually helping the victim themselves.15

Despite this cruelty, they think they’re helping make the world a better place. They go out of their way to “virtue signal” to others that they are the “good” people by supporting the latest trendy social justice warrior causes. As the Urban Dictionary explains, virtue signaling is, “To take a conspicuous but essentially useless action ostensibly to support a good cause but actually to show off how much more moral you are than everybody else.”16

Every day more people seem to get further detached from reality, and sink deeper into a synthetic world of contradictions and confusion. When Conservatives make a joke now, many Liberals think we’re being serious. When Liberals are being serious, sometimes we think they must be joking. The story about a 34-year-old man who “identifies” as a 6-year-old and “dominates a cross-fit kids class” is a parody.17 But the one about a man in his 50s identifying as a 6-year-old-girl, is not.18

In the 1990s men dressing up as women was a common occurrence in sketch comedies and sitcoms, but now men who dress up as women are participating in weightlifting competitions and UFC fights against (actual) women, and dominating them.19

Many people are wondering what happened to free speech in America, since anyone who questions this growing madness is denounced as a “fascist” or a “hateful bigot.” Everything is racist to liberals, but blacks can’t be racist because they’re always the “victim” of racism, they say. And racism “always” comes from white people who are seen as the cause of all of society’s problems. The snowflakes now complain about Thanksgiving because it reminds them of what the early settlers did to the Native Americans.20 Remember when we used to call them Indians? Well, that’s too offensive today as well, so now they’re “Native Americans.” Liberals hate Columbus Day for the same reason.

They even hate the Fourth of July because they claim it’s a celebration of “white men” who “stole the land” from the natives. Many black people complain about the Fourth of July because they don’t want to celebrate the founding of the United States because some of the Founding Fathers owned slaves.

They get upset about Valentine’s Day because it makes people who are single feel ostracized and “perpetuates cisgender heteronormative” couples.21 They hate Christmas because Santa Claus is white and it’s a Christian Holiday.22 They hate Easter for the same reason. Many can’t even celebrate Martin Luther King Day because instead of remembering the legacy of the man and the impact he had on Civil Rights, they use the day as an excuse to blame white people again for all of the problems in the black community.

Liberals even complain about Mother’s Day and Father’s Day now because they make “non traditional families” feel bad, and the holidays celebrate the traditional family, traditional gender roles, and heterosexual couples.23 All of this insanity will be examined in detail throughout this book, and it’s really going to blow your mind; so I hope you are ready, because things are about to get even more weird.

Regarding “climate change,” liberals went from promoting reasonable ecological solutions aimed at reducing further environmental damage to paranoid fear-mongering about how global warming is supposedly going to wipe out the world’s chocolate supply, make maple syrup “extinct,” and cause the Internet to shutdown.24 Bill Nye “the Science Guy” wants to throw global warming “skeptics” in jail,25 and Arnold Schwarzenegger has threatened to sue Big Oil companies for “first-degree murder” because fossil fuels are “causing climate change.”26 That’s how insane they are now. One NASA scientist even warned that aliens may exterminate the human race in order to save our planet from more man-made global warming.27

As crazy as this all sounds, it doesn’t come close to the level of madness I’ll be detailing in this book regarding liberals’ latest views on race, gender, and sexuality. If a television commercial shows a white family enjoying a barbecue in the back yard, they say it contains “micro aggressions” against blacks, Asians, and Latinos because it’s not “inclusive” of other races.

If it’s a normal family with a husband, wife, and a few kids, that’s not “inclusive” enough either because it doesn’t have enough “diversity” and is said to be “divisive” because it “ostracizes” gays and lesbians. That’s why many commercials in the last few years now feature interracial couples, and many Fortune 500 companies like Coca-Cola, Tylenol, Honey Maid, Chevrolet, and others are airing commercials featuring gay and lesbian couples or transgender people.28