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“Diversity” is basically a codeword meaning less straight white people. Or, in other words, more black and brown people, and plenty of freaks and weirdos. Everything is now under scrutiny by the “diversity” police to make sure that blacks, gays and transgenders star in tons of television commercials, sitcoms, and movies. But adding “people of color” to popular film franchises isn’t enough. Liberals are demanding lead characters from Luke Skywalker to Captain America be depicted as gay in future versions of the films.29 I’ll cover this in more detail later.

These “social justice warriors” as they’re called, are even ruining comedy. When the television series Friends was added to Netflix in 2018 it reached a whole new audience who were too young to follow the show when it first aired in the 1990s, but many Millennials found it too offensive and took to Twitter to complain about the “sexist,” “homophobic,” and “transphobic” elements in some of the plots.30

Jerry Seinfeld spoke up about the new PC police and said he won’t perform at college campuses anymore because the kids always complain about jokes being too “racist,” “sexist,” and “prejudice,” adding, “They don’t know what the hell they’re talking about.”31 Chris Rock won’t perform at college campuses anymore either, saying they are “way too conservative,” clarifying, “Not in their political views—not like they’re voting Republican—but in their social views and their willingness not to offend anybody.”32 Other comedians like Joe Rogan and Tim Allen feel the same way about the younger generations being hypersensitive about simple jokes that everyone used to enjoy.33

It’s not much of an exaggeration to compare what’s happening today with a zombie apocalypse, even though such comparisons have become cliché. And while it is amusing (on one level) to see the bizarre activities and beliefs of liberals today, it is also becoming increasingly scary as their ideas and behaviors are being encouraged and endorsed by mainstream media outlets, pop culture celebrities, and even becoming protected by law.

Many people are wondering “why is this happening?” How could such insane ideas be accepted as normal and promoted as cool? The answer lies in what’s called Cultural Marxism. The Left is aiming to tear apart the basic fabric of society, starting with the traditional nuclear family, gender roles, social norms, and acceptable behaviors. They want to smash the moral compass in people’s consciences to erase all boundaries between what’s right and wrong.

This enables the construction of a larger bureaucracy to control society, and with people no longer adhering to the values which used to be instilled in them by their parents, grandparents, and peer groups—the government or “the State” is looked at as the ultimate authority in all things. Mainstream news, and particularly pop culture and celebrity influencers are an extension of this authority, and their puppets serve as the role models and arbiters of what people should think and how they should behave.

One of the primary goals of Communist parties after their revolutions were successful was to eradicate religions and the basic family unit in the countries they control. The government replaces God. The government determines what its citizens should do with their lives. Without tight-knit family structures and local communities, it’s much easier to prevent people from uniting together for a common cause such as resisting the increasing tyranny of a dictatorship and the restrictions on civil liberties they impose.

Authoritarian regimes want everyone to obey the power structure and their false prophets, or be destroyed. The more powerful a fascist regime gets, the more difficult it is for people to oppose it. And we’re seeing the same mechanisms of control being put in place by the Liberal Establishment in America today, and their useful idiots being dispatched as foot soldiers on the ground trying to enforce them.

We must take a closer look at the various facets of today’s liberal agenda if we hope to stop it. From the demonization of white people, to the explosion of gender identity insanity, to the promotion of perverted sexual practices and their double standards for free speech. We are, to paraphrase JFK’s warning about Communism, opposed by a ruthless and monolithic conspiracy, but these perpetrators aren’t half way around the world—they are inhabiting our own country, and they are completely out of their minds.

Imaginary Racism

Some manifestations of mental illness cause those who suffer from them to have visual or auditory hallucinations, or radically misinterpret benign events or actions of others as hostile. One form of hallucinations that many liberals suffer from today is seeing racism around every corner, where none exists. Much of this imaginary racism is being “discovered” in one of the least racist places on the planet—college campuses.

Racism exists because human beings are tribal creatures, like most mammals, and have historically lived in communities consisting of the same race and struggled and fought against outsiders who have different priorities, values, and customs. In our modern society we have largely been able to peacefully work and live alongside each other despite our different ancestry and history, but unfortunately some of these differences still cause racial tensions in certain communities and interactions.

But generally, most people in the United States treat each other as Americans, not as a member of a particular race. That’s not to say racism doesn’t exist, or that we don’t have a stain on our history because of slavery, but today many liberals seem to be haunted by the ghosts of our racist past and think they see racism being perpetuated by white people everywhere.

Police investigated a “noose” hung up on a door handle at Michigan State University after a black student saw it and panicked, but their investigation revealed it was just someone’s lost shoelace that another student had found on the floor and put on a stairwell door handle hoping whoever lost it may spot it.34

Similarly, a student at Bowling Green State University in Ohio reported she saw a KKK meeting going on in a classroom when walking by outside and happened to notice “Klan members” through the window dressed up in their white robes and hoods. Campus police investigated and discovered that the student had mistaken some lab equipment that was covered up with white plastic dust covers as the KKK hoods.35

The student senate at Santa Clara University in California refused to allow a Turning Point USA chapter to form on campus, a nationwide conservative student activist club, because they thought it would make other students feel “unsafe.”36 A Power Point presentation given at the student senate meeting before the vote painted Turning Point USA as a white supremacist group despite Candace Owens (who is black) being one of their most well-known members.

But it’s not just college students who keep imagining racism everywhere these days. Many professors are experiencing the hallucinations too. One at Michigan State University warned students that white people who do yoga are perpetuating racism.37 Several San Diego State University professors alerted students that they thought farmers’ markets were racist. “Farmers’ markets are often white spaces where the food consumption habits of white people are normalized,” they said.38

A similar delusion broke out at the University of Illinois where a professor began claiming that math, algebra, and geometry promote “white privilege.”39 A professor at Clemson University in South Carolina proclaimed that simply expecting people to show up to work or school on time is racist.40 One at the University of Washington created a poster and hung it up in the school’s writing center claiming that American grammar is racist and an “unjust language structure.”41