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After Charlie Rose was fired from PBS for sexual harassment allegations, one black “journalist” accused him of being racist because he only allegedly harassed white women.64 When President Trump helped get three UCLA basketball players released from jail in China after they were arrested for shoplifting while on a trip there, one of the boys’ fathers’ refused to thank President Trump. And when the president later said he thought the man was “ungrateful” for his help in releasing his son, Black Lives Matter activist and New York Daily News columnist Shaun King responded saying, “Ungrateful is the new nigger.”65

The term “law and order” is also said to be a white supremacist code meaning “control and contain” black people, and “thug” is also said to be a code word for the n-word, according to CNN’s Don Lemon and Tonight Show band leader Questlove.66

After Google fired James Damore over an internal memo he wrote refuting the company’s militant stance on “diversity,” conservative activists organized the “March on Google” to protest the tech giant’s increasing intolerance of conservatives, and so the mainstream media labeled the protest a “white supremacist” event.67

After online outrage over the Confederate flag being “racist” boiled over, reruns of The Dukes of Hazard were pulled from TV because their iconic orange Dodge Charger (named The General Lee) has one painted on the roof.68 Amazon.com pulled all Confederate flags from their website, and Apple even removed Civil War video games that included the flag in their icons.69 (Apple later reversed this decision after people ridiculed them for over-reaching.)

Then a best-selling author of true-crime books, Rebecca Morris, sent a “news tip” to her local paper (the Seattle Times) alerting them of a “Confederate flag” that was flying on a flagpole in front of one of her neighbor’s homes.70 She didn’t want to confront the neighbor herself, so she emailed the paper suggesting they look into it. So they did. What they found was a pole flying an American flag at the top, and below it was another flag, and sure enough it was a red flag with a blue cross on it — It was the Norwegian flag! The homeowner had put it up when the 2018 Winter Olympics started because his parents emigrated to the U.S. from Norway in the 1950s.

Hallucinations of “racism” are only getting worse, and it might be easier to make a list of things that aren’t racist instead of keeping track of the things liberals now believe are. But to further illustrate my point about the imaginary racism epidemic, in the next few pages I’ll break down a few more of the countless examples in case you have any remaining doubts.

Walmart’s Hair Care Products

A black woman in California sued Walmart, claiming they were “racist” because her local store put certain hair care products that were frequently stolen behind a locked glass case and required a store clerk to get them out for customers. “I noticed all of the African American products was locked up under lock and key,” she said at a press conference, claiming she feels black people are being treated like criminals.71

What unscrupulous lawyer would file such a ridiculous lawsuit? Gloria Allred, the infamous feminist activist (or as some call her, “extortionist”). At the press conference Allred said the goal of the suit was, “To stop Walmart’s business practice which we contend perpetuates discrimination, and which we contend Esse [the plaintiff] and the general public, to suffer irreparable injury, shame, humiliation, and mental suffering.”72

Other black people have posted pictures on social media of the glass case, saying it’s racist. “If Walmart is gonna lock up hair products they need to do it for all of them not only the ethnic hair products,” said one woman.73 Another guy tweeted a brief video showing the case, saying, “When did Walmart start locking up black hair care products? Talk about racist.”74 The reason they’re locked up is because they are some of the most stolen items by black people, which is why when Black Lives Matter supporters riot after police shootings oftentimes weave stores get looted.75

Hotel Shampoo

A bisexual bimbo singer named “Halsey” went on a Twitter rant to her almost 10 million followers about how the little bottles of shampoo in hotels don’t work very well for black women’s hair. She tweeted, “I’ve been traveling for years now and it’s been so frustrating that the hotel toiletry industry entirely alienates people of color. I can’t use this perfumed watered down white people shampoo. Neither can 50% of your customers. Annoying.”76

Even though her dad is black and technically she’s half black, she looks white. So white that Rachel Dolezal is more of a black woman than her. When reading through Halsey’s tweets about this you may think she should check herself into a psychiatric hospital instead of a hotel, and the jokes just write themselves because in one of the tweets ranting about hotel shampoo she said, “It’s not just hotels. I stayed in a psychiatric hospital as a teenager and they didn’t have hair products for any patients who were POC. It’s hard enough being in there as it is, but then your gonna too feel ugly and dry n frizzy too? Nah. Anyways. Y’all still missing the point.”77

She continued, saying, “Your ‘normal’ does not = everyone else’s. When you make white products the standard, it makes white the ‘normal.’ I was only trying to provoke some thought about the way these things impact our perception.”78 She’s referring to “white normative” where “whiteness” or “white culture” is seen as problematic when it is the “standard” or the majority, and other races and cultures are deemed “other.”

Reaction GIFs

The BBC published a report claiming that white people sharing reaction GIFs of black people making funny faces is “digital black face,” and racist. Reaction GIFs are the funny or cringy animated pictures that are a second or two long which are taken from scenes in TV shows or movies, often of celebrities reacting to something.

They’re popular on social media as a way for people to express their feelings about a post by using an animated GIF instead of typing words. (Think of the Michael Jackson eating popcorn GIF or Mike Tyson slapping his leg in hysterical laughter.)

“But you’ve probably noticed, the most popular ones are of black people being dramatic,” the BBC presenter says. “This, is digital blackface.”79 She goes on to say that “blackface” is when a non-black person uses make-up to “blacken-up” and that old theater shows depicted black people in negative ways by whites performing in blackface.

“They exaggerated black people’s facial features and their expressions, and ‘digital blackface’ is the 21st century version of that. White people using GIFs to perform some kind of exaggerated blackness.”80

She went on to complain about white people using dark skinned emojis too. “This is a form of cultural appropriation,” she says. “So what’s wrong with white people posting these GIFs and using these emojis? Black people are not here for other people’s entertainment. We’re not symbols of excessive emotion. And we aren’t here to make you look more sassy, more sexy or more street,” she says.81

Teen Vogue magazine echoed these concerns, saying, “These GIFs often enact fantasies of black women as ‘sassy’ and extravagant, allowing nonblack users to harness and inhabit these images as an extension of themselves. GIFs with transcripts become an opportunity for those not fluent in black vernacular to safely use the language, such as in the many ‘hell to the no,’ ‘girl, bye,’ and ‘bitch, please’ memes passed around.”82