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Calling Rioters “Animals” is Racist

In 2016 Charlotte, North Carolina experienced one of the many Black Lives Matter riots that year after police shot and killed another armed and dangerous thug. Of course, morons thought the “racist” police “murdered” the man (who was armed with an illegal handgun and had previously been in prison for shooting at someone), and so they rioted again.

It was trending on Twitter and so the Seattle Mariners’ catcher Steve Clevenger tweeted that the rioters should be “locked behind bars like animals” and pointed out that the dead thug was armed and got shot by a black police officer.99 A few days later the Seattle Mariners reprimanded him for his tweets and suspended him for the rest of the season without pay.100

The mainstream media and Democrat members of Congress pretended that President Trump’s comments about MS-13 gang members being “animals” were racist, claiming he was referring to all immigrants from Mexico.101 A video clip of Trump’s “animal” comments went viral but had the first few seconds edited out, which clearly showed he was referring to the vicious MS-13 gang members who were being protected by Democrats in “sanctuary cities” refusing to cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers to detain and deport them.102

Speaking of animals, a life-size statue of a gorilla was removed from a child’s circus-themed playground in Texas after complaints that it was “racially insensitive.”103 As you know, most playgrounds have “monkey bars” for kids to climb on, and most white parents call their children “little monkeys” because they don’t sit still. Many parks and playgrounds also have statues of animals and animal-themed equipment and drinking fountains, but after some liberal lunatic got triggered and posted a picture of the gorilla statue on their Facebook page, the city received a few phone calls complaining about it.

Sadly, instead of telling the people they’re insane, the mayor released a statement saying, “We can understand this, because we have an obligation to listen to all our citizens, to determine what is offensive and not, especially in public places,” and took the statue down!104

Some sane parents who couldn’t believe the city did such a crazy thing, brought flowers, balloons, and stuffed animals to the playground and made a “memorial” for the gorilla as a way to protest the city’s idiotic decision to remove it.

After an ESPN announcer referred to Venus Williams’ aggressive style during a tennis match as “guerrilla tactics,” idiots on the Internet thought he was comparing her to a gorilla so he was fired. He then sued for wrongful termination because it should have been obvious that he was referring to her unconventional gameplay (as in guerrilla warfare, which is spelled differently than gorilla the animal).105 Nike had even produced a commercial featuring Andre Agassi titled “Guerrilla Tennis.”106

ESPN’s imaginary racism problem is so bad that they pulled an Asian-American announcer from narrating a college football game in Virginia because his name is Robert Lee, and the network was concerned it sounded too similar to Confederate Army general, Robert E. Lee, and didn’t want anyone to get offended.107

After Florida gubernatorial (running for governor) candidate Ron DeSantis said voters don’t want to “monkey up” the state’s economy by voting for a progressive Democrat who’s funded by George Soros, the liberal media pounced on him, claiming he was calling his opponent (who is black) a monkey.

Obviously “monkey this up” means “screw this up” just like when your mom or grandma told you to stop monkeying around when you were a kid, she meant stop screwing around, but the talking heads said with a straight face that Ron DeSantis used the term as a “racial slur” against his black opponent. Democrats obviously got their talking points and sounded like a broken record, all saying this wasn’t just a “racist dog whistle,” it was a “bullhorn.”108

The National Anthem

The black activist organization, the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) wants our national anthem banned, claiming the “Star-Spangled Banner” is too “racist.” They sent letters to members of Congress saying the song is “one of the most racist, pro-slavery, anti-black songs in the American lexicon,” and cited their allegiance to former NFL player Colin Kaepernick.109

They point to a third stanza in the song, which is never included in its modern rendition where it says, “Their blood has washed out their foul footstep’s pollution. No refuge could save the hireling and slave. From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave.” Some say the lyrics refer to slaves hired by the British to fight against the colonists, so they of course would have been seen as enemies as well. Others believe the reference to hirelings and slaves refer to the British soldiers themselves who were seen as “slaves” of the king110

Salon.com jumped on the anti-American bandwagon and said, “It’s time to examine the words and the origins of our national anthem” and called it, “another neo-Confederate symbol.”111 CNN pundit Angela Rye agreed, saying that the national anthem “itself” is “problematic.”112

After the CEO of Papa John’s Pizza spoke out about the dwindling NFL ratings resulting from many fans refusing to watch during the 2017 season because players were disrespecting the national anthem by refusing to stand, the liberal media claimed the company was the favorite pizza of “racists.”

“Why the Alt-Right Now Loves Papa John’s” read the Huffington Post’s headline.113 He later apologized for being “divisive” and stepped down as CEO. Newsweek framed his resignation in a false light with the headline, “Papa John’s CEO Steps Down After Gaining Neo-Nazi Support.”114

A high school near San Francisco has banned the national anthem from being played during pep rallies, which had previously kicked off the events. The president of the Associated Student Body claimed it was “outdated and racially insensitive,” adding, “As our culture shifts to one that is more diverse and accepting of all types of people, so must our traditions.”115

Students at a California high school near Sacramento were reprimanded for chanting “USA” during athletic events.116 The principal sent out an email to parents saying that while the school wasn’t outright banning the kids from chanting “USA,” she warned that the chant could send an “unintended message,” meaning that students of Mexican heritage might be offended.

Snowflake students at another California high school demanded that other students remove their American flag t-shirts they wore on Cinco de Mayo, a popular Mexican holiday in Southern California, because they were considered to be “offensive.”117 The American flag is now offensive, in America! The students sued, claiming the school violated their First Amendment rights by banning their shirts, but the 9th Circuit court ruled in favor of the school!118

Fourth of July

Since many liberals are uncomfortable with the American flag and our national anthem, you can imagine how they feel about the Fourth of July. A Huffington Post writer claimed, “Given the racial dynamic that still exists in this country today how can African-Americans celebrate a holiday that accentuates your perceived inferiority by your oppressor?”119