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agni(kwo) fire

agnibeda — fire (occurrence of fire in a certain place)

agnibrigada — fire-brigade

agninka(kwo) spark

fai agninka — (zwo) spark

agni-ney(kwel) aflame; fiery

agnisi(zwo) burn up, fire up; sear

agniluma(kwo) glow (in sky)

agni-ston(kwo) flint; gunflint

agniyuan(kwo) fireman

agniauto(kwo) fire engine


agra(kwo) (ploughed) field, tillage

agralanda(kwo) countryside

agralande(kwel) rural

agrajen(kwo) peasant (also “kisan”)

agrare(kwel) agrarian

agravi(zwo) aggravate (cf. “vexi”)

agrava(kwo) aggravation

agresi(zwo) aggress; feel aggression

agresa(kwo) aggression

agresive(kwel) aggressive

agreser(kwo) aggressor


agrisha(kwo) gooseberry


agude(kwel) sharp, acute (also of sound – shrill)

agudisi(zwo) sharpen

agudmente(kwel) witty

agudmentanik(kwo) wit, wittyman

agudmentika(kwo) witticism

agudmentitaa(kwo) wit (ability)

Origin: agude+menta+ney

ah(exklami) ah (expresses strong emotions)

fai ah(zwo) gasp with surprise

ahaa(exklami) aha

ahak(kwo) lime


ahfi(zwo) hide, conceal

ahfi swa — hide oneself

ahfi-geim — hide-and-seek

ahfilok(kwo) hiding-place

ahfi-shem (ahfem) — (komo) hidingly, in a hiding way

ahfishil(kwel) reserved, reticent, secretive

buahfi-ney (buahfen) — (kwel) unconcealed, undisguised

ahfi-go(zwo) slink, sneak, steal

ahfi-kan(zwo) peep, watch furtively


ahir (loko-komo) hither, here, this way

Lai ahir. — Come here.

(Origin: a+hir)

Syn.: hir

ahmak(kwo) fool

Syn.: stupida


ahuki(zwo) hitch, hook, couple, link, catch

May palto ahuki a naga e tori. — My coat caught on a nail and tore.

aida(exklami) let's go, come along (invitation to go somewhere)

Aida a riva! — Let’s go to the river!

Aida fo yabla! — Let’s go to get some apples!

Turkish, Slavic

aika (modus-komo) quite, rather

aika hao — quite well


ainshtanyum(kwo) einsteinium (chem.)

aira (kwo) air

aira kastela — castles in the air

airaportu(kwo) airport

airameil(kwo) airmail

airisi (zwo) aerate

airavati (zwo) air (expose to air)

Airland(kwo) Ireland

ais(kwo) ice

ais-lenge — ice-cold

ais-ney(kwel) ice, icy,

aiskrem(kwo) ice cream

aisifa(kwo) icing up

aiva(kwo) quince

Turkish, Russian

aivi(kwo) ivy


ajibe(kwel) queer, weird, odd

Syn.: strane, astoni-she, nopinchan


ajile(kwel) agile, alert, brisk

do peda ajile — swift-footed, light-footed

do menta ajile — with agile mind, quick-witted

ajilitaa(kwo) agility, alertness, swiftness, legerity

ajilisi(zwo) brisk up

ajorni(zwo) adjourn, put off, defer (cf. "deri")

ajorna(kwo) adjournment, postponement, reprieve

ajusti(zwo) adjust, regulate, set

ajusti kloka, ajusti radio — adjust the clock/watch, adjust the radio

AKshortening of “afte Krista” (“AD, anno Domini”)

akademia (kwo) academy

akademiayuan(kwo) academician

akademike(kwel) academic

akasya(kwo) acacia

akauda(kwo) the sign "@"

(Origin: "a"+kauda)

akaunta(kwo) account (a registry of pecuniary transactions; a subscription to a service)

aklami(zwo) acclaim, praise enthusiastically, cheer

aklama(kwo) acclaim, acclamation