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agude angula — acute angle

tupe angula — obtuse angle

rekte angula — right angle

triangula — triangle

rektangula — rectangle

turni angula — turn (round) the corner

Anhel-akwalwo(kwo) Angel Falls

animal(kwo) animal

animi(zwo) animate, endow with life; enliven, give animation to

animi-ney(kwel) animated

anima(kwo) animation

shwo kun anima — speak with animation

animasion(kwo) animation ((making) cartoon)

anis(kwo) anise


anjel(kwo) angel

anjellik(kwel) angel-like, angelic

anka(kwo) anchor

fai anka, anki(zwo) anchor

mah-lwo anka — cast/drop anchor

ankilok(kwo) berth (space to moor)

ankur(kwo) sprout, shoot

ankuri(zwo) sprout, spring up


anonime(kwel) anonymous

ansambla(kwo) ensemble

anshi(zwo) hint

ansha(kwo) hint


Antarktida(kwo) Antarctica (continent)

Antarktika(kwo) Antarctica (south polar region)

antarktike(kwel) antarctic

antena(kwo) antenna

Antigua e Barbuda(kwo) Antigua and Barbuda

antilopa(kwo) antelope

antipatia(kwo) antipathy

antonim(kwo) antonym

antra(kwo) gut

antratot(kwo) intestine


anubav(kwo) experience

anubav-ney jen — experienced person, man of experience

anubavi(zwo) experience (cf. "trajivi")


anunsi(zwo) announce; give notice of

anunsa(kwo) announcement

anus(kwo) anus

aparat(kwo) apparatus

apari(zwo) appear (come into existence; to become visible — cf. “sembli”)

apara(kwo) appearance

aparte(kwel) separate, detached, apart (from others)

apartem(komo) apart

apartem fon otres — apart from the others

apartnik(kwo) hermit

apeli(zwo) appeal (but not “to be attractive”)

apela(kwo) appeal

apena(komo) hardly, scarcely, barely

apetit(kwo) appetite

apliki(zwo) apply (put on, upon, or to; put to or adapt for a special use; put into action)

aplika(kwo) application

apliki-ney (apliken) — (kwel) applied

apliken fisika — applied physics

aplodi(zwo) applaud

aploda(kwo) applause, clapping

apoga(kwo) support, prop, rest

apogi(zwo) prop, lean, rest

apogi on tabla — lean agaist the table

apoplexia(kwo) apoplexy

apoplexike darba (japat) — apoplectic stroke

aprikos(kwo) apricot

april(kwo) April (also mes-char)

aprobi(zwo) approve, give approbation to

aproba(kwo) approbation

apropoo (konekti-komo) apropos; by the way

Apropoo, me haishi bu he lekti sey kitaba. — By the way, I have not yet read this book. Apropoo sey kitaba, it es ya muy interes-ney. — Apropos of this book, it is really interesting.

arabeska(kwo) arabesque

arabi(kwel, kwo) Arab; Arabic; Arabic language

Arabiya Saudiya(kwo) Saudi Arabia

aramaya (kwel, kwo) Aramaic

aranji(zwo) arrange (plan or prerare for; bring about or come to an agreement; settle)

aranji mita — make an appointment

Aranjen! — It’s a deal! Agreed!

aranja(kwo) arrangement, deal

arda(kwo) earth

ardagloba(kwo) globe (the planet Earth)


ardanuta(kwo) peanut

(Origin: arda+nuta)

area(kwo) area (measure of extent of a surface)

arena (kwo) arena

arendi(zwo) lease, rent, charter

arenda(kwo) lease

arendaguan(kwo) rental agency

aresti(zwo) arrest, make a prisoner

aresta(kwo) arrest, custody

argenta(kwo) silver

argente(kwel) silver

argentefai(zwo) shine silver

argon(kwo) argon (chem.)

argumenta(kwo) argument (statement put forth as proof, reason)

Arhentina(kwo) Argentina