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He smiled as he understood that there was still much he had to learn, which made him realize that this was no time to lie around in bed.

Fluder got up from bed and slowly walked towards the big wooden closet in his room. It was intricately carved and much more beautiful than the one he had in his old room in Arwintar. Personally he didn't care for beauty very much anymore and nonchalantly opened the closet door to retrieve his robe.

After quick a change of clothes and a quick check in the mirror that he at least looked presentable, he started making his way out. As expected the death knight which thus far had been standing motionlessly in the corner of his room began to follow Fluder while walking five steps behind him.

Even though Fluder was of a strong mental fortitude he couldn't help but unconsciously grab hold on to the medal given to him by Ainz Ooal Gown to indicate that he has his 'possession' and thus not to be attacked without reason.

But Fluder's medal was still special. Ainz had realized that whether they wore the medal or not if someone wearing the medal did something disrespectful or said something bad about Ainz or the other supreme beings than many of Nazarick' servants would be prone to attack with the intent to kill. Therefore Ainz had commissioned a second type of medallion that distinguished those with special value to Nazarick from the others. If those who had this special medal did something wrong they would be brought before Ainz to settle on a suitable punishment. Fortunately so far neither the lizardmen nor any of the other 'possessions' had incurred the wrath from Nazarick.

A few rooms further down the corridor was the room of the head maid of Nazarick's regular maid staff, this was where Fluder needed to go before he could go to his working place. At the entrance to the head maid's room there was already standing a figure that looked like a women if it wasn't for her face which was not human but a dog's face instead, with a long vertical scar with stiches running down the center of it.

"Good morning to you Fluder-san. Are you ready?"

"And a good morning to you Wanko-sama, yes I'm quite prepared. Or rather I can't wait to go."

Fluder anxiously quickened his pace towards the maid as he knew full well what would happen next.

After he was about a meter away from her and the death knight had caught up to Fluder Pestonya activated her spell

{Group teleportation}

In the next instant Fluder no longer stood in the corridor of the living quarters, situated on the ninth floor of Nazarick. Now instead he found himself in a vast library surrounded by bookcases upon bookcases of hundreds no thousands of books of all sizes and colors.

Fluder now stood in the great library of Nazarick 'Ashurbanipal'. He looked around and saw that the workplace that he had set up was still the way he had left it hours ago. A sizeable mountain of books was placed atop of one of the tables in the library. When he had first left the library the mountain of books he had left behind had been cleaned up by the elder liches that worked here as maintenance. Fluder had gotten quite angry internally as he thought that he would never be able to find the same books again in this massive collection of knowledge, but he had performed admirably and not voiced a single complaint and instead just asked them to leave the books that he left on his table so he could return them himself when he was done. In the end he had found all the books from the first time again and had been able to resume his research normally.

All kinds of books were laid out here from books for summoning new monsters to game guides about YGGDRASIL's magic system to personal records written by the Supreme Beings about tips and tricks for mastering new spells.

When Fluder was first shown the library and the seemingly endless mountain of knowledge that awaited to be discovered by he was afraid he'd die of dehydration from crying so many tears. Even if he had stumbled upon this place when he was younger he would not be able to take in all which this library could give to him. At first he was very disappointed that the books were in a language that he didn't know but with amazing speed he had overcome even that obstacle.

Now Fluder was steadily improving his knowledge of magic and thanks to one of the items in this place had already been able to perform a 7th spell. The next step was learning enough about higher tier magic to be able to perform such a spell by himself.

Fluder glanced at the big book lying at the far end of his table still close enough that he could touch it. The item Fluder craved the most was lying within arm's length yet was out of his reach. 'Introduction to war magic' was the title. It was the event item a wizard would need to upgrade into a war wizard at level 60 like Naberal Gamma. Fluder sensed it very well, with the power of this book he could advance his magic by leaps and bounds. And yet he had felt it from the moment he touched the book the first time that he was not strong enough to acquire what was inside… not yet.

Ainz had already allowed Fluder to use that item when he was ready for it as to him it was an item comparable to trash. But to Fluder it was the item he had only dreamed about that would make him the greatest human sorcerer in history no even more important than that it would allow him to reach the end of his long road of searching for the depths of magic.

For now Fluder was bound to reality and forced to sift through endless encyclopedias on magic items and spells for summoning creatures. Only when could truly understand higher magic did Fluder feel he would be ready to use it and then hopefully advance to the next level.

Suddenly as he was reading another book about how to summon a high tier demon he caught a glimpse of something small moving through the library.

Being here as long as he had been, he had learned the timing of the elder liches which cleaned up the library on a regular basis and now was not that time.

He turned his head to see what it was hoping to see what he expected and indeed there he stood. A young dark elf with a women's clothes on and a wooden staff that felt completely out of place for the boy who was browsing through a couple of books. Mare Bello Fiore the guardian of the 6th floor of Nazarick and regular visitor of the Library.

Of course by now Fluder had learned that Mare was indeed a boy and that he was someone that Fluder by right should treat as a god. And yet this dark elf did not display arrogance or disdain and instead had a very timid and shy personality.

But Fluder knew that his true nature was very different from his appearance. He had seen it very clearly. That boy was a monster that made even the greatest human wizard tremble in fear at first. When Fluder had seen the full extent of the magic power that Ainz possessed he had felt a mountain of mana weighing down on him. No creature could possibly match Ainz Ooal Gown in this aspect…

But even so…

That boy is a natural disaster in humanoid form. If I had to compare the two it would be that while one possesses more power the other poses an even greater danger with the power he has. Why that boy himself is not regarded as an exalted being in this place… I don't think I'll ever understand.

Fluder decided to put the topic on his mind to rest and instead went to greet what he himself would describe as a divine being.

Well, well, if it isn't the great Mare-sama! Come to get another book from the library? You really devour them fast don't you?

The ears of the dark elf twitched as he hadn't noticed Fluder at first. Unlike most beings in Nazarick Mare wasn't one who treated humans badly and would simply avoid making contact with other life forms but as time had passed he had grown a little accustomed to him, since he was always in the library.

"Hmm… I've already read all three of the books that I took last time so… I came to ask Titus-san for some recommendations."