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“I didn’t have time. I was decorating for the party all day.”

“Not even breakfast?” Scarlet asked.


“Then no wonder you fainted,” Becky said.

Alexander signaled to Sebastian, who took off for the Mansion.

My boyfriend swept me up in his arms and carried me to the table. He gently let me down in a wrought-iron chair and held my hand while I drank my soda. A few moments later, Jameson pushed a small cart through the crowd of partygoers. The scent of marinated steak was intoxicating to the mortals and euphoric to the vampires.

A thick, juicy steak was placed before me. All the vampires, including Alexander, almost salivated.

“I’ll do that,” Scarlet said as I began to cut into the bloody steak.

“It’s for Raven,” Alexander said gently.

The vampires watched with envy as I tore into my meal. As I wolfed down the steak and began to regain my strength, Alexander began to address the next issue we had on our hands—bloodsucking party crashers.

The candelabras lit Jagger’s menacing ice-green-and-blue eyes. His sister stood behind him, basking in the glow of stares from the male partyers.

“I don’t remember inviting—” Alexander said.

“Some girls have looser lips than others,” Jagger said.

Onyx appeared ashamed.

“Perhaps it’s time we mingle,” Scarlet said. She led Onyx into the crowd.

“We didn’t think you’d mind,” Jagger said to Alexander. “Now that we are friends.”

Alexander was skeptical. Though their feud had ended when Alexander returned Jagger’s weakened brother, Valentine, to him, Alexander wasn’t expecting his longtime nemesis to instantly replace Sebastian.

“Friends?” Alexander said.

“Yes,” Jagger said. “One can never have too many, right?”

“I suppose you are right, but—”

“There really is safety in numbers,” Jagger urged. “Besides, we have so much in common: Romania, vampires, and Raven.”

“Raven?” Alexander asked suspiciously.

“I saw a lot of her recently,” Jagger proclaimed, referring to my attendance at the Coffin Club. “She fit right in.”

“I heard,” Alexander said.

“No one knew she was any different. Did she tell you?”

“She didn’t have to.”

“I was hoping to see her there again,” Jagger continued. “It seemed she got on as well as any of the members there.”

“She is planning on being here,” Alexander said.

“I was hoping you’d come back,” Jagger said to me. “But since you didn’t, this way we’ve come to you.”

“How sweet,” I retorted.

“I think we’ll be fast friends, Alexander,” Jagger said. “It’s something I’ve always wanted. There is so much we can learn from each other.” Jagger gestured to the party. “There is safety in numbers. We could use more members and, with your help, perhaps start a club here.”

“Out of the question!” Alexander said.

“Nothing you have to decide now, my friend,” Jagger said calmly. “But imagine…If all these mortals were just like us, then think of what could be—what we could do. A town in which you don’t have to hide out in a

Mansion, all alone.”

“I think it’s time you leave,” Alexander demanded.

“But we just got here,” Jagger said. “You’re right. I’m getting ahead of myself. I’m just a visionary, that’s all.

Nothing you need to commit to this minute. Besides,” Jagger continued, “we came to party. And Luna was very eager to see Raven.”

“So how have you been, Raven?” she asked, über-polite. “Besides lying flat on your back,” she whispered in my ear.

Luna was still bitter toward me for fooling her into believing I was a vampire. And even more so because

Alexander had jilted her at the covenant ceremony back in Romania and he had found happiness with me.

However, seeing Luna standing here today, glowing like an angel, I couldn’t imagine him ever leaving her.

“Alexander,” Luna said in a soft, sexy voice. “It’s great to see you.” She showed off her dress for him. A group of jocks ogled her as she twirled around. “It’s amazing how much a person can change in just a short time, isn’t it? I’m sorry for you that things in your life have remained the same.”

Alexander wasn’t pleased with her taunting.

“Yes, doesn’t my sister look great?” Jagger said. “This lifestyle suits her. She’s been dying for it since she was born.”

“I’m glad you are so happy,” Alexander said. “That’s all I ever wanted for you.” He turned back to the party.

Luna took Alexander’s comment as a slap in the face instead of a heartfelt sentiment. She couldn’t mask her scorn and turned her venom on me.

“I see you’ve managed to fool some other girls, too,” she said, referring to Onyx and Scarlet.

“They like me for who I am,” I said.

“But do you like yourself as you are? Or, at the end of the day, do you really wish you were more like me?”

Luna was right. She had the one thing I didn’t have—she was a vampire.

“I have everything you’ve always wanted,” she bragged.

“Except Alexander,” I snapped back.

“Well, when you can be here for an eternity, everything is possible. I just need time.”

I wasn’t happy with her insinuation.

“When he sees my potential. Perhaps what he is missing from a relationship with you…Who knows what he might do?”

With that, she and Jagger joined the other partygoers.

“Alexander,” I said, getting his attention, “Luna isn’t over you. She still can’t be trusted.”

“Her bark is worse than her bite.”

“I’m serious. She’s still in love with—”

“Hey,” Sebastian said, suddenly by our side. “This party is killer!”

“You think so?” I asked.

“It’s not what I planned. I’m even amazed.” Alexander beamed.

“This mansion is going to be party central,” said Sebastian. “The girls think you are a rock star, and I don’t mind taking your leftovers.”

I glared at Sebastian.

“I mean, taking them off your hands so you can be alone with Raven.”

A band of jocks bumped into the tomb-shaped table, knocking it over. Alexander rushed to help steady it.

“There is no reason you need to be cruising this crowd,” I told Sebastian. “There are two perfect and single girls—that were just meant for you,” I said as the ultimate matchmaker. “Onyx or Scarlet.”

“I know, Raven. They are beautiful, but there aren’t any sparks.”

“What do you mean? You just met them. And now you are totally ignoring them. You need to spend more time with them.”

“It’s just something I feel—or rather don’t feel. And by the way it looks, they don’t seem to be bothered.”

Trevor was talking to Jagger, and Onyx and Scarlet were by their sides.

“Well, maybe I’m not meant to be in love,” he said. “Maybe I’m supposed to just have fun. And is that so bad?”

I was a major failure at matchmaking.

“This was not supposed to happen!” I said. “None of this was supposed to happen!”

I ditched Sebastian and was heading toward Alexander when Becky jumped in front of me.

“Where have you been?” she asked.

“This night has gone all wrong,” I said frantically.

“No it hasn’t. Look! Everyone is enjoying themselves. You might be having the best party Dullsville’s ever seen.”

“Sebastian was supposed to like Scarlet or Onyx and he doesn’t like either,” I rambled, “and to top it off, Scarlet seems to be struck by Trevor—gag me—and Onyx is smitten by Jagger.”

“It’s nice that they came to town for your party.”

“Jagger and Luna weren’t invited. Remember? You weren’t even invited.”