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“It was good,” she replied, placing her empty wineglass on the table. “But you know what? I’d really like more wine.”

“Want me to go get some?”

“Sure, if you don’t mind. I’ll do the dishes while you’re gone.”

Helluva deal. He didn’t mind skipping out to the wine store nearby if it got him out of dish duty. It only took him about twenty minutes to drive there, grab a bottle of something that looked decent—not too cheap, not too expensive—and get back home.

When he got back home and opened the door, he smelled vanilla and cinnamon. Nice. Melina must have lit a candle or something. The kitchen was clean, lights off, and when he strolled into the living room at first he thought it was dark and empty, too. Then he saw Melina on the couch. But she wasn’t alone. He blinked.


He blinked again.

“Hi, Gavin,” Abby said.

“Uh…hi, Abby.” It would be rude to say “What are you doing here?” but that was the question that jumped into his mind. He hadn’t seen Kylie’s cousin since that night… He swallowed.

Candles flickered on the coffee table, the warm scent of vanilla more intense as he walked into the room. Melina stood up. The subtle candlelight glimmered off the ivory satin robe she wore. The robe brushed the floor, covered her from shoulders to toes, but where it gapped open above the belt tied at her waist he saw ivory satin and lace cupping her full breasts.

He swallowed. “What’s going on?” He looked from Melina to Abby, sitting on the couch.

“Why don’t we open that wine and pour us all a glass?” Melina approached him and took the brown paper bag from him. Abby smiled at him from the couch. She was in a black tank top with some glittery logo on the front and a black leather mini-skirt, slender legs bare and crossed. A black stiletto shoe dangled from one foot.

He dragged his eyes away from her and back to Melina. “Come,” she said with a smile, and led the way to the kitchen.

She flicked on only the light over the stove, picked up the corkscrew and handed it to him. “You can open it.” She pulled the wine out of the bag.

“What’s going on, Mel?” he repeated. Did he miss something earlier? Something about Abby coming over? Why the hell would she be here? It’s not like they were best friends with her. Remembering seeing her and Melina naked together made him feel like he’d drunk the whole bottle of wine at dinner, not one glass.

She smiled at him and motioned for him to open the bottle. He did so automatically.

“I invited her over,” Melina told him, her voice soft and sexy. “And we’re going to seduce you.”

Chapter Six

The wine bottle slipped from Gavin’s numb fingers. Melina lunged and grabbed it, saving it from crashing to the floor.


He stared at her. She poured wine into three glasses, handed one to him and picked up the other two.

“Thanks for going to the store for this.”

She started back into the living room.

He trailed along behind, wondering if his tongue was hanging out. The ivory satin robe shimmered around her as she walked, her long blonde hair hanging down her back. Unlike Abby, Melina’s feet were bare, her pink polished toenails peeping out from the hem of the long gown.

She motioned to him to sit on the couch between them, handed Abby a glass of wine.

“Thanks,” Abby said. “So, Gavin, long time no see.”

“Uh…yeah.” He gulped some of the wine, cold and crisp enough to sting his throat. “How are you?”

Abby smiled. Her shoulder-length chestnut hair shone with fiery highlights in the candlelight. He noticed the tattoo wrapped around her upper arm. Funny, he hadn’t seen that last time…not that he liked tattoos. Much.

“I’m great.” Her smile widened, and he had the feeling she was amused by his befuddlement. He frowned.

Melina put her hand on his thigh. His muscle tensed beneath the faded denim of his jeans. Both women shifted a tiny bit closer to him and he felt their warmth.

“Is that a new tat?” he blurted.

Abby glanced down at her arm. “Yeah. You like it?”

“Uh…yeah. It’s cool.”

“You should get a tattoo, Melina.” Abby leaned forward to look at her across Gavin.

Melina laughed. “I don’t know. The idea of inflicting pain on myself doesn’t appeal to me. But…I always kind of wanted a little cat tattoo.”

“A cat?” Gavin stared at Melina. That was the first he’d heard of that.

“Yeah. I like cats. You know that.”

Mmm. They’d talked about getting a cat but he detested felines and resisted the idea of cat hair everywhere. Cats were evil.

“Not a cat tattoo,” he protested. “Something else, maybe.”

“Like what?”

“Maybe a little flower,” Abby suggested. Gavin glanced at her.

“Yeah, I could get it on my hip, where it wouldn’t be obvious.”

“Right here.” Abby reached across him and stroked her fingers over Melina’s hip. “Only you would see it, Gavin.”

Gavin gulped more wine.

Seduce him. Jesus. She had to be joking.

“Melina…were you…serious?”

She met his gaze and smiled, seeming to know what he was talking about. “Serious as missing a project deadline.”

Any other time he would have laughed, but his hormones were speeding through his body and seemed to be interfering with his ability to think and speak.

Seduce him? He became instantly, painfully aroused. He glanced at Abby, watching him with those dark brown eyes that seemed so knowing. Abby was a free spirit, rumored to be bisexual, a little tough, a lot sexy. She wasn’t the type he would normally be attracted to, but images of Abby and Melina kissing, bare from the waist up, breasts pressed together, arms wrapped around each other, streaked through his mind and his groin throbbed insistently.

Melina’s small hand stroked his thigh, down to his knee, up…almost…brushing his cock straining against his fly. Then Abby put her hand on his other leg.

Holy hell.

“It’s okay, honey,” Melina murmured to him, leaning closer. “I’m doing this for you.”


“Remember? You said last time was all about me? Well, this time it’s all about you.”

His mouth fell open and he stared at Melina, so pretty, her cheeks flushed pink, eyes sparkling. She watched him and gave a small nod of encouragement. What the hell was he supposed to do? He had no fucking idea.

Abby shifted closer, too, pressing a small breast into his upper arm. His body tightened. He swallowed.

Melina and Abby each sipped their wine and then at the same time reached forward to set their glasses on the table.

“Relax, Gav,” Abby said, sitting back. Her touch on his thigh grew firmer. Melina slid a hand over his chest, rubbed his pecs. God, that felt good. Heat sizzled through him.

“This is all for you, Gavin,” she purred. “You can do anything you want with either of us…except for one thing.”

“What’s that?” His voice emerged as a croak.

“You can’t fuck Abby. Anything else. You can fuck me, but not her. Okay?”

His head spun. Okay? She had to be kidding? How could this be okay? This was insane.

“Melina…” He truly had lost the ability to communicate. He’d walked into the Twilight Zone instead of his apartment when he’d returned from the store.

She leaned forward and kissed him, her lips soft and warm. She smelled delicious, like candy. The vanilla body lotion she used mingled with the scent of the candles flickering on the table.