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I came too, yelling loudly. Oh how much I craved this stream of his manhood to quench my flames! When I had milked him dry, I took him by the hand and pulled him to my marital bed, and pushing him on his back I straddled him. His huge cock was still hard! And erect!

Straddling him, I climbed up his pole, and mounting it I pointed it directly into my dripping opening and slid down. Even with all the lubrication of his previous come and my juices, his huge cock had to bludgeon it's way into me inch by inch, and I was enjoying every single one! All the stiff, fat seven inches of him! Yes, he did grow. At last I had him entirely in myself! How can I describe my feelings?! I was full! I was stretched out to my utmost, feeling his manhood uniting with me deep in my womb! I felt like I was expanding, filling the whole world, with him filling me to my brim! I started to move little moves, afraid that I would spill over. The little stirrings turned to heaves and soon I was riding and galloping to heaven! When I had finished coming, Andrew rolled me over, and spreading my legs he pounded into me with a furry! And more, and more, and more! He was grunting and roaring with me yelling for more, rolling and rotating my ass as much as the position and his fat cock allowed me and we came again! Finally, we slumped down, utterly exhausted. We cuddled lovingly. While he was hugging me, gently fondling my tits, I was showering kisses on his sweet face and lips, slowly moving down and down until I reached his glorious column.

Oh, it was erect again! And towering and hard, and hot, and throbbing and I couldn't but kiss it, sucking it into my mouth! Savoring the rich taste of our combined juices, I licked it dry-and we went for another round. We fucked all that long day. We fucked in bed, we fucked in the shower, his shoves literally lifting me off the ground, and we fucked on the kitchen table, amidst all the platters and utensils. While eating ice-cream, Andrew has licked it off my body, and stuffing some of it into my cunt he was soon pounding it inside with his monstrous tool. The cold stuff was burning my entrails, numbing my sensations only to increase them even more when it was thawing! So it went all day long until my husband was about to return from work. I had asked Andrew to stick his cock into me from behind, and stay there to the last second, but he did better than that! He stuffed his huge cock into me, and fucking me from behind he was ejaculating as we heard Shepard's keys in the door. So I have met my hubby with Andrew's semen dripping down my thighs, wearing a smile from ear to ear. Of course I got pregnant. The intensity of our love making alone must have caused me to ovulate.

How I Loved My Brother


I never knew my dad, as he died two months before I was born, but he had great impact on my family and on me. From what I've heard, from all who knew him, he was the most caring man they had ever known. I wish I had the opportunity to know him, in person, but the stories others have shared have helped me to feel connected to him. From what I've heard about him, he had great impact on both my mother and my brother. Mom insisted on carrying on the way of life that was so important to Dad. She introduced my brother Tom and me to unlimited experiences, facilitating our explorations and discoveries and helping us to create our own individuality. We always felt safe with her. She was very supportive and showed us that she believed in us. She met Dad in a hiking club they belonged to, while in college. They both loved nature, and she continued to take us camping, hiking and backpacking.

She and Dad had great dreams for Tom and I, and she wasn't going to let his death stifle those dreams. I felt that his death motivated her that much more, as now she was carrying on the dream for two. She was very dedicated to us kids, and though she did have an active social life, over the years, she felt that no one could come close to my dad, so never remarried. I always looked up to Tom. He was three years older than me, but he was the man in our family. I was very precocious when I was young, and I'm sure that I was quite the pest, but he had the patience of a saint. All my life, I've worked hard at developing the patience I've seen in him. Tom was my big brother, the light of my life. No matter what, he always scheduled some special time with me, every day. He would read to me, listen to me ramble on and on, teach me things and share in my discoveries. I was easily distracted and full of energy. To help me slow down and focus, Tom would blindfold me and take me on hikes, when we went on our family outings.

He helped me to get in touch with all of my senses, letting me experience nature from a totally new perspective. I've always been very visual, but he helped me to fine tune my awareness of touch, taste, smell and hearing. He helped me to see things that couldn't be seen with my eyes. Tom was my hero. I loved that he let me tag along with him, holding my hand and giving me hugs, even in front of his friends. He wouldn't let any of his friends make fun of me or give me a hard time. I loved Tom, even before I actually knew what love was. He always called me Princess. Childhood was simple and fun.

We were always playful, and without realizing it, Tom taught me the most amazing things while I thought we were just playing. I would never be the person I am today, if it wasn't for his gentle guidance.

Childhood was beautiful. I hadn't a care in the world. With puberty popping up all around me, I started to become aware of my body. My girlfriends started their periods, and I saw their bodies curving out in fascinating ways. I was very curious. Actually, I have always been curious; I was just unaware of the human body. I guess I just took it for granted. All my life, I just knew that I loved the nurturance I felt from a firm but gentle hug or kiss. I began studying the bodies of others, and also studying my own body. I was filled with endless questions, and Tom always took the time to listen to me and help me to discover the answers.*** When I was 12, Tom realized that I was seeking more in-depth details. He bought me a series of books. The first was “Where Did I Come From?”

That was interesting, but I think I might have been fixated on myself at the time, leading him to give me the next book, “What's Happening To Me?” Then he gave me “Will I Like It?” I asked Tom to show me where all the parts were on my body. Nudity has never been a problem in our family. I don't know why I asked Tom to show me this rather than Mom.

I felt safe with Mom, too; but somehow I felt a special connection to Tom. I have seen Mom without clothes so I knew how my body would change. After my shower that night, and before I put on my nightgown, Tom met me in my bedroom. I brought out my hand mirror, and we set out on the task at hand. He was very gentle, and I felt no discomfort. He told me or showed me all I wanted to know. I still looked like a little girclass="underline" no breasts, no hips and no body hair (other than a little peach fuzz on the mound that my slender legs seemed to point to, and on those legs themselves). He pointed out how my nipples get hard when it is cold or when they are rubbed against certain textures and showed me that touching them can lead to this same reaction. I was surprised to discover how nice it felt when he put his hand on my breast and moved my nipple around with his finger.

It was very different from what it felt like to wash myself in the shower. He showed me how different types of touches on different parts of my body bring on different sensations. I couldn't believe that there were so many sensations within me. I spread my legs and took my mirror to explore the next part. He showed me my inner lips and outer lips, where my hymen is and then pulled my hood back to reveal my clit. “So that's where it has been hiding,” I laughed. I asked him about masturbation, and he explained that this is something that is different for each woman, and let me know that I would need to discover what worked for me. He pointed out that he hasn't actually seen or touched a girl before, so he is just sharing what he has discovered from books. He sure has picked up a lot of knowledge from books. I asked him to give me a starting point, so I would know what areas to explore. He got up on my bed and leaned his back against the headboard, with his legs apart. He invited me to scoot up against him, putting my back against his chest. I scooted up snug and placed my legs on the outside of his. I felt little vibrations in his fingers and hands as he started to caress my body. I thought he was very talented to be able to vibrate his hands so fast; though now I realize that he was probably just nervous and didn't want to let on to his little sister. He seemed to realize that I saw him as perfect, and he probably hid what he saw as his little flaws from me. I never saw any flaws, but I realize that he was an adolescent, also, so I'm sure he had his own self-doubts. He started by brushing his fingers through my hair and massaging my scalp. “Princess, close your eyes,” he whispered into my ear. I could feel the warmth of his breath, as those words tickled my ear. I closed my eyes, and his fingers slowly and gently explored every inch of my face. I wasn't even aware of all the interesting places that I was discovering right there on my face. When his fingers got to my mouth, my lips parted to welcome his exploration. How is it that my tongue has been in my mouth all my life, yet I never knew how sensual the roof of my mouth was?