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She obviously wasn’t going to give up until he lost the token. “You choose,” he said.

She shook her head. “Oh, no. I’m just along for the ride. This is all yours. Come on. What are you going to do with the token anyway? Take it back to Boston as a memento?”

“I already have a memento,” he said, stroking his hand down her cheek.

“Are you referring to the photograph? Or me?” she asked, laughing. “Come on. Get it over with.”

He shook his head at her persistence. “Did anyone ever tell you that you can be a little pushy?” he asked, teasing her.

“Many people, many times. Now choose.” She splayed her arms wide.

“Fine. This one,” he said, indicating a machine that promised a million-dollar payout. “But if the impossible happens and I win, half is yours.” He walked over, stuck the token into the slot machine and pushed the spin button. “Satisfied?” he asked, turning away just as bells, lights and whistles went off around them.

“You won!” Amber tugged on his arm and glanced at the machine. “You actually won a hundred and fifty thousand dollars!” She screamed and threw her arms around his neck, squealing in excitement.

The surreal moment played out like a movie, with the head of the casino and security showing up and paying him. Cash. Mike couldn’t believe it, not even after they’d been escorted back to his room by a security guard via a private elevator.

When the man left and Mike locked the door behind him, he turned to his wife. He and Amber were finally alone.

First thing he did was to kneel in front of the safe in the closet, placing the money inside. “I need a code number I’ll remember.”

“How about the date? Our anniversary?” Amber suggested. She stood behind him, her hand on the back of his neck, her fingers softly threading through his hair.

Her touch was so arousing he could barely think straight. He punched in the numbers, hit Lock and turned to her.

Without further thought, he swept her into his arms. She shrieked and looped her arms around his neck.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“I couldn’t carry you over the threshold with the security guard standing there, but I can do the next best thing.” He stepped toward the large king-size bed he thought he’d be sleeping in alone and laid her down on the mattress. “Today was unbelievable. You’re my very own lucky charm. I can’t believe we just met.”

She nodded in agreement. “I feel the same way. It’s like I’ve known you forever.”

He grinned and held up her hand with the big, gaudy ring on it. “This and our marriage license says you will.”

Her eyes glazed with delight while his heart caught in his throat. She was so beautiful, with her wild blond curls falling over the pillow and her lips moist and welcoming. An angel sent to him from who knows where, someone who wasn’t a part of his past, but would be part of his present and future. He couldn’t say he minded.

Lowering himself beside her, he bent his head to kiss his bride. They’d been building up to this moment all day and the long, leisurely kisses that had sustained them during the afternoon no longer satisfied him now that they were alone. He kissed her mouth, her cheek, and followed a trail down her jawline, pausing to nibble on her delectable earlobe, grazing her soft flesh gently with his teeth.

She groaned, a husky sound reverberating from low in her throat. Her body tensed and writhed beside him, demanding more. He inhaled the floral scent that had been testing his restraint all afternoon and nearly came right then. But he needed more. Needed to see her naked and exposed just for him.

He reached for the zipper on the back of her dress at the same time she pulled his shirt from the waistband of his jeans. Clearly their first time wouldn’t be slow.

She turned and he lowered the zipper, revealing her creamy back. He licked the exposed line of skin and blew gently, a cool stream of air that caused her to arch her back and treat him to another lusty groan. She openly expressed her need, and knowing he caused those hot, sexy sounds drove him insane.

While she shrugged out of her dress, he took off his shirt, jeans and briefs, tossing everything onto the floor beside his shoes. When he turned back, she was naked and waiting. Her little black dress had been deceiving. She had generous curves he hadn’t imagined.

Amber trembled as his gaze raked over her, his eyes darkening with approval.

He laid back against the pillows and crooked a finger. She came willingly, settling her body on top of his. Her skin burned with an internal heat that had been building inside her all day. She fit into him, her breasts crushing his chest, his thighs cradling hers, and her wet core settling against his hard, rigid length.

She sucked in a shallow breath. There was nothing soft or giving about his body and yet everything in his expression told her he’d give her everything she asked for and even some things she didn’t.

He pulled her hair back from her face, holding it behind her as he looked into her eyes. “Do you feel how hard you make me?” He lifted his hips and let his erection thrust between her legs.

She closed her eyes, letting the rolling wave wash over her. “Oh, yes.”

He slid his hand between them, slipping his index finger into her moist heat. “You’re wet,” he murmured. “And I’m going to make you wetter.” He traced a long path with his tongue, a thorough exploration of her body with his hands, his mouth and light grazing of his teeth. And when he reached her breasts, he dipped his head for a taste, drawing one tight nipple into his mouth.

Amber felt the pull from her aching breasts straight down to her toes and everywhere in between. She glanced down. His dark hair brushed against her bare chest and an overwhelming sensation of rightness swept over her. She’d let him do anything and then do it again.

His hands parted her bare thighs and when he touched her there, all rational thought fled. Her focus narrowed until nothing mattered but the exquisite sensations he created in her body. He knew just where to touch her and how.

He held on to her thighs and the sheer eroticism of what he was about to do caused a quickening of excitement in her belly. He laved his tongue over her mound. Long loving strokes followed by quick flickers that brought her closer and closer to release. The pressure built higher and faster until she couldn’t take it another minute.

Her hips bucked beneath him and suddenly she cried out, her climax catching her off guard as the waves assaulted her one after another, seemingly without end.

She was barely aware of him leaning away from her and then returning. Just as she began to come back to reality, he tore open a condom and settled himself over her.

“I can’t believe you had one on you,” she murmured in relief. Protection had been the last thing on her mind and it should have been first.

“It’s been in my wallet forever.” A flush heightened his cheekbones.

Amber appreciated the admission. “It’s been a while for me, as well,” she said honestly. “But I’m glad you’re the kind of man who likes to be prepared.”

“In my family, it pays to be.” His eyes shuttered closed, blocking his secrets.

“You’ll have to tell me why one day.”

“At the moment, I can think of better things to do than talk.” He drew her arms up above her head, distracting her with his naked body.

He was sexy, handsome and very, very male. And he was hers.

“What are you grinning about?” he asked.

“I didn’t realize I was.” Obviously thinking about him made her smile, but she wasn’t ready to admit that just yet.

Although her father had been her guardian, she’d had to be independent and she’d raised herself in his unorthodox world. She’d been alone and on her own for longer than she cared to remember and she liked the notion that she had someone to share things with now. The logistics between them didn’t matter. They’d work those out in time. Right now, the ring and the license proved they were a couple.