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This brought into the room the buxom proprietress of the house. He motioned to her not to reveal herself, and she accordingly watched with glaring eyes and inflated nostrils the exciting scene that was being enacted, till she was obliged to raise her clothes and commence to frig her quim. Her knees trembled and her breasts, which were uncovered, heaved violently, till, throwing herself on the machine with the dildo, she caused it to enter her quim. By the energy of her motions she soon covered it with her spendings. In the meantime Julia cried out, “Oh, heavens, my bottom, my cunt, it is coming, I am going to spend, oh, flog me harder, kill me, do anything, I am mad with my feelings,” and with a howl of pleasure she spent copiously, her lovely pink bottomhole opening and closing with each thrust. While she lay half insensible, Mr. Spankie unscrewed the dildo from the machine. As it was still wet with the spunk that had just been shed on it, he gently pressed it into Julia's bottomhole and moved it backwards and forwards. Her whole body stiffened and she seemed like one convulsed, so marvelous was the effect on her erotic nature. Withdrawing it again and placing it up her sweet cunt she commenced the up and down movement of her body to frig herself with it.

The lady of the house now begged Mr. Spankie to birch her. She had stripped and was lying on a couch constructed in such a manner that the velvet fitted every curve of her body, belly downwards. He advanced to the upper end of the couch and, leaning a little forward, commenced to flagellate her violently. She seized his almost bursting cock and, nestling it between her lips, sucked it luxuriously, contracting the muscles of her mouth around it and pushing her head to and fro till he spent with the wildest contortions. She then looked up at him pleadingly, the lovely drops still hanging about her lips, and he bent down and kissed her fervently, receiving back into his own mouth some of the dew he had spent in hers. He seized her cunt and rubbed it violently with the palm of his hand and speedily brought on the Crisis. When this was concluded, they perceived that Julia was watching them intently. “Oh,” said she, “do come to me again! Do not leave me!”

“You shall have a new pleasure, darling,” said he, “and our friend here shall initiate you.” Rising from the couch the lady came and lay on the bed beside Julia in a reversed position and commenced to lass her bottom and tickle her clitoris; then passing one leg over her prostrate body, her cunt pressed hard against Julia's loins, she buried her head between her thighs and gamahuched her luxuriously, passing a finger gently up her anus to cause her the most divine pleasure.

After this Julia was released and they all sat side by side and partook of Champagne and other refreshments. Mr. Spankie then said that he must be birched in order to make his prick stand again, and the fair Julia had the satisfaction of flagellating his bottom till his prick stood like iron. Hastily rising, he placed the proprietress in an easy chair which, being unfolded, made her fall backwards so as to lie horizontally. The chair was high enough to bring her quim on a level with his prick; her legs were then elevated, her feet tossing about in the air. In this position she was fucked till they both spent, Julia all the time flogging his backside.

A lovely waiting maid, who had entered during this occurrence, was now seized, thrown on her belly on a chair, and fucked up her bottomhole by Mr. Spankie. Julia sucked madly at the relaxed quim of the lady of the house and then, embracing the spending woman, frantically rubbed her own cunt up against hers till they fell on the floor, utterly exhausted. Shortly after they left the house, but an appointment was made for the following Monday when several girls were expected at the house who had never been fucked or frigged, having been imported from the country by a wealthy nobleman in order that he might see them debauched and treated in every manner that unbridled and imaginative lust could devise.

On Monday, accordingly, Mr. Spankie and Julia were again visitors to the house. They found Mrs. Minette seated in the room already described and wearing a flowing robe of silk lined with swans-down. She greeted them warmly and gave Julia a loving squeeze, which made her tremble with desire. She said, “I shall want your help as well as that of my two waiting maids, as I shall have five or six young girls and one boy about thirteen and it might be necessary to use force in order to frig them successfully.” They were only too glad to tender their aid. “As for the gentleman who has arranged to have them sent here, he will be in the adjoining room and view all through a hole in the partition, while one of my friends kneels in front of him and sucks his prick.” The gentleman was, in fact, Sir Clifford.

Shortly afterwards the waiting maids, who were dressed in dressing gowns, came in leading a lovely little girl, apparently about twelve years of age. She was well developed for her age and a shy and modest demeanour added to her attractions. Mrs. Minette took her by her side and told her that she would find her school calculated to make her happy, that she need not fear restraint, but that everything would be done to add to her happiness. The little girl replied that she was very much frightened at the idea of coming to a boarding school, but felt quite sure she would be happy. Mrs. Minette gave her a glass of wine and some cake and continued talking to her, by degrees commencing to fondle her. After the child had taken the wine, her face flushed, and she seemed uneasy; restless, irritable sensations seemed to pervade her. The moment Mrs. Minette saw this, she increased her caresses, pressing her hand (her arm being around the little waist) against the young girl's breasts, which were already rounded and delightfully firm. The girl rather resisted this in a half-frightened way, but Julia, who had been watching the proceedings with a wild look in her eyes, came on the other side of her and commenced to caress her also. At length they succeeded in unfastening her dress and bringing out the little breasts, whereupon each began to suck one rosy nipple. At this the girl began to struggle and cry out. Mr. Spankie, now half mad with lechery, came in front of them and raised her short petticoats. She now shrieked out in earnest and struggled with all her might. This but excited him the more, and he forcibly separated her legs and tore open her drawers, exhibiting to his view a lovely little pink cunt entirely destitute of hair. He fastened his lips to it and commenced to suck it, forcing his tongue in as far as it would go. Her two other tormentors held her fast in order to facilitate his operations. The girl, exhausted with fright and strange feelings, fainted, and they carried her to the bed and stripped her entirely naked. They then took thick silken cords and, drawing her knees upwards, fastened them securely under her breast in such a manner that her bottom was elevated as she lay face downwards on the bed. The proprietress then took some eau de Cologne, which she rubbed into the charming buttocks, just touching the pouting lips of the charming pink cunt that projected forward owing to the position in which she was bound. She stooped and sucked the cunt till it throbbed and swelled out with excitement; then she held the girl down by the shoulders and asked Julia to birch her. This Julia was madly desiring and she commenced immediately to obey such a pleasant command.