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Part 2

Chapter V

A very pretty girl of graceful figure walking through Jermyn street was accosted by a gentlemanly young man, who, after some conversation of a character highly flattering to the young lady, and which completely won the confidence of her guileless heart, persuaded her to accompany him to his chambers which were close by. When they arrived, he brought out wine and biscuits which he persuaded her to take. Sitting on a luxurious sofa under the influence of the wine and his fascination, she became so enamoured of him that when he put his arm around her waist and drew her close to him, pressing warm kisses on her pouting lips, she was so overcome as to return them; nor was she able to resist when he began to take further liberties with her. He pressed her to him and with little difficulty got his hand inside the bosom of her dress, fondling the warm and firm globes that nestled there. She struggled slightly and said, “Oh, you must not. Don't. Do let me alone.”

“I don't wish to let you alone,” said he, “you must let me feel this soft and enchanting bosom, you must indeed.” Saying this, he managed to unfasten her dress completely and actually got out one naked globe in his hand, which he devoured with kisses. So disordered were all her senses that while her breasts were fluttering under the wanton encroachments of his hand, which was now moulding her breasts into all sorts of forms, he succeeded in gradually raising her dress sufficiently high to enable him to place the other hand between her thighs, up which he gradually groped till he reached the silken covering of the spot where they joined. This alarmed her at first and she tried hard to remove his hand, but when he got his fingers between the lips and began to frig her, the action rendered her powerless. She yielded herself entirely and lay back in his arms, her head upon his shoulder, her eyes half closed, her lips moving in unison with his as he kissed her. He saw she was in no condition to resist him, even if he fucked her. He therefore drew forth his prick, hot and swollen as it was, and, throwing one leg over her, he brought his stiff prick close enough to her to enable him to bring the head into the floss that covered the entrance to her cunt. Already it was pressing its way in to its utmost length, while he stopped her entreaties by his constant kisses on her half-open mouth. While maintaining the progress he had made, he shifted her into a better position for enjoying her. Laying her head on the couch pillow, he placed one of her legs on that substitute for a bed. Getting between, he brought the other leg up also and then lay down on the body of the panting girl, whose face was now flushed with the deep crimson of desire.

But while his arms were pressing around her loins and she was opening and extending her legs of her own accord, so as to enable him to penetrate her better, she was horrified to see the door open and another gentleman enter the room. With a look of such genuine shame that she could not imagine him to be acting, her lover disengaged himself from her endearing arms and rose from her form, which thus became exposed to the sight of the intruder, leaving her to cover as best she could her private parts. This she could not readily accomplish, as her lover had contrived to entangle his foot amongst her drapery. The intruder was thus enabled to gain her side before she could recover an upright position and cover herself up. This he prevented her doing, holding up her clothes as she attempted to pull them down and at the same time pressing her backwards in the position in which she had lain before. She was alarmed as he said in a stem voice, “So, sir, this is the way you bring young ladies here in my absence. Leave the room, sir. As for you, Miss, I shall keep you here as you are and send for your friends whom I know, in order that they may see how you behave when away from them.”

The chastised lover slunk away and the girl felt as though she could sink through the floor, left alone and in such a position with a stranger. She entreated him to let her go but he would not. After gloating for a while over her charms he said, “Now I shall either expose you or give you a good birching for your wickedness. Choose which it shall be.” After a few moments, in her confusion and fright, she chose the latter alternative. He then allowed her to rise and, taking a birch from a buffet that stood in the room, he sat down and stretched out his legs before him. He bent her across them, her fair head hanging down as if to hide her face at submitting to such a punishment as she was about to receive. For quite a quarter of an hour he thus gratified himself by birching her posteriors, enjoying her sighs, which she gave vent to as the process of the whipping gradually brought back that lustful heat in her quim which the blandishments of her betrayer had first generated there. These sighs soon became more expressive of voluptuous passion than of any other feeling. Before he had birched her up to that point when a man feels he must fuck the flagellated one or let his spunk flow in his trousers, she was as willing as he was that he should enjoy her in front, as well as behind. Throwing the rod aside, he took her in his arms and begged her to be friends with him, saying that he could not resist flogging her when he saw another enjoying her lovely charms. In this excited state she could not resist his appeal to allow him to fuck her.

Kissing her ardently, he at once placed her on the couch in the same position he had found her. Placing his prick between her extended thighs, he speedily entered her and commenced to move backwards and forwards until, with spasmodic action, they both yielded up love's exquisite stream. He then got off but would not allow her to rise, sitting by her side and toying with her beautiful limbs. After some little time he reached to pull a bell and she heard approaching footsteps, at which she begged him to allow her to cover her nakedness. This he refused. When his page entered, the gentleman showed him where his priapus had just entered and their united spendings still oozing from it.

“I must make you amends for having deprived you of your sweetheart, even if it was only for a time. I have been enjoying her but I cannot even now spare her from my sight,” said he. “So if you fuck her it must be while I watch you. I am sure she will allow me that pleasure.” And she by this time was too wanton to object.

In order to carry out their scheme, they took her to a place more calculated for practising lechery. The gentleman was Sir Clifford Norton and the page the same William who had shared with him the lascivious body of Miss Birchem, and it was by Sir Clifford's order that William had gone out in search of a pretty girl to make the victim of their joint lust.

Annie, for that was the young lady's name, found herself in the bedroom of the baronet. The first thing the two men did was to undress her to her corset, and the next to strip off all their own clothing. Annie was asked to sit at the foot of the bed while they tucked up her chemise and fastened it in order that her lovely cunt and thighs might be fully exhibited. William lay on his back on the bed and his stiff cock was grasped by Sir Clifford, who was manipulating it in order that Annie might receive it in her body in a state of glorious development. They had taken the birch with them and Annie was flailing the baronet's posteriors with it as he leaned over the bed frigging William. After this had continued for some little time, Annie threw herself on her back on the bed and both men gloated on her glowing charms, their stiff pricks throbbing and rising at each pulsation of the blood through their veins. William then mounted her and as she clasped him tightly in her arms, Sir Clifford guided his prick into her cunt. When it was fairly in, she closed her thighs over him and for a while gave herself wholly to her lascivious feelings, exciting her imagination by looking at the prick of Sir Clifford, while he in turn watched with the keenest interest the prick of the page as it disappeared within fair Annie's laboring body and now reappeared in all its glory as he withdrew it from its narrow cavity, only to send it in again with still greater vigour and delight. The whim then seized her to have them both at once upon her and, like a queen of love whose word was law, she bade Sir Clifford mount behind the page, that they might both have her at once. The baronet instantly obeyed her, but whether his penis would not reach so far as her cunt or whether he found a greater attraction elsewhere, it is nevertheless certain that it found a resting place before it reached her cunt. Annie could see quite well what was taking place between Sir Clifford and his page. William's eyes were nearly starting from his head, a flush of heated lust upon each feature, while Sir Clifford looked as though his lascivious gratification was literally burning him up. The scene continued till Annie felt a flood of hot spunk bursting into her and found her own passions so affected by it that she also gave way to her feelings, which utterly overcame her.