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“Rose. I missed you. You shouldn’t have left me.” A low, gravelly voice floated in the air.

She opened her eyes and was startled a bit when she found Knox sitting on the side of the bed. He sat stil , watching her, not making a move toward her, and after a few moments, she relaxed. He didn’t appear angry that she’d escaped him. In fact, if she wasn’t mistaken, the only thing he looked was relieved, wel , relieved and hot as hel .

“What are you doing here?”

“I’m not real y here. You’re dreaming.”

“Oh.” She chewed at her bottom lip. “But you seem so real.”

“Sometimes dreams seem that way.” He smiled at her, and her heart flip-flopped in response.

She was glad she was dreaming of him. In her dreams she didn’t feel guilty for wanting to spend time with him or for wanting him to kiss her . . . and more.

“Walk with me?” He held out his hand, but she hesitated.

She’d gone to bed nude, but when she peeked under the covers, she found she was wearing a soft, pale blue nightgown. Very unlike her to wear such a feminine, silky thing, but it was a dream, after all, and she liked that she was wearing something sexier than she usual y donned. When she flipped the covers back, his gaze raked her from head to toe, and she blushed furiously when his midnight eyes glowed softly.

Her body heated in an instant under his scrutiny. He was the only man who’d ever had that ef ect on her, and the fact that he could do it without touching her was a little intimidating, and a whole lot stimulating.

She final y took his hand, and he led her through the smal house and out the front door. There was snow on the ground, and she was barefoot, but she wasn’t cold. And now that she looked at him closer, she grew warm everywhere.

His blond hair beckoned her fingers to sift through the silky strands, and his five o’clock shadow begged to be rubbed over al the sensitive parts of her skin.

His black T-shirt hugged every ripped muscle on his fine bod, and his dark jeans hung low on his lean hips, hips that she instinctively knew nestled the part of him that could give her al the pleasure she could ever need or want. He was tal , and she felt smal next to him. He was the first man to ever make her feel feminine, and she liked it. She also liked that he was not unaffected by her. Every time his eyes glowed when he touched or looked at her, it was because she lit a fire in him as he did her. He’d proven on more than one occasion that he wanted her, and she’d wanted to give in to him, stil wanted to.

She wished to be able to touch him, kiss him, make love to him as she desired without al of the doubts that plagued her. He led her along her road and to the end of it before turning around and heading back to her house. She noticed he seemed very interested in their surroundings, and he smiled at her as if he knew something she didn’t. It was a bit unnerving, but it was a dream, after all, so what did she have to worry about? It wasn’t like he could find her or anything.

When they stepped back inside, he toed the door shut and pul ed her to him. He nuzzled the tender skin between her throat and shoulder, and she sighed before wrapping her arms around his neck. His tongue darted out and ran a moist trail of heat up to her jaw and around to her ear, where he nibbled at her lobe until she moaned.

“You smel and taste so damn good.” He growled more than said the words.

She welcomed his kiss and tangled her fingers in the hair at his nape, tugging him to her and straining closer for more. He broke the kiss sooner than she would have liked and stared down at her.

“You taste good too, Knox.”

“Why did you leave, Rose? I told you it was dangerous.”

She frowned. Why was he asking her this in her dream? It didn’t feel right. Something was of . She let her hands fal to her sides and took a step back. He didn’t move, and they stood staring each other down.

“I had to leave, and you know it. You kidnapped me. You had no right to make me stay with you.”

His eyes glowed brighter, and she sucked in a sharp breath.

“That’s not the reason you left, and you know it, so quit lying to both of us. You left because you feel something for me, and it confuses and excites the hell out of you.”

“No! I-I—”

“Doesn’t matter now, love.” He took a step forward that put them toe-to-toe.

He swooped down and kissed her again. He wrapped one strong arm around her waist and pul ed her against him until their bodies were pressed tightly together and his tongue was deep in her mouth, taking, demanding, coaxing. She melted against him and clutched at his shoulders while he plundered her mouth. She gave him everything he asked for and took the same in return.

“Knox.” Her whispered plea did not go ignored.

He ran his knuckles down her arm and back up before trailing down her side, over her ribs, and final y her hip. He stretched his fingers down until they met the hem of her gown and met bare skin, and she gasped in delight as his touch deliciously singed her.

He stroked her thigh under the soft material and cupped her hip before sliding around to caress one globe of her ass. She’d never been happier in her life that she didn’t have on panties, and stood on tiptoes and opened her mouth wider to his kiss.

He groaned, dipped his fingers lower, and slipped them between her legs from the back. She moaned when he caressed her clit, and nearly came when he flicked her gently. He growled and trailed his hand around to her mound and slid his middle finger through her wetness while his thumb put pressure on her core. She cried out, and he pushed into her. Her hips thrust up, taking him deeper.

She broke the kiss and buried her face against his shoulder while he stroked her, his breathing nearly as ragged as her own.

Within moments the pressure built to a point where she thought she would fly apart into a mil ion pieces, and just as she was on the brink of doing just that, he removed his finger, and she cried out at the sudden emptiness she felt. He gently pushed her back until she fell onto the bed, her legs dangling to the floor.

He fel to his knees and, before she could protest, spread her legs wide, insinuated his shoulders between her knees, and stroked her clit with his tongue. She bucked violently, and he reached up and anchored her to the bed by her hips. She cried out, but he held her still while he nipped, licked, and sucked at her. The pressure began building once again, and her skin burned, almost hurt from the overload of sensations rushing through her.

She clutched at the sheets with her hands while he ate at her, and within moments, the pressure exploded outward, and then she shattered. Tears fell down her cheeks as she came, and came, and he continued to pleasure her relentlessly, until another orgasm ripped through her on the heels of the first. She cried out at the intensity, and his nips and licks changed to a leisurely soothing.

He breathed deep, as if taking her essence into his lungs so he could carry her with him wherever he went, and kissed his way up to her mouth, where he took her lips once again. When he finally let her go, she was having trouble catching her breath, and even though she’d had two orgasms, she ached for his possession.