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She felt the sweat breaking out on her face and neck. She felt completely drenched. The blouse had already begun to cling wetly to her bare boobs, and trickles of salty water ran down between her breasts, and down her thighs.

Suddenly, Wes stepped back into the light. He was carrying several lengths of clothesline, and something that Lynn didn't recognize.

She frowned.

"What's that?"

She wiped her forearm across her forehead.

Wes held the object up so his niece could see it plainly. It was a rubber ball, with a piece of rope running through the middle.

She glanced at his eyes and shrugged her ignorance.

"Ready?" he asked her.

"I don't know, Wes. What is that thing?"

"We need it for the pictures, honey bunch."

Lynn snapped her hands onto her hips, pursed her lips tightly, and cocked her head at Wes.

"I asked you what it was."

"It's a gag."

She stared at the thing.


"Don't worry, sweetheart, it won't hurt."

He stepped toward her.

"Wait a minute!"

But he lifted the ball toward her mouth.

"Open up, honey, it won't hurt."


"Honey… " Wes coaxed.

"Wes… " Lynn whined.

"Open… "

The youngster's mouth opened a little wider.

"No… " she said quietly.

She put her hands around his wrists.

"Wider, honey…

Slowly, grasping her uncle's wrists tightly, the teenager opened her mouth wide enough to let Wes slip the rubber ball between her lovely white teeth.

She moaned.

"Good girl, sweetheart."

He took her hands from his wrists and pressured them down to her sides, then took her upper arms and turned her around. He pulled the ends of the rope that ran through the ball around behind her neck, and after lifting her hair out of the way, he tied the gag in place. Her long hair fell back down over the knot at the back of her neck.

"Now, give me your hands back here, Lynn."

Lynn put her arms behind her, automatically crossing her thin wrists. She had seen enough movies to know how women were supposed to be tied up.

She felt the clothesline wrapped firmly around her wrists, pulled tight and knotted. It was a bit too tight, but this wouldn't last too long. She hoped.

The rubber gag tasted awful, and her jaws were already beginning to ache from the strain of being forced so wide open. She felt a thick line of drool slip down her chin and drop onto the upper slope of her bulging boob.

She closed her eyes in embarrassment, but Wes had turned her back toward the lights as it happened, and he said, "Perfect. A little drooling adds realism, and it's utter realism I'm after. Good girl." He bent forward and gave her a lingering little kiss on her cheek. It sent a pounding thrill of pleasure through her body, and she leaned toward him, pressing her nipples against his chest.

"Well, well," Wes said in a voice that made the girl open her eyes in alarm, "I guess you're ready, aren't you?"

Chapter 3

The tone of her uncle's voice disturbed the young girl. Maybe I'm getting in over my head, she thought. But as she twisted her wrists against the tightly knotted rope, she realized that it was just a little bit too late to be backing out now. And besides, her virgin cunny was slippery and hot, drooling almost as badly as her mouth!

She stood still, her eyes almost shut against the bright lights, and listened to the clicking of the camera as Wes moved from spot to spot around her bound and sexy body, kneeling low to shoot up under her short skirt or leaning close to focus in on her giant nipples.

She stood there, trying to calm her pounding heart, trying to suck the drooling juices back up inside her hot itching cunt, and thought back to the first time she had met her Uncle Wes-and how unpleasant it had been, for the both of them!

Lynn burst through the door in an unusually bouncy and happy mood, dropped her schoolbooks onto the couch and called to her mother.

"Home, Mom!"

"Hello, darling! Dinner in a few minutes!" Mrs. Hood pushed through the door from the kitchen, her wet hands held like a surgeon's after a good scrub, and motioned for her daughter to come closer.

Lynn hopped over to her mother's side. She was struck by the older woman's beauty, and pleased that everyone thought they looked so much alike. She gave her mother a big hug and a quick kiss.

"What's the secret?"

Mrs. Hood wiped the back of her forearm across her chin before speaking. Something in her eyes told Lynn that she was troubled.


"Honey, I… something's bothering your sister, and she refuses to talk to me about it. Why don't you go down and try talking to her?"

"Okay. Any hints about what it is?"

Mrs. Hood shook her head, gave her daughter a tender smile, then turned back into the kitchen.

Lynn walked over to the couch and picked up her books, then walked down the hall to her bedroom. She expected to have a few minutes to think before going into Lori's room, but Lori was stretched out on the bed, obviously waiting impatiently for her sister to get home.

"Hi, Lori!" Lynn said cheerfully.

But Lori just sniffed, and leaned up on her elbows to watch Lynn as the schoolgirl deposited her books on top of her dresser.

Lynn blew air out of her pursed lips in a long, drawn out sigh of annoyance.

"All right, Lori, what's the problem?"

Lori sneered at her sister.

"I don't have any problem."

"Then get out of my room."

Lori ignored her.

"You're the one with the problem, Lynnie."

Lynn stood at the foot of her bed, glaring down at her sister. What she saw both pleased and annoyed her. Lori was utterly devastating in her beauty. Her body was absolutely perfect, in every detail. From her long slim legs, perfectly tanned, to her petite but perfectly proportioned breasts, to her long thick hair, brunette with the hint of dark straw, to her lovely face with its delicately carved features and delightful little bump on the bridge of her nose-she was everything Lynn wished she was! Popular with all the boys, equally popular with most of the girls-the ones who weren't childish or jealous-Lori nonetheless maintained an innocent friendliness with all of her classmates, never pretending to be something she wasn't, never considering herself better than the rest. And never ill-at ease with her body, the way Lynn was.

"What does that mean, my problem?" Lynn demanded.

"Oh… you know!" Lori giggled, slipping her hands up under her neck and relaxing back on Lynn's bed.

"Are you going to tell me, or do I have to beat it out of you!"

But then Lynn saw that Lori was really crying! The girl was sobbing her heart out! She rolled over onto her side and curled up into a tight ball, wrapping her arms around her knees. She lay there in the center of the bed, shuddering and sobbing quietly, whispering over and over, "Oh, Lynn. Oh, Lynn. Oh, Lynn…

Lynn crawled onto the bed and stretched out beside her sister, put out a comforting hand, touched the girl's hair and stroked gently. Finally, Lori's sobbing quieted, and she rubbed the tears from her cheeks, sniffed a final time.

"Oh, Lori. What is it, darling? You can tell me." Lori inhaled deeply, found Lynn's hand and took hold of it, clasping it tightly in both hers.

Lori sighed, struggling for courage to speak.

"Lynn," she said at last, "Cindy told me that… that you and she…

Lynn closed her eyes.

"Oh, dear God," she whispered.

Lori's grip on Lynn's hand tightened at the sound of her sister's words.

"It's true?" she asked.

Lynn started to nod, but then said, "Tell me exactly what she told you, Lori."

The two young girls lay side by side in silence for a long moment.