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Six: “What's the most memorable place you've played as a band?"

"That would have to be the time we were asked to play at Star Side. We thought it was probably a cool bar and with us just starting out, we were hungry for exposure. Therefore, we didn't ask many questions, and keep in mind, it was also before our band's name became Dirty Affliction. Imagine our surprise when we showed up at the Star Side assisted living facility." She placed her hand over her mouth in shock.

"I can honestly say that groupies come from all ages, if you know what I mean." I threw my head back and laughed, but cringed on the inside when I thought about how arthritic fingers grabbed at my clothing.

"Oh my!" She tucked her chin and giggled. "Why didn't you guys just leave once you realized it wasn't a bar?"

"Well, we were starving artists. We needed the money for expenses and a gig’s a gig," I explained and she giggled.

Seven: "What's it like living on a tour bus with three other people? What do you do in between venues?"

"When Linc was traveling with us, he and I'd write lyrics." That was if he wasn’t too drunk or stoned, which happened to be more likely, than not. "We watch TV or play Xbox. Chance seems to be obsessed with Halo. Honor Collins is touring with us while Linc is on break. She usually fills her time by reading or playing video games with Chance.”

Eight: "What's the most embarrassing song you have on your smartphone?"

"I can't tell you. They'd revoke my man card.” I loved John Mayer's song, 'Say What You Need to Say.'

Nine: "On a more serious note, if you weren't a rock star, what would you be doing?" It was the more personal questions like these, which I wished I didn't have to answer. It might seem like an innocent question that the fans were interested in, but they didn't realize the emotional turmoil it opened up inside of me.

"I'd probably be in law enforcement of some type." I replied shortly, not wanting to go any further with this topic. It hurt too much.

"That's interesting. Wasn't your father a police officer?" she asked curiously.

"Yes, he was. He was a well respected officer." I felt the knot begin to form in the pit of my stomach. I desperately wanted to change the subject and I thought she could tell, because she ended the conversation on that note. Thank God.

Ten: "One final question. If you could describe each member of the band in just a few short words, what would they be?"

"Well . . . Let's see. Linc has always loved the women. Sorry about that, Honesty," I said to the camera. "Chance is a jokester. He's forever pulling some shit on everybody. Jinx is the warden. He's the one trying to keep us all in line these days. I haven't really known Honor long enough to put a label on her, but Chance calls her sparkles, so I'll go with that one."

"What about you?" she asked, cocking her head to the side, anxiously waiting for my answer. That was just it. With me, what you saw was what you got.

"I'm just me," I said. She laughed with slight irritation, wanting more of an response than I was willing to give, yet again.

"I think you're so much more that what you're willing to say, but I'll let it go at that. What are the plans for Dirty Affliction over the next few months?" She shuffled her note cards before laying them flat in her lap.

"We're getting ready to record a new album, so we'll be in the studio for at least three months. Depending on how things go, it could be longer. Our label is working on a few things that I can't really discuss right now, but will be announced as soon as things become final. The fans need to check our website, follow us on Facebook, and on Twitter, for what's up," I said. Melissa plastered on her perfect smile and turned to face the camera.

"We have a surprise for everyone, so listen closely. WKDG and Dirty Affliction have two tickets, along with back stage passes, and invitations to the after party, for Friday night's show." People jumped to their feet screaming with their hands in the air, hoping to be chosen. It was insane.

"For the people at home, all you have to do is be the twenty-third caller, starting now. For those of you in the audience today, we have a special surprise just for you coming up right after the show!" she said, smiling for the camera. After a few more embarrassing questions and a few inquiries about the tour, the interview was over. Once I had the meet and greet over with, I got the hell out of there.


"He's so frickin’ hot!" Jules said from her spot on the sofa.

"Who?" I asked, not looking up from the book I was reading on the opposite end of the sofa.

"Gah! You're not even listening to me, are you? I've been talking up a storm and your only response up until now has been, "Uh huh." I'm talking about Levi Cross, of Dirty Affliction! He's so frickin’ hot!" she said, dragging it out this time.

"He's okay," I replied, not glancing at the TV. Rock stars could be arrogant and spoiled. They were also cheaters. They’d screw anyone and everyone who was willing, and in their line of business, there wasn’t any shortage of vagina. No thank you!

"He's okay? He's okay! Are you blind? I mean look at those deep pools of blue. I'd drown in those babies any day. If you tossed me a life preserver, I'd throw it back. And those lips! I love a man with full lips," she said, licking her own.

"Uh huh." After everything I went through with my last boyfriend, I'd made the decision to only have fake relationships. You know, the book boyfriend type. They wouldn't break my heart. "Yeah, yeah. Hot," I said, rolling my eyes at her, before wrapping myself back up in my no heartbreak, book boyfriend.

"WKDG and Dirty Affliction have two tickets to give away. This includes the show, meet, greet, and after party this Friday night, where you'll have the opportunity to hang out with the band, along with other musical guests. All you have to do is be the twenty-third caller at . . ." The Barbie look-alike rambled off a number, and immediately Jules began punching it in on her cell with trembling fingers. Good grief! She was going to have a stroke she's so excited.

"Damn! Why do my fingers have to be so fat?” she growled, and rekeyed the number. If she won, I would have to call nine-one one, judging by how animated she was currently acting.

"Oh. My. God!" She screamed, bouncing on her toes. We're going to see mother frickin’ Dirty Affliction!" She screamed again. Nope that was not good for me. I let out a big sigh and before I could even protest, she spoke again.

"Don't even say you're not going, because you are. It's my birthday on Friday and I want you there with me!" Well, hell. That made me feel like shit for even thinking about saying no. "I know how you feel about musicians, but if you'll just do this for me, I'll never ask you to do anything else as long as I live! Ever. Ever. Ever." She finally breathed. Jules knew I disliked rock stars, because of my last boyfriend.

Teake’s band was offered a deal with Uptown Records. Then he dropped his friends and me, like we had the plague. We were no longer good enough for him. He ripped out my heart and took a big shit where it used to beat. It didn't seem to matter that we'd dated for almost a year and confessed our undying love to each other. Once it was announced that they had a record deal, women were coming out of the woodwork. What a fucking jerk.