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“Thrust this last dose of sthondat drug into my arm and give a telepathic cry for help like no other. A planet of telepaths, even latent ones, won’t be able to ignore it.”

Unless they’ve been reduced to inbred idiots by two hundred years of isolation, she thought, but kept it to herself. Instead she picked up the slumbering kit. “Here, I’ll put this little warrior to bed next to his mother.”

“Why don’t you join us? You make a truly worthy companion.” He tried to turn, but the autodoc numbed his entire left side.

“I lack your faith. Besides, I’ve always wanted to retire on Canyon. That’s why I telepathically maneuvered my boss back on Earth to transfer me.”

He leaned back in his command chair. “Treat it better than I did.”

She left Bobcat to heal.