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The bulk of people (up to 50 years old) have become more knowledgeable, hardworking and humane, in comparison with the ruling political and financial elitaries. And they are against the Hegelian absolute - “slave and master.” And as once “steam engines” gave “capitalism”, then “brain strengthening”, digital ization and universal communication must necessarily give rise to new systems of management of modern societies!

What to do- it is necessary to create new progressive political and economic digital formations that take into account the opinion and participation of the masses of working and know ledgeable smart people themselves, in management, in decision-making and protection of freedoms, including digital ones. We need openness in matters concerning large masses of people, we need simple digital mechanisms that take into account the balance of opinions, genuine smart voting, open ratings of businesses, public people, government officials and monopolists. And their lifelong global legal and reputational prosecution for violations.

How - through the creationof "Information-open societies of direct people's self-government (IOS PHR), in states and through the creation of a global social network technological smart international (TSI)", with a reputation tribunal of the rulers and owners of international monopolies.

Today it is necessary not to climb into power, but to learn technologically and strictly control it. Direct power to the people, not in the sense of direct execution, but through tough and skillful people's control of the entire chain of executive and legislative powers. Therefore, "direct people's self-government" should be viewed as "sophisticated digital supervision of the people over power"! Over the executive officials hired by the people who manage a specific territory in accordance with the laws, plans and requirements of the citizens of this territory.

Smart people are people who use smart-phones and apps, global Internet social networks, instant messengers, mobile banking, remote work/study, and have other digital skills. It is time for citizens in the 21st century to stop being a "trembling creature" in front of leaders, law enforcement officers, fraudsters and elitists, especially foreign ones. Now the paradigm should rule – all citizens of the country are equal owners of the state, its structures, communications, land and natural resources, and not just the oligarchy and their "clan cronies".

The new socio-political system can already be implemented in developed democratic post-industrial societies. Digitalization, smart-phon ization and global information connectivity of people should lead to the creation of more humane, fair and responsible legal societies of people's control of authorities, businesses and services – "IOS PHR ".  This will dramatically improve the quality and comfort of people's lives, reduce income stratification, reduce the information and power terror of citizens by "superstructure" and fraudsters, and normalize international relations.

What will the IOS PHR give to citizens?:

- Full employment, including remote, creative implementation and decent earnings, mass platform small business, responsible information freedom, reliable security, legal protection and other services of a comfortable life. 

- It will make it possible to implement new civilizational requirements-voting from smart-phones and the national register of reputations of officials and businesses. And other simple and explicit mechanisms for creating a well-balanced society of digital democracy and democracy of the people.

In the PSI PNS, the postulate is implemented– "the state is for the people, and not the people for the state of officials".

In the new society, it is possible to create a system of people's self-government, where all people decide for themselves how to live among themselves, to profess traditions, religion, culture, to whom and what taxes to pay.  And what laws to live by, conduct business, maintain freedom and order. And not to inflame the "historical passions" that were created in these territories many years ago.

The importance of "Marxian"private ownership of the means of production in developed countries is now losing its former importance, being replaced by joint rental-car sharing. Now it is more important-people's smart control over the authorities, the oligarchy and the global business of monopolists, with the help of smart votes and reputations. Therefore, only in the IOS PHR can you create a real "digital hyper-democracy". And not the "digital economy" of the media-propaganda chatter. 

In the IOS PHR, you can get young people out of the "Internet entertainment, rudeness and neo-fraud" by immersing people in the "Internet creativity of neo-income", through new knowledge and global business platforms.  To create a new way of life more comfortable and stable for people, without destroying the old value systems of humanism and the cultural and religious code of nations and traditions.  And in this way, skillfully extinguish the next anthropological challenge. Due to the broad development of the "nation of free agent creators" and micro-entrepreneurs. 

Create your own national state of national well-being and freedom, with a morally justified economy and with a high offshore attractiveness for investment from around the world.

In the IOS PHR, it is possible to "techno-routine" control and change the political and financial elites in their cities/states, if the quality of life and freedoms of the majority of citizens has suddenly deteriorated in the territory. Replace them with more skilled managers. In the new system, the "smart crowd, without leaving the couch" can force the power, financial, economic, power and cultural elites to fulfill popular demands. To force them to work more effectively, openly and openly, for the benefit of the entire people of the territory of residence and the entire country.

To switch to the IOS PHR, you need to create:

- Social network-party-of the People's Control of the authorities and deputies of the "NKVD", where membership of officials and the oligarchy is prohibited.

- Genuine pseudonymous smartphone-voting and referendums.

- The possibility of photo-video recording of violations, by every citizen, always and everywhere, with storage in the digital notary office.

- Register of citizens of the country/city (CSG), with bio-numbers.

- Reputation Register of public citizens (RRGS), businesses of the country/city (RRB). RR of medical and educational institutions, culture and mass media.

- People's squads for the protection and control of places of residence and work (MLC). under the control of the officers of the GOVD.

- Elections of members of the NKVD party-the Prosecutor General and the Supreme Judge, with their own electoral structures on the ground.

- An automated financial and economic system based on full cashless payments (digital currency), the unified information and payment system of the country (EIPSS, protected on the basis of FOCL), five remote national banks and investment systems, on the basis of responsible investment inspectors (InIn) of the Ministry of Finance.

- Platforms for buying and selling everything, as an automatic guaranteed contract of the parties, without interm ediaries and gaskets.

- A unified system of medical and pharma ceutical services, with direct differentiated payment for the quality of treatment.