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- Systems for remote ordering and payment for transport services, entertainment and other events (paperless).

- The system of automatic control and accounting of vehicles (SCTS).

- The system of automatic tax collection, recalculated at the end of the year, genuine document flow and reporting.

- The national Information and cyber Security system within the country, including the unified mobile operator and the EIPSS, wrist electronic passports and personal smartphones with an identification SIM card.

- Digital Content Library (DCL), for training and development, with free content, with discussion and reputation of the content and direct payment to the authors, according to the content passport.

- City test centers for the control of knowledge and competencies (instead of the Unified State Exam, passing traffic rules, security, and other things.

It is necessary to create other mechanisms for a better quality of life for people in the future global digital world.

All other current formations should be recognized as dying state administrations of residual neo-feudalism. And their propagandists-defenders should be called - "bearers of neo-historical nonsense" and "anti-people" of the nascent global united digital world of intelligent and humane people.  It is urgently necessary to change this old "neo-feudalism in management" to new systems, with wider automation of all spheres of life and work of people. Smart digital ization of state functions, tax reduction, modernization and simpli fication of laws regulating the economy, financial sphere and document flow, with real popular control, are required.

Is it also required urgent

 defogging and enlightenment

"digital humanism",

as powerful establishment-elite,

so and more broad public masses.



2.  part

Technological Smart-Internationale (TSI),

astransnational smartphone-voting

social network

withreputation a tribunal

of the potentates of the world.

TSI is a global digital platform (network party) that unites all people of the world for discussions, reputational control and evaluation of the actions of the ruling national political leaders, owners and managers of financial and economic transnational corporations, including social network information monopolists.

It is they, their "global savagery" - enrichment at any cost, euphoria of strength and impunity, today pose the greatest danger to humanity! The golden billion (GB) of the "best people on the planet" has already begun to unite in a "blood-brisk manner" under the Bilderberg slogan - "... GB is enough for its future luxurious life 2-3 billion servants." Those. the remaining 3 billion, out of more than 7 currently living, should disappear by the fiftieth year. In order not to "spoil the ecology of the planet," all the rest must be controlled and controlled by the United States and its allies.

From here grow the rootsof that mess of "controlled chaos" that is happening in the current world. But three quarters of the world's population have already ceased to be satisfied with the current Anglo-Saxon model of democracy. Its tough and unquestioning "American unipolar version of the bloody world gendarmerie and financial and legal hegemonism."

The "Collective West" that imposed the "disservice of neoglobalism" - "Overthrow of dictatorial and authoritarian regimes at any cost!" - pays with chaos, blood and refugees in their countries. Although a completely different goal can be seen here - the global “eco-weeding of mankind” so that the “golden billion” will live more comfortably in the future.

It is clear that the oppressedand ruined peoples will harshly oppose such a world order. There will certainly be "leaders" who will lead the passionary millions of fellow citizens, polarized in income and rights, to protests, a new redistribution of property, to replace the political and financial elites and managers.

A simple analysis of current relations - interpersonal, social and interstate, gives a skeptical conclusion - the power systems no longer correspond to the digital modernity of multipolar globalism and restrain the humanitarian and technological development of mankind.

In many countries,there is a gradual decline in freedoms, the strengthening of the "chief totalitarian democracy", often imposed from above. In them, the power was usurped by very active "pack leaders" who, taking advantage of the propaganda fooling of citizens, relying on law enforcement officers and the support of "selfish traitors", sell at a high price the "imposed services" for managing countries.

Pseudo-democracy has become an export commodity of globalism and an instrument for managing the world in the interests of big international capital and a unipolar geopolitics of power.

There is constant harassment and bullying of weaker "rogue states" by all means, including state media, fake investigations, economic sanctions, arming the opposition and military occupation. More and more, "sophisticated legal hysterical methods" are used to drain the economies of such countries, to create internal contradictions. It is clearly seen that "color conflicts" between citizens, authorities and states are growing for the joy and robbery of stronger countries and unions.

It is necessary to identify and condemn "professional traitors to human conscience" who do their "Judas business" on the defense of uni polarity, the double right of global monopoly, on the cultural and technological inferiority of "non-Saxon" societies. The history of interstate relations shows that the fundamental civilizational problems of humanism are now not only poorly resolved, but there is an increase in mistrust and conflicts between countries. Tensions and social divisions between people within countries are growing.

"Guides" and their information-power servants, wake up! The world has already become different - interconnected and everyone has become neighbors, even on other continents. Modern people have long ceased to be savages who kill each other "for a piece of bread" or a stranger who has entered their land. It was they, their hands and heads, who created this new high-tech world of machines, goods and services. The peoples already "demand to proclaim an era of humanity and good-neighborliness on Earth"!

Most of the simple and responsible people who created this huge real-virtual technological digital world are more compromise and peace-loving, and wars are unleashed not by peoples, but by states, in the person of their rulers, pushed by the oligarchy and generals. But it is the common people who pay the most with their lives and other damage in such disasters.

 More than 4 billion people already have smartphones with sync translation apps. This means that everyone and always can easily and simply listen to each other, negotiate and vote, removing the "ineffective and aggressive managers" hired by the people from power! We must learn not to “wave their fists like savages at rallies, or to intimidate sovereign countries with tomahawks and drones, arranging regular bloody color revolutions and Maidans. Where there is only a change of some ruling "neo-feudal lords" for others, and the people again "remain in the fools", in poverty and damage to freedoms.