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She unexpectedly pulled away, looking up at him through eyes brimming with tears. “He was trying to protect her—to protect me. He didn’t want to hurt Mom. He only wanted to keep her safe.” Crystalline drops spilled from her lashes and her lower lip quivered. “How can I hate him now? What am I supposed to do?”

“Take things one day at a time,” he answered and slid his hand into her hair, resting his fingers against her neck. “You decide how things play out. If you want to know more, you can get to know Gavin. If you don’t, walk away.”

She seemed lost. “It’s not that easy.”

The hell it isn’t. “Yes it is.”

A tremor racked her and she muffled a cry. He wanted to roar at the full moon and tell it to go the fuck away. The scent of forest and pine caressed his nostrils, the wolf within her rising to take control.

“He loved her,” she whispered, misery apparent in her voice.

“I think he still does, Chloe.”

The way Gavin had looked at his daughter at the hunting grounds had changed Jackson’s perspective on things. The Alpha loved his child. That much was evident. The pain in his eyes indicated their meeting dredged up memories of Chloe’s mother. A woman he’d lost and would never see again. A woman he might have claimed as a mate if the circumstances had been different.

Usually Gavin was an arrogant pain in the ass. He expected his orders to be followed without question, running his pack with an iron fist. This evening he’d been cautious, humble and nervous. He’d wanted to know the daughter he’d given up. Everyone had sensed it. If Gavin did as he promised and ended his mating, he might have to give up everything he’d sacrificed so much to obtain.

Which said a helluva lot about the bastard.

“That woman. The one in the car. It was her, wasn’t it? His mate.” The animosity in her tone was impossible to miss. “She knows about me. That’s why he wanted us to leave.”

He questioned whether it was better to tell the truth or a lie. Chloe’s wolf continued struggling to the surface, the energy and power bringing his own beast to life. Anger wasn’t a good thing during the full moon, when it was difficult to keep dangerous emotions under control.


“I want to hurt her.”

“I’m sure you do.” He ran his thumb over her throat, hoping to calm her, using wide, sweeping strokes. “And I don’t blame you. But maybe you should wait until you talk to Gavin before you make big decisions. He can answer all your questions. There could be other things you don’t know.”

“I know enough.” Her voice dipped several octaves, deeper and throatier than usual. “I saw the way shelooked at me. That woman knew about my mother and father. She understood what they felt for each other and she didn’t care. The bitch is a menace.”

“It’s not always that simple.” And it wasn’t, not for wolves. When packs were involved it changed things. Desiree wasn’t likable—hell, she wasn’t even nice—but she was respected by the packs for a reason. She put her wolves before everything else, including herself. That was why she’d agreed to the arranged mating with Gavin, to make the wolves who depended on her stronger.

“I can’t believe it.” She tried to rip herself from his embrace. “You’re defending her!”

“I’m not.” Fuck it was hard to prevent his beast from responding to her anger. The bond they shared made him want to react—to destroy whatever caused his female distress. “Things are different when it comes to pack. I’m simply stating the truth.”

Again he felt the surge of energy that came from her wolf. The strength of the animal collided with his, fighting for supremacy. He felt her rage as her lips pulled back, forming into a snarl.

“Don’t lie to me.”

“I’m not.”

Instead of settling, she struggled even harder. He managed to keep her close but she got a few elbows to his chest and arms. Her tiny little snarls soon turned to growls, the presence of her wolf pouring off her in waves.

Goddamn it.

The time for discussion was over.

So much for keeping a lid on things.

He dropped his guard and let his wolf slide into the passenger seat. The beast recognized its mate, rushing to merge its force to hers. They collided in a flurry of fur and growls. Chloe tensed against him, gasping for air. He molded her body to his when she tried to move away, holding her firmly to his chest.

The first step of the shift had started.

There was no turning back.

“Let go,” he instructed, his own voice a heavy growl. “Set the wolf free. I’ve got you.”

He hurried outside, no longer able to mute the mesmerizing cry from the moon. His pulse was pounding, the rush of blood through his head deafening. A quick flick of his wrist opened the back door. He glided over the porch and down the stairs. The orb floating in the sky above blanketed them in soft white rays. Her whimper seared through him, yanking him away from the urge to change.

Focus, asshole.

Once he’d reached an open area near the tree line he carefully lowered Chloe to the ground. She was shivering, her hands bunched into fists. Teeny claws were visible at the ends. She gazed up at him and he saw her eyes were no longer human. Beautiful chartreuse rimmed the pupil, as bright as spring leaves rippling in the summer sun.

“Clothes off,” he growled and started peeling the layers away from her body.

Her clawed fingers shook as she helped him, stripping off her shirt and pulling it over her head. She trembled, no doubt due to the chilly air. Thankfully cold wouldn’t be an issue for much longer. Not when she was covered in fur. When she tugged at the button of her jeans he went to work removing his own clothing. It only took seconds but it wasn’t fast enough. His muscles were on fire, his bones starting to ache. Each garment he removed allowed the beams from the moon to caress his skin.

The wolf bristled. It was almost time.

Scents assailed him, the lure of the wooded forest taunting him. Soon he’d feel the earth beneath his paws, the way his claws sank into its cold depths. The wind would rush through his fur as he embraced his feral half.

Glorious. Pure. Unleashed.

Not yet.

Chloe sank to the ground and yanked off her shoes and socks. She was nude from the waist up, covered only in jeans twisted around her legs. Her claws tore the denim as a frustrated growl came from her. A sliver of relief surged through him. Pain would be minimal her first shift. She probably wouldn’t even remember it. The wolf wouldn’t let her think about the consequences of changing. The transformation would be quick, any fears she might experience minor.

Taking a knee, he reached out to cup her chin. “Before the moon takes you, know this. I will never lie to you, Chloe. You’re more important to me than anything. Never question it.”

Her wolf was in control but he knew the woman heard him. Her fingers wrapped around his wrist and she closed her eyes. He veered back, taking her with him. He didn’t stop until she was on her hands and knees. When she let him go, he waited, watching with his heart lodged in his throat.

Make it fast. Please make it fast.

Bones snapped in succession and fur bled from her skin. She lowered her head as it changed shape, elongating to form her muzzle. A sharp scream made the hair on his neck rise. Fear struck, changing relief to concern. The change wasn’t quick, it was slow as fuck. Even wolves facing their first change were able to accomplish the transformation in seconds.

She’d be in agony like this.

This time he couldn’t keep his wolf in check. His beast took over, reaching out to its mate. Jackson’s skin itched as he started to change. Bones popped and realigned, forcing him to brace his weight on his hands. In two beats of his heart it was done. He shook himself, orienting himself to the world around him.