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Back to the cabin.

Oh boy.

A part of her didn’t want to go back. She’d only gotten a taste of things to come. Those arguments didn’t matter, however. Not when Jackson started herding her in the direction he wanted her to go. His teeth were sharp as he bit at her flanks, forcing her to shift from a slow walk to a steady lope. Her nose piloted her through the trees, the scent of the cabin becoming stronger.

She passed the expanse of trees, basking in the stretch in her muscles, finding that she wasn’t in the least bit tired. If she wanted she could keep going like this for hours. It felt glorious running wild and free, surrounded by the beauty of nature. Even the cold wasn’t a factor. She was perfectly warm, her skin radiating the same kind of heat Jackson’s did.

Without warning the large dark wolf beside her took off. He charged up the stairs and paused in front of the door. She stopped at the foot of the porch, aware of the annoying itchy sensation returning to her skin. Out of habit she lifted a hand to ease the itch, only to remember she couldn’t rub her arms. Not with paws.

Jackson glanced at her then bent his head. His fur glided back to reveal smooth, tanned skin. She wasn’t sure if the earlier change was responsible but her wolf retreated as Jackson’s did. There wasn’t time to be frightened. She didn’t have the opportunity to remember how horrible her first transformation had been. In the blink of an eye she went from wolf to woman.

Just like that. Easy as pie.

Wow. Just…wow.

She held out her hands and wriggled her fingers. Everything worked. Apart from being aware of her body in an odd way, she didn’t feel any different. She rose to her feet, welcoming the stretch in her muscles. She’d never felt so good. As she looked down at her body she realized why. The outline of muscles replaced areas that had once been soft. When she lifted her arm she was able to see the flex of her biceps.

No wonder werewolves were in excellent shape.

Holy shit!

Jackson opened the door and pivoted around. He started when he got a full-on view of her naked body, gawking as his eyes traveled from her toes to her face. His obvious shock made her want to laugh.

“What’s the matter?” Her voice was still deep and husky, the wolf no longer at the forefront but ever present. “Cat got your tongue?”

She closed the distance between them, slowly climbing the stairs. It occurred to her that she was outdoors and anyone could see her but she didn’t care. Perhaps it was the wolf that had become part of her. Even now she could sense the beast’s thoughts.

It wanted Jackson just as much as she did.

As soon as she was close enough he reached out and grasped her hips. Her gaze rested on his nipples, the discs a dark tan. Would he experience pleasure if she licked and sucked at each of them? Unable to resist the temptation—wanting to discover what pleased him—she leaned forward and covered one with her mouth. His skin was warm and salty, perfect to tease with her teeth and tongue.

Jackson snarled and cupped her ass, pushing his full length against her belly. “See what you do to me, baby? See what that hot little mouth of yours does to my cock?”

When he lifted her she raised her head and wrapped her legs around his waist. He slung the door open and carried her inside. Butterflies tickled her stomach. Her breath caught when he closed the door and flipped the lock into place. Deep down she’d known Jackson wanted every single thing she had to offer. Tonight he was going to take what he wanted.

His eyes glowed, the yellow-gold hue mesmerizing. He brought his head down and bit her lip, gentle so he didn’t pierce her skin.

“Fuck you smell good. I haven’t even touched your pussy but I know you’re wet as hell. If I wanted I could toss you on the counter and fuck you right now. You’d take all of me without so much as a whimper.”

“Yes please,” she whispered, her vaginal walls clenching. On the counter, against the wall, on the floor—she’d take him anywhere. So long as he eased the ache building inside her.

He squeezed her ass, grinding the hard outline of his cock against her. “We’ll save the counter for later. I have other plans.”

Before she could ask what he had in mind, he kissed her. She moaned, rubbing her hard and sensitive nipples into his chest. The friction felt incredible but it wasn’t enough.

Not nearly enough.

A part of her wanted to scream when he pulled away. If he didn’t do something soon she was going to force him to the ground and take what she wanted. To hell with his plans. He wasn’t the only one who could take control.

“I wish you’d hurry. I’m running out of patience.”

He didn’t let her go, turning in the direction of the stairs. “Be careful what you wish for, baby. I just might give it to you.”

Who was he kidding? “I hope so.”

She didn’t anticipate the growl that came from him, or the way he shifted her weight so he could hold her with one arm. His free hand tangled in the hair at her nape. With a flex of his fingers he forced her to look him in the eye. Her womb clenched, sending a rush of wetness from her pussy.

There was no mistaking the wicked gleam in his gaze.

“It’s time to play, Chloe girl.”

Chapter Thirteen

The minx in his arms was stronger than he’d given her credit for. She’d not only managed to shift like a full-blooded were, but she’d instinctively reached out to him as she’d done so. Jackson had been stunned, gawking at her like she had grown a third head. He couldn’t prevent his reaction. Halflings simply didn’t acclimate to the change as easily as Chloe did, as though she’d been shifting a majority of her life.

Her hot little body brushed against his as he climbed the stairs, her hard nipples rubbing against his chest. He hadn’t been sure how the night would play out when it came to this moment. She’d been through so much. It wasn’t fair to ask for more. Even if his wolf demanded it.

Worry and doubt reared their ugly heads.

Would she deny him what wolves considered a true mating?

Only one way to find out.

He lowered her to the ground, placing his hands on her waist. “I’m taking all of you tonight,” he growled, thrusting his aching cock against her abdomen. Reaching down, he slid a finger between the cleft in her ass, searching for the tiny rosette nestled between her cheeks.

She gasped, muscles going tense, when the tip of his finger caressed the puckered skin. “I’ve never…I mean…” A red flush spread over her cheeks. “I haven’t done that before.”

“There’s a first time for everything,” he countered with a grin, circling the delicate, clenching skin. “I’ll be the only man to take you here. Your first and last.”

Damn if the thought didn’t make his balls throb and his cock pulse.

The darkest of pleasures was the ultimate act of submission.

When he scented her panic he hurried to reassure her. “I won’t hurt you, baby. I’ll make sure you’re good and ready for me. It’ll feel so good, Chloe. Better than you can imagine.”

“If you say so.”

He continued stroking the ring of muscle. “Do you trust me?”

“Of course I do.”


He leaned in for a kiss and she clutched his arms. The moment was sweet and tender, even though the scent of her arousal made it difficult to think straight. He wanted to throw her on the bed, part her thighs and go down on her until she screamed. Instead he forced himself to go slow and coax a response as their tongues touched, parted and eased into a sensual dance.