Выбрать главу

Bunting, Madelaine 177

Butcher, Peter 310

buy to order (BTO) 321

buyer's remorse syndrome 84



C&A 56

Cadbury's 87–8

Californian Forestry Association 85

Calvin Klein 104

Canada 244

Canon 78, 116

Carlsberg 86–7

case studies

British supermarket's misplaced marketing strategy 311–12

future/past confusion 317–19

German dairy products go sour in the Netherlands 314–15

globalizing beer company 313–14

importance of titles 315–16

serving hot breakfasts to US passengers 309–11

silent eater 316–17

CBS MarketWatch 239

Censydiam 165

Chanel 203

Charles Schwab 258–9

Chartered Institute of Marketing 4

China 63–4, 78–9, 91–2, 98–9, 112–13, 121, 127–8, 187

Christian Dior 53

Chung Yo 117

Cicourel, A.V. 133, 143

Clark, H.F. 21

Club Mediterranee (Club med) 64, 93

CMS Energy 68

Coase, R.H. 3

Coca-Cola 99, 172–3, 178, 289

Common Threads 229


cross-cultural 17

described 9

marketing 10

competition 27, 76, 281–2

competitive advantage 8

Concorde 105, 107

consumers see customers/consumers

cooking 104–5

corporate image 104

Coslab 58

cost-benefit analysis 297–302

County Down clothing 101

Crozier, Michel 7

cultural difference 11, 40–2

explicit/implicit 49

marketing dilemmas 47–50

marketing techniques 48–9

recognize 42–3

reconciliation 43–4

respect 43

culture 23

clash 8–9

concept 7

definition 48

ideographic/nomothetic approaches 47–50

importance 7–8

layers 15

as meaning 48–50

Culture Compass OnLine 248–51

customers/consumers 5, 6, 27–8

choice 27–8

country orientations 112–13

identification 247–8

as king 111–12

loyalty 29, 66

mentoring 259

personal service 256

self-sacrificing 66–7

service 80–1, 89, 124–5

variety/diversity 240–1



Daewoo 126, 166

Danone 110

Darke, Peter 83

Davis, Pine, 246

Dell Computer 243

background 245

core business 245–6

direct selling model 256–7, 261–2

importance of Internet 271, 273

Premier Pages 272–5

reconciliation model 268, 271–2

reconciliation tactics 252, 257, 261–6

salesforce 262–6

suppliers/partners 268–9, 272, 274–5

Dell, Michael 256, 261, 268, 271

demographics 30–3

beliefs/values 30

migrations 30, 31–3

structural changes 30–1

Design-Function-Deployment (DFD) 294

deviance feedback 112–13

DiCaprio, Leonardo 101

diffuse see specific-diffuse

dilemma theory

accumulating/interpreting evidence 323–4

data mining 326–33

final questionnaire designs 324–6

future work/extending analysis 333–4, 333–4759

limitations of current database 333

qualitative interview data 326

sampling 324

dilemmas 24, 186–7

adequateness for 17

clustering 15–18

cultural context 18

definition 308


achievement-ascription 51, 97–107

individualism-communitarianism 50, 62–72

internal-external control 51, 107–19

neutral-affective 51, 83–94

sequential-synchronic 51, 119–29

specific-diffuse 50, 72–83

universalism-particularism 50, 51–62

e-marketing 240–76

etymology 10

expressing 305

formulating 308–9

franchising 187–204

globalization 19–21

reconciling 12, 23

thinking in 12

abandoning your standpoint 13

compromise 13

ignoring the others 12–13

reconcile 13–14

valid/reliable 138

variety of 11

what is not 308

work/organizations 22

Dior 203


franchising 183–4

Internet 236, 238

public regulation 65–6

systems 67–9

Diwali festival 57

DKNY (Donna Karan New York) 204

Doherty, A.-M. 194–5

Domino's Pizza 282–3

Dong, L. 173

Donna Karan 201, 204

Drucker, Peter 5–6



e-marketing 233

dilemmas 237–8, 239–40

bridge between gift and sale 271–6

broad spectra of customers vs deep, personalized customer relationships 253–7

global vs local 240–53

high tech vs high-touch 257–66

uniting inner/outer orientation 266–71

see also Internet

ecological fallacy 154–5

economic models 27–8

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) 79

Emerson, Ralph Waldo 71

emic/etic 147–8

emotion 83–5, 89

verbalizing 91


celebrity 99–103, 101–3

expert 91–2, 98–9, 101

ethics 229–30, 240

ethnic groups 157–9, 207–8

acculturation models

assimilation 217

integration 217

marginalization 217

separation 217

American 210, 220–2

definitions 208

buying power 213–14

concept of ethnicity 210–11

dilemmas/diversity 211–13, 215–17

family 209

multicultural marketing 214–17

social group 208–9

hold fast to roots 223–4

mono-ethnic marketing 217–18

multi-ethnic marketing 218–24

rainbow challenge/to wards transcreation 217, 224–9

ethics 229–30

reconciliation approach 228–9

zone of commonality 217

external control see internal-external control



face-to-face business 257–66

fashion 53–4, 179, 198–200, 244

exclusive/broad dilemma 198–204

extension strategy 202–3

international development

diffusion ranges 201–2

flagship stores 201

wholesale/diffusion mix 201

wholesaling 200

fast food restaurants 186, 187–94

FCUK (French Connection UK) 204

Fernie, J. 200

financial services 101, 168, 169, 257, 258–60, 266

Flikkema, L. 242

food 67–8, 114–15

Ford, Harrison 101

Ford, Henry 246

Ford Motor Company 273

Forrester Research 244, 260

Foster, Jodie 101

France 53–4, 64, 76, 77, 105–7, 110, 113–14, 142, 187, 242, 247, 251–2


dilemmas 186–7

control vs independent brand image 194–8

exclusivity vs broad brand diffusion 198–204

global vs local brand image 187–94

as distribution channel 183–4

hybrid subfranchising 197–8

political risks 185–6

start-up costs 184–5

free market 3–4

Friedman, T. 188



General Motors 141

Germany 54, 60–1, 64–6, 76, 90, 91, 114, 122, 142, 247, 252

Giant 58

global-local dilemma 59–62

franchising 187–9

reconciling 189–94

Internet 240–53

globalization 27, 163

growth 36


economies of scale 36–7

economies of scope/new markets 37

global convergence 37

lower per unit costs 37

lower transaction costs 37

reputation of countries 37–8

readiness 38

competitiveness 40

external focus 39

knowledge management 39

motivational energy 39