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She could feel his smile even in the darkness. “Oh, I think there may be other sentients here, all right. And I’m not the only one who thinks so.”

“I don’t get you.”

“The bogdillos provide water to at least three other species—species capable of community existence and lodge building. Species also capable of a high degree of mimicry. Alter all, we saw them throw things at the bogdillos, and we saw the bogdillos throw them back.”

Yoshi sucked in a deep breath. “You think the bogdillos are trying to get the other species to barter?”

“Maybe it’s that simple. Maybe it’s not. Consider this: What if the bogdillos are trying to teach the other species barter? What if they’re trying to help them take an evolutionary step?” “Is that possible?” Her voice came out in a awed whisper.

“I don’t know. I wasn’t around when our ancestors learned these things. But I do know this—Mr. Godwin will have to acquire someone else’s resources.”

“Rhys, do you hear yourself? It’s not just Godwin. It’s Tanaka Corp. Most employers take a very dim view of an employee who feels he’d scored a moral victory in keeping them out of a multibillion credit deal.”

Rhys grimaced. “You’re right. And one of these days I expect my scruples will catch up with me. Unless my conscience gets there first.”

“Your conscience?” She shifted closer to him in the dark to peer up into his face. “What would you have to feel guilty about? You’ve always conducted yourself ethically. I should know. I’ve always been there.”

He turned to look at her, realizing that she had, indeed, always been there. He could just see the pale moon of her face, the glitter of her eyes. “Have you ever wondered what it would be like,” he asked, “not to serve a corporate master? To be a scientist, pure and simple?”

“I know what it’s like. So do you. When we were on sabbatical—”

“Not just when we’re on sabbatical, Yoshi. But every day. You saw what happened on this assignment. The same thing that always happens. We serve two masters—Tanaka and science, in that order. And sometimes, like this time, their aims are mutually opposed. Science doesn’t care if it takes a century to establish meaningful contact with the denizens of Bog. Tanaka most certainly does. And that puts us in an untenable position.”

“You’ve thought about resigning before.” It was a bald statement of fact.

“Aye, but I don’t recall discussing it with you.”

He could see the flash of white as she smiled. “I know things.”

“Ah, now don’t go all inscrutable on me, Yosh. In this frame of mind, I don’t think I can take it.” He put his arm around her shoulders. “Come on. We’d best get Godwin back to his tidy corporate shuttle before he starts throwing things again. I’d be dreadfully embarrassed if he accidentally started another round of negotiations and us with nothing to trade.”

“You do have to give him credit for that,” Yoshi acknowledged as they picked their way back to the swamp buggy, leaving their torches dark in silent mutual consent.

“I do? Well, I suppose you’re right. After all, he’s leaving. I can afford to be charitable.”

“Aren’t we leaving too? I thought you were going to recommend some experts to take the post.”

Rhys scratched his cheek. “Yes, well. Actually, I thought I’d recommend us. After all, we’re already here, aren’t we? Godwin wants expediency—how much more expedient can you get? Besides, if what I think’s going on here is going on here, I surely don’t want to miss it.”

“And your resignation?”

“Can wait. A wee bit longer.”

They had reached the swamp buggy by now and could hear Godwin, already within, haranguing Rick Halfax about his superior’s complete lack of company loyalty. Rhys sighed. Well, perhaps a very wee bit.

Illustrations by Steve Cavallo.