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“The Nameless Bard was her father,” Olive said.

“Yes, she told me,” Jamal answered.

“But she’s not really a Harper,” Olive said.

“Well, when Alias started fighting with Night Masks her very first evening in Westgate, Victor thought she must be a Harper agent,” the sage explained.

“But why hire her?”

“Because with the magical misdirection that’s cast on her, Victor couldn’t scry on her. If he hired her, she would report right to him. He was careful to make it look like Luer’s idea.”

“You still look puzzled, Olive,” Alias noted.

“Well, I’m just wondering about the rumors Victor heard. It wasn’t me the Harpers sent to Westgate. I came down here for some time away from them. I hadn’t even heard they had any interest in the area. I wonder who else is down here.”

“Why would the Harpers send someone to Westgate when they have a perfectly good agent here already?” Jamal asked. She flipped up her collar to reveal a silver moon-and-harp pin.

Olive’s eyes widened, and she laughed. “So now that you’ve taken care of the Night Masks, where are the Harpers going to send you?” she asked.

“You misunderstand,” Jamal said. “I’ve assigned myself to Westgate. My next assignment is making sure everyone in this city is given political power.”

“Jamal is like you, Olive,” Alias said. “Finder befriended her when he was in Westgate and pinned her before she knew what she was getting into. You aren’t the only rogue Harper.”

Olive laughed. “Finder always did have a soft spot for trouble-making redheads.”

“I was actually hoping you might assign yourself here,” Jamal said to Olive. “We can make our own little rogue contingent.”

“Now that has possibilities,” Olive said. “What about you, Alias? I know Dragonbait wants to get back to the Lost Vale, but your name will carry some weight in this town for years to come. Interested in politics?”

“Thank you, Olive, but no. I’ve had my fill of Westgate for a while,” Alias said with a smile. “I’m heading north to the Lost Vale.”

“Too bad. Well, we’ll still have Mintassan. He can be our honorary advisor, like Elminster the Sage is for the big boys up north.”

Mintassan coughed politely. “I’m afraid not, Mistress Ruskettle. I’ve got a few adventures planned away from the city.”

“Where to this year?” Jamal asked. “Beastlands? Arcadia? Astral?”

“Lost Vale,” the sage replied.

“Why?” Olive asked. “There’s nothing there but saurials.”

Dragonbait chuckled.

“Alias asked me to visit,” the sage said.

“Dragonbait and I could use a mage when we travel,” Alias explained. “And Mintassan wants to learn more about saurials.”

In the alcove, Mintassan’s tea kettle whistled.

“Be right back,” the sage promised, heading toward the back of the workshop.

“Let me give you a hand,” Alias offered, following him.

“She’s taking away our honorary advisor,” Olive pouted.

“Yes,” Jamal said with a mock frown.

Dragonbait drained much of his tea and set it down on the table. He knocked for attention. Haven’t they both just taken care of the Night Masks for you Harpers? he signed.

“Yes,” both women agreed grudgingly.

Shouldn’t they both be rewarded?

Jamal and Olive nodded.

“I move that Alias and Mintassan be allowed to adventure happily ever after,” Jamal said.

“I second that motion,” Olive agreed.

“All in favor?”

Two hands and a reptile claw went up.

“Any opposed? No. Motion carried,” Jamal announced.

In the alcove, Alias stirred tea into the pot as Mintassan poured the hot water.

The sage leaned forward; the swordswoman leaned forward; their lips hovered inches apart.

Unable to contain the giddy feeling inside her, Alias turned her head away and giggled.

Mintassan scowled. “Are you sure you want my company?” he asked, trying to hide his fear that she was laughing at him.

Alias looked back at the sage. Light danced in her eyes, and she smiled. “I’m sure,” she said.

The sage grinned and leaned toward the swordswoman, and they began the dance again.

About the Authors

Kate Novak and Jeff Grubb are co-authors of the best-selling Finder’s Stone Trilogy. Jeff is the author of Lord Toede and is an accomplished professional game designer. Kate has also published short stories and gamebooks with TSR.