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It was illegal, immoral, and just plain filthy. The idea of incest had always revolted him. It was insane for him to fuck Tina. And it was also the most exciting thing that had ever happened to him.

He wanted to fuck her, dammit. He wanted that soft fresh little body, that sweet tight little cunt, that lusty and eager response so much in contrast to his wife's indifference. She was his daughter, yes-but she was also a fantastic lay, eager to fuck him back.

If nobody knew, wouldn't it be all right?

No, Bill told himself sternly, it would not be all right. It would never be all right for a man to fuck his own daughter. This madness had to stop.

He was thinking this when Tina snatched away the newspaper and crawled onto his lap. He saw her knowing smile, felt her little hand creeping shamelessly towards his fly…

"No, Tina!" he shouted, leaping to his feet, dumping the girl off his lap.

He hated to be cruel, but if he didn't stop her now, he knew he'd succumb again.

"But, Dad," said Tina, pouting, "why not? Nobody will know. I want to do it, Dad. I want you to fuck me."

Bill grabbed his coat from the closet. "Tina," he said hoarsely, "I won't do it-not now, not ever again. I'm going out for a while. I'm going to visit your mother at work and bring her home. I want you to do your homework and go straight to bed."

Tina glared at her father as he walked out the door. If he thought he could reject her like that, he was mistaken.

Bill had no idea where the Pussy Cat Club was, and he had to stop and look up the address in a phone book. He imagined Lynn wouldn't be too pleased when he dropped in, but it was either that or stay alone with Tina-and if he stayed, he knew all too well what would happen. He'd enjoy fucking her, sure, but the next day his conscience would be unbearable. If he went on fucking his own daughter, he wouldn't be able to live with himself As Bill parked in the seedy neighborhood of the club, he frowned in disapproval. He didn't like the idea of Lynn coming alone to this dangerous part of town. When he saw the club itself, he almost swore out loud.

Hell, this was no cocktail lounge! Lynn had lied to him. This was one of those notorious "massage parlors". Bill had been to a couple of them himself, and he knew damned well what kind of "massage" you could get.

"I'm Ed Green, the manager," the guy said. "What can I do for you, sir?"

Bill forced a smile onto his face. "I'd like that girl I've been hearing about," he said slyly. "Lynn-that's her name."

Green gave him a knowing grin. "Yeah, you and a hundred other guys. She's real popular. But I might be able to give you a few minutes, if you wait. It's room three."

Bill nodded and took a seat, but he was dizzy with rage. Green's words shocked and angered him. Lynn "popular"-he knew what that meant. My God, how could she? He'd kill her!

As soon as Green went back into his office, Bill got up and went down the hall and flung open the door of room three.

His heart almost stopped. There was Lynn, stark naked, getting it on with two guys. She was sucking one of them off, and the other was fucking her from behind. Her pretty face was flushed with sensual pleasure, and she was moaning ecstatically For a moment Bill could only gawk. He could hardly believe that his cold, prim, modest prim, modest wife was the woman he saw. Lynn was not only doing things she'd never done with him-she was obviously loving it!

Lynn and her two customers noticed him. They jumped apart, stared.

"Bill!" Lynn said in a strangled voice. "What are you doing here?"

Bill's voice was hoarse. "Never mind that," he said. "When you come home, you pack your things and get out. I'm divorcing you, and I'm keeping Tina. That's all I have to say."

He turned and marched out of the Pussy Cat Club.

Lynn swayed in shock. "Jesus," said George, "was that guy your husband?"

She nodded dumbly.

"Well, that's a tough break," said George, "but at least you won't have to worry about supporting yourself. You got a great future in this business."

There was no point in grieving. She had lost Bill, and she had nothing left but her work. She might as well enjoy it.

Bill, too, was refusing to mourn the break-up of his marriage. What Lynn had done was foul, unforgivable, and he vowed never to think of her again. As he drove home, his heart filled with revenge. By God, if she could turn whore, if she could go out and fuck everything in pants, then he was entitled to a little fun, too.

He would feel no more guilt about Tina…

Incest, he decided, was no worse than what Lynn had done. He and Tina wanted to flick each other-so to hell with the rest of the world, to hell with what anyone else might think. From now on he was just going to have fun.

He parked the car in front of his house and hurried inside. Tina was sitting in the living room, frowning over her English book, but when Bill walked in, she dropped the book and smiled.

"Dad, you're back already," she said happily.

"Yes," said Bill, "I decided not to visit your mother after all. I'd rather be here." He couldn't tell her yet about what he'd seen, about his plans for divorce. It was too awful.

He sat down heavily on the couch, and this time, when Tina mischievously climbed onto his lap, he didn't protest. He put his arms around his pretty little daughter and squeezed her.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you before, honey," he said tenderly. "I was just in a bad mood."

"That's all right, Dad," Tina purred, "Just so long as you re in a good mood now. Are you, Dad? Do you feel goad?"

As she spoke, the little imp began to rub his crotch. Bill couldn't help grinning. She was irrepressible, born to be sexy. She would be a real pleasure to him when Lynn was gone.

He gave her another squeeze. "Yes, baby," he said, "I'm in a very good mood now."

He slid his hand up under her tight jersey shirt and cupped one of her cute tits. She wasn't wearing a bra, of course. Bill grinned fondly and caressed the soft cone of flesh, rubbing her tiny pink nipple into quick hardness.

Tina sighed, and her pretty face flushed with arousal. "Can we have some fun now, Dad?" she said hopefully. "You won't say no any more?"

"Never again, baby," said Bill. "You were right. If nobody finds out, we can do whatever we want."

Tina grinned broadly. "Oh, Dad, that's wonderful!" she cried. "I'm so glad." She wriggled impatiently in his lap. "Let's go in the bedroom," she said. "I want you to fuck me, Dad."

Bill laughed and squeezed her hot little tit. "Let's not rush it, honey," he said. "It's more fun if we take our time. We've got plenty of time. Mom won't be home for hours."

They shared a conspiratorial grin.

Tina was very excited. Her dream had come true. Dad had somehow got rid of all his silly adult hang-ups about fucking her, and now they could have endless fun. Dad could teach her all about sex. That endless nagging feeling in her cunt would be satisfied. All she had to do was make sure her mother never found out.

Bill slid-his other hand under her shirt, squeezing both her tits now, making her flush with pleasure. Tina eagerly reached for the zipper of his pants, pulling it down, opening his fly. His big exciting cock was soft-but she knew it wouldn't be that way for long.

The other night she'd learned how to get her Dad's cock hard. She'd learned to do something he just couldn't resist.

Tina wriggled off his lap and flopped down on her belly, her head poised right over his crotch. Gently she tugged his limp pale prick out of his fly. Even soft, his dick was so big that she couldn't hold all of it in her little hand.. She petted it a moment, loving the silky warm feel of his loose skin, admiring the big dull red head of his soft dick.

Dad's cock was all hers now. She knew he and Mom didn't fuck any more. When she was smaller, she used to hear them screwing, through the thin bedroom wall, but she hadn't heard those unmistakable noises for a long time now. That was fine with Tina. She didn't want to share her handsome father with anyone Bill leaned back against the couch, his face flushed with excitement, sighing softly as his cute daughter played with his dick. He liked her light mischievous touch. They were going to have a lot of fun together, he vowed. There was nothing they wouldn't try.