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 14. Select the appropriate time zone for the ESX Server host and then click the Next button, as shown in Figure 2.14.

Figure 2.14 ESX Server 3.5 can be configured with one of many time zones from around the world.

15. Set and confirm a root password, as shown in Figure 2.15.

Figure 2.15 Each ESX Server 3.5 host maintains its own root user and password configuration. The password must be at least six characters.

16. Review the installation configuration parameters, as shown in Figure 2.16.

Figure 2.16 The installation review offers a final chance to double-check the server configuration.

If everything looks correct, click the Next button to begin the installation procedure.

17. As shown in Figure 2.17, the installation will begin.

18. As shown in Figure 2.18, click the Finish button to reboot the computer once the installation is complete.

19. During the reboot, the GRUB boot loader will show the boot options, as shown in Figure 2.19. Ensure that the VMware ESX Server option is selected and press the Enter key (or select nothing and the option will be selected by default).

20. Upon completion of the server reboot, the console session will display the information for accessing the server from a remote computer, as shown in Figure 2.20.

Figure 2.17 Installing ESX Server 3.5

Figure 2.18 The new ESX Server 3.5 host must be rebooted to finalize the installation.

Despite the ease with which ESX Server 3.5 can be installed, it is still not preferable to perform manual, attended installations of a bulk number of servers. Nor is it preferable to perform manual, attended installation in environments that are rapidly deploying new ESX Server hosts. To support large numbers or rapid-deployment scenarios, ESX Server 3.5 can be installed in an unattended fashion.

Unattended ESX Server Installation

Installing an ESX Server 3.5 host in an unattended fashion can be done using third-party imaging tools or using the native VMware tools. Using the native tools requires several network-accessible components, including:

♦ An existing ESX Server 3.5 installation

♦ An NFS server accessible by the host to be installed

♦ A copy of the ESX Server 3.5 installation media

♦ An installation script with the appropriate configuration parameters

Figure 2.19 ESX Server 3.5 uses the GRUB boot loader.

Figure 2.20 After a reboot, the console offers the data necessary for accessing the server from a remote computer.

Figure 2.21 details the infrastructure components needed to complete an unattended ESX Server 3.5 installation using the tools built into ESX Server 3.5.

The unattended installation procedure involves booting the computer and reading the installation files, and reading the unattended installation script. The destination host can be booted from CD, floppy, or PXE boot and then directed to the location of the installation files and answer files. The installation files and/or answer script can be stored and accessed from any of the following locations:


♦ A shared NFS directory

♦ An FTP directory

♦ A CD (install files only)

♦ A floppy disk (answer files only)

Table 2.4 outlines the various methods and the boot options required for each option set. The boot option is typed at the boot prompt on ESX Server 3.5 graphical versus text mode selection screen.

Figure 2.21 Performing an unattended ESX Server 3.5 installation requires the proper network servers and services.

Table 2.4: Unattended Installation Methods

If the computer boots from And the media is stored on a And the answer file is stored on a Then the boot option is PXE (Media) URL (Answer) URL esx ks=<answer URL> method=<media URL> ksdevice=<NIC> CD CD URL esx ks=<answer URL> ksdevice=<NIC> CD CD Floppy esx ks=<floppy drive> Floppy URL Floppy esx ks=<floppy drive>

The kickstart answer file is created from a web-based wizard accessible from the default home page of an ESX Server host, as shown in Figure 2.22.

By default, an ESX Server 3.5 host is not configured to allow access to the scripted installer. An error, shown in Figure 2.23, identifies clearly that a given host has not been configured.

Figure 2.22 The home page for an ESX Server host provides access to the Scripted Installer, which generates an answer file through a web-based wizard. 

Figure 2.23 Access to the scripted installer must be enabled on an ESX Server 3.5 host.

Perform the following steps to enable the Scripted Installer on an ESX Server 3.5 host and to create a kickstart file:

1. Establish a console session with an ESX Server 3.5 host.

2. Type the following command:

cd /usr/lib/vmware/webAccess/tomcat/apache-tomcat-5.5.17/webapps/ui/WEB-INF

3. Type the following command to get a list of all files and folders in the current directory:


4. Type the following command:

nano -w struts-config.xml

5. Comment out the following line by adding <!-- to the front of the line and --> to the end of the line, as shown here and in Figure 2.24:

<!-- action path = "/scriptedInstall" type="org.apache.struts.actions.

ForwardAction" parameter="/WEB-INF/jsp/scriptedInstall/disabled.jsp" -->

Figure 2.24 Enabling the Scripted Installer requires minor editing of the struts-config.xml file.

6. Uncomment the following lines by removing the <!-- and --> that precede and conclude the series of lines, as shown here and in Figure 2.24:

<action path="scriptedInstall" type="com.vmware.webcenter.scripted.ProcessAction">

 <forward name="scriptedInstall.form1" path="/Web-INF/jsp/scriptedInstall/form1.jsp" />

 <forward name="scriptedInstall.form2" path="/Web-INF/jsp/scriptedInstall/form2.jsp" />

 <forward name="scriptedInstall.form3" path="/Web-INF/jsp/scriptedInstall/form3.jsp" />

 <forward name="scriptedInstall.form4" path="/Web-INF/jsp/scriptedInstall/form4.jsp" />

 <forward name="scriptedInstall.form5" path="/Web-INF/jsp/scriptedInstall/form5.jsp" />

 <forward name="scriptedInstall.form6" path="/Web-INF/jsp/scriptedInstall/form6.jsp" />

 <forward name="scriptedInstall.form7" path="/Web-INF/jsp/scriptedInstall/form7.jsp" />


7. Type the following command:

service vmware-webAccess restart

8. Return to the ESX Server 3.5 home page and click the link labeled Log In to the Scripted Installer.

9. The Scripted Install web-based wizard will begin. Select the appropriate options for the unattended installation, as shown in Figure 2.25, and then click the Next button. The options include:

♦ Installation Type: Initial Installation | Upgrade

♦ Installation Method: CD-ROM | Remote | NFS

 ♦ This selection identifies where the installation files are located.