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Slowly she shakes her head. “Unbelievable.” After a short pause she snaps, “Do you have any idea the emotional hell I've been suffering?”

“I do. Believe me, I do...”

“Whose idea was it for you to be brought here? To the city where I am?”

“Your father loves you more than I think you know.” The comment causes tears to come to her eyes. “He said the only man he trusted as much as himself to take care of his girl, was the man who would risk his own life to bring her home.” When she tries to smile I continue, “Aside from testifying and giving up all information I possibly could, I had to keep my distance from you until he gave me the okay. Oh! And I couldn't commit any illegal acts.”

“So you're little painting escapade?”

“May or may not have been me. Crazy how those cameras weren't working last night.”

(Destin may or may not have rubbed off on me just a bit.)

Jovi fights the urge to smile. “Unbelievable.”

“I am.”

“Ugh,” she grunts. “Don't get cocky.”

“Don't get sassy.”

When I smile this time, I lean forward. “I missed you so fucking much.”

Her face trembles as her shaky hand rises to touch my cheek. “I missed you too...”

“I couldn't live without you,” my confession is preceded by my forehead resting on hers. “Not then. Definitely not fucking now. Please don't make me.”

Jovi grips the front of my t-shirt shutting her eyes, the last of her tears falling in my lap. “I can't just forgive you that easy.”

“I can't just give you up that easy baby...”

“I can't either,” she whispers before pushing her lips feverishly against mine.

Hungry, hopeful, and just down right happy, I bury every emotion I've been fighting inside her as I suck in every one of hers. Our mouths stay connected as my arms flex around her, protecting her from everything and everyone.

(You better fucking believe nothing else will ever hurt this girl again. Damn sure not me.)



I watch Merrick toss our suitcases in the backseat of my Audi.

(Yup. Still mine. He wanted me to keep it. Claimed the Merrick who would've driven it was technically dead and since he missed my birthday owed me something special. Ugh. Overachiever I know. Turns out he did have his own vehicle. He bought, hold on to your horses, a truck. Yup. You heard me right! A truck! He looks hilarious in it, but, adorable. You wouldn't believe how many people ask him to help them move stuff.)

“You wait until you have to go through finals and see how exhausting they are,” I groan.

“I look forward to it. And of course having you ease all the stress away after it.”

He winks and I roll my eyes. “You're ridiculous.”

“You love it.”

“I do.” Shaking my head I slide into the passenger side. “You sure this is okay?”

Merrick follows my action. “Your father said we were in the clear. Now that The Devil's dead, I can come out from hiding. Dirty cops have been cleaned out. New Mayor in office. It's not the same city we left. He doesn't recommend I strut around announcing my resurrection, but says we should be safe at his house for sure.”

With a small smirk, I cautiously question, “You're sure you don't wanna go back on a more permanent note?”

He hesitates starting the car. Instead he turns to me. “I miss my brothers, Jovi. Every single fucking day. And I'm grateful, that for Christmas we get to be together. I'm sure afterwards we'll keep in touch. They can even come visit, but no. I don't wanna go back. The only thing from that life I wanted to keep was you. We've made a new life together. I'm enrolled in college. Fucking college! I have...a real job away from cars. Friends who aren't involved in anything illegal, other than gambling on football games. I love the life I have now. It's what I want. That, and you.”

I grin as he starts the car. “I want our life too.”

“Good,” he coos, kissing the back of my hand. “Because you, future Mrs. McCoy, are the most important thing in my life. Don't ever forget that.”

Giving him a devilish look I state, “I didn't agree to marry you again. You know, after you widowed me.”

“You don't have to. You wear my ring. You still agree.”

I playfully stick out my tongue and fiddle with it. “I want a real wedding this time.”


“No.” Looking down at the rose I smile. “After I graduate. After all this has been behind us for years. I want our families together. On the same side for life.”

“Well your dad having them over Christmas dinner is a good place to start.”


(It's going to be a great holiday. Dad finally moved Nadie into his room and started to treat her more like the spouse she deserves to be, while putting to rest the hunt for whoever hit my mother decades ago. While we haven't heard anything about the rest of the McCoys because of the WITSEC agreement, I have a feeling that with The Devil dead, they've begun to move forward too. If not, maybe seeing Merrick alive will help. After all they deserve to make something amazing of their lives too. Everyone deserves to turn their life into their own perfect masterpiece.)

Thanks Yous

Crazy Lady- Napping hours are between 12 and 2. All cry me calls are allowed before and after. Lol. I love you.

Her Husband- I'll always do my best.

The Law Student- When you've finally retired and have time to lay on the beach to read this remember, I love you!

The Lumberjack- You...what can I say to you? I go from 90 to nothin without warning. I'm thankful you are the ground I can stand on when I need to.

Nanny Job- Not always ideal hours, but definitely always ideal time to write. Thank you.

Sissy B- I can't thank you enough for being in our family, but I'll damn sure try.

Katniss- All we do is win, win, win no matter what! Haha, just kidding. But I do feel like that's all our friendship is. A win.

The Real Life Erin- It's good to have you back babe.

Throwback- For the laughs, the smiles, and the good times. I can't thank you enough.

Throwback Husband- For the gifts you gave me. Um...you rock, lol.

The PAs- Left and Right brain, you both should know by now there isn't a damn thing I wouldn't do for you.

The Editor- Well, well, well....here we are how many books in? Yeah. It's gonna keep going until....like forever, so hope you still love me cause I know I love you.

Boss Lady- We have come so far in our time together. You've made miracles where I thought dead ends were. You've given me the freedom of expression and to let the crazy boys who won't shut up, never have to. For that I can never thank you enough.

Genie- Your magic will never run out. You know this.

To the writer's I admire- The list changes and grows every day, but here is my special thank you to all of you. You are wonderful.

Dream Team- You ladies are amazing! Thank you for being there. Thank you for the family you've created. Thank you for the trust we can share and the support we all need.

Jamie R.- Lunch with you (and your hubs) was one in a million fantastic. Not just because it gave me a feeling I've been chasing since I was 14, but because you my dear are a beautiful soul. You are adored. You are loved. P.S. Move to Texas, lol

Bloggers- Whether you do blog tours for me or others, whether you just share links or hunt them down, you are amazing. You are the reading world's superheroes. Don't ever forget that.

Readers- Last, but never least. It is because of you, I get to sit behind the keyboard and let the voices have someone to listen to them. I thank you. I appreciate you whether you love or hate my work. Thank YOU for your time. I know it's valuable.

Until next time....

Curious about what happens to the other McCoys?

Wondering about The Devil's death?

Make sure you keep an eye out for The Adrenaline Series Standalones!

Drew McCoy is up first and believe me when I say it's a tale you don't wanna miss!


“UnMask” (Adrenaline Series Standalone)